Does honey watercolor really contain honey?

Hearing in childhood about honey watercolor, which of us did not imagine it tasting. Is it really tasty and is it possible to try it fearlessly for the health of young artists? It is worth understanding the composition and characteristics of these paints.

What it is

The word “watercolor”, which means both paints and the type of painting, is no coincidence that it comes from “aqua”, that is, “water”. Watercolors are plentifully diluted with water, the whole painting by them looks just like this - translucent and as if diluted, but at the same time, the colors are clean and bright. Today, this gentle and very beautiful painting technique is once again popular and in demand among artists, buyers and spectators. Children love her too.

honey watercolor

The basis of watercolor paints is:

  • pigment, that is, the color base - it is as small as possible, with the finest grinding of particles, which gives the ink transparency and allows white paper to shine through and highlight the picture from the inside;
  • pigment binders and plasticizers - they can be synthetic or natural (wax, sugar, resins, honey);
  • antiseptics that protect paints, especially with plant components, from mold.

Obviously, honey is not found in every watercolor and in its composition occupies only a part. However, it is honey paint that is one of the most popular on the market. But honey is not a cheap component, and honey watercolor is one of the most inexpensive and more designed not for artists, but for children. The contradiction is explained simply - often glycerin or potato starch is added to honey watercolors, which replace part of the binder. They are cheaper than honey and crystallize less, but the characteristics of watercolors become worse and poorer. Also, honey is often replaced with even cheaper, for example, synthetic analogues, so when choosing a watercolor for children's creativity, pay attention to more expensive options.

Difference of honey from its other types

Why is honey the most preferred component of paint? The thing is in its property not to allow the paints to dry too quickly. So, professional artists who no longer work with honey watercolor, still add a little honey to the water or paint.

watercolor honey reviews

Paints based on gum arabic rather than honey are considered more professional, but honey is easier to work with, their palette is usually not so wide - only 12-18 colors. However, this is enough for a child or a novice artist.

The difference is the price - honey watercolor is much cheaper than professional, which is important when buying materials for children's creativity.

Is it possible to eat honey watercolor

The question is of concern to many mothers of novice artists. And for good reason: the sweet smell of paint and the inscription on the box “honey” encourages young creators to lick paint or chew on a brush. It seems that there is nothing wrong with this, because the paint is of vegetable origin and is based on honey.

watercolor honey paints

On the one hand, this is so, but in addition to honey, watercolor also has other components. For example, phenol, which has the function of an antiseptic and can be poisoned by it. Synthetic dyes, animal glue, and other additives are not very useful. Therefore, it is better to explain to the child that honey watercolor should not be tried on the tongue.

How to choose honey paints

When choosing paints for a child, you should carefully study the range. Honey watercolor for children's creativity is usually sold in plastic pallets with a transparent lid. Each color has its own cell, and there is usually not much paint in them. But this does not mean that it will not last long, just watercolor requires a strong dilution with water.

watercolor honey 12 colors

A good honey watercolor will not be too soft or, on the contrary, too fragile, it will lie poorly on paper and will not convey the purity of color.

Pay attention to the colors in the box, even when dry they should be bright and clean. The paint will easily be typed onto the brush and transferred to the paper, and when blurred, do not leave fibers and spools and do not penetrate the sheet.

The best brands of honey watercolor

Today, in stores a large number of varied honey watercolors for children. One of the most popular is a honey watercolor of 12 colors “Bee” from the “Gamma” brand. These paints fit well on paper, are easily washed and washed off clothes and tables, give a clean color and have no unpleasant odors. Under the brand name “Gamma”, other versions of honey watercolor are also sold - mother-of-pearl, fluorescent paints in sets of 10, 12, 16 and even 24 colors. The brand is popular and due to its price, paint boxes cost from 16 to 112 rubles.

honey watercolor

No less popular are “Watercolor Honey” paints of the “Ray” brand. They produce not only standard pallets from several shades in plastic or cardboard boxes, but also watercolor sets in the form of a fish, steam train or chamomile. Any kid will like to paint with such paints. The cost of a set is from 20 to 150 rubles, depending on the number of colors.

Another well-known manufacturer who is famous for the quality of his stationery is Erich Krause. In their assortment are sets with different numbers of shades, with and without brushes, as well as with a palette in the kit. There is also a neon watercolor honey. Reviews about the quality are only positive: the paint is well typed on the brush and lays on paper, does not stain clothes and hands, has no smell and is easy to wash.

Buying a good honey watercolor for children's art is not difficult at all, besides it is inexpensive and is perfect for the first samples in painting.

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