Can I charge a laptop from Power Bank? Technique for charging a laptop using a power bank device

Power Bank is a universal portable charger with which you can restore the charge of a smartphone or gadget from anywhere. Thanks to this invention, the problem of restoring the charge of a mobile device is easily solved. Can I charge a laptop from Power Bank? This question still arises among many people. The article will discuss in detail the solution to the problem of the possibility of charging a laptop using a portable Power Bank charger.

Is it possible to charge a laptop from Power Bank

A laptop is a convenient portable device that we can take with us both for work and for traveling. But the problem is directly in the battery charge, the volume of which, at best, lasts for 3-4 hours. When asked if it is possible to charge a laptop from Power Bank, the definitive answer is yes! Technology is improving every year, and now no one will be surprised to create a portable charger (Power Bank), which can offset the lack of a nearby source of electrical power, which solves many problems for a laptop user.

smartphone, laptop, portable charger

It should be noted that not every such device can become your faithful assistant when charging a laptop. For this, the Power Bank must have the necessary characteristics or be specialized in the charge of a laptop. Let's figure out how to charge a laptop through Power Bank.

How to choose a Power Bank for charging a laptop

To understand the question of whether it is possible to charge a laptop from Power Bank, you should make the right choice when buying it. When buying a mobile charger, pay attention to original devices with high-quality batteries from popular manufacturers.

As a rule, low-quality batteries are installed on Chinese fakes. At the same time, the manufacturers of such devices promise the consumer a capacity of 20,000 mAh, but in reality the promised volume available to the user is not observed. Accordingly, the output current on such a device will be low and it will definitely not be enough to charge a laptop. By the way, connecting such a Power Bank to a PC will be very problematic.

portable charger connected to a laptop

The average laptop has a battery with a capacity of 10,000 milliampere-hours, therefore, for the effective use of a portable charger, you need either a similar capacity or a little less. This will allow you to charge your laptop personal computer if not 100 percent, then at least 70-80, which is a pretty good result.

Universal Portable Battery Charge

To charge a laptop from Power Bank, you should know how to "interact" with a portable device. This is an important point to consider before charging a laptop. So, a power bank needs to be charged up to 100 percent before use on a laptop. If the device was recently purchased, it should be fully charged and discharged for optimal battery performance in the future.

If the device has not been charged up to 100 percent, then it makes little sense to try to charge the laptop, because it will be discharged much earlier than the laptop’s battery is full. An exception to this rule will be power banks with a battery capacity of 20,000 mAh or higher.

Required Power Bank specifications for charging a laptop

Often, owners of a portable charger wonder how to charge a laptop using Power Bank. To do this, he must have the characteristics that will be described below.

To charge, the device must have an output voltage of 18 to 20 volts and a rated current of two amperes. These parameters are not available for all portable chargers. As a rule, the exception is Chinese fakes of popular models and manufacturers of power banks.

In order to correctly select a device for charging a laptop, you should pay attention to the following things:

  1. Existence on the case of ports of connection of a USB cable in 1A and 2A. The letter (A) following the number means the amperage that this port gives at the output. They can also be used simultaneously, and the figure, respectively, indicates the number of amperes.
  2. For comfortable operation of the charger and laptop, the power bank must have a storage capacity of at least 10,000 milliampere-hours (mAh).
  3. Included with the Power Bank should be a cable for charging a laptop with a certain size, so pay attention to the components of the adapter: they must be suitable for the device that you want to charge. Otherwise, it will not be possible to connect even a charger that is suitable for all parameters to a laptop.

At the end of the description of the required characteristics of Power Bank for charging a laptop, it is worth noting that there are specialized chargers with all the above characteristics and the required adapters. When choosing a power bank, pay attention to them.

Connect Power Bank to laptop via USB

Many users of the bank believe that this device can be connected to a laptop via a USB cable. This is really possible, but provided that you have the latest USB 3.1 port on your laptop. This type of connection also has another name — Type C.

adapter, power bank, laptop

If your laptop does not have the above connection type, but just USB 2.0 and 3.0, then under no circumstances will you be able to charge your laptop via the USB cable. The reason for this is quite simple: the 2.0 / 3.0 ports have a voltage transfer of only 4.5 volts, for a tablet and a smartphone this power can work, and charging a laptop requires at least 30, and best of all, 50 volts and above.

How to connect the power bank to the laptop correctly

To find out how to connect Power Bank to your laptop, you should take into account the above requirements for the portable battery accessory device and your personal computer, as well as what ports for connecting various devices are available on your laptop.

laptop, adapters, power bank

Based on the foregoing, the question arises: how to connect Power Bank to a portable PC if you are not the owner of a laptop with an available Type C 3.1 port? The answer to this question is as follows: subject to the necessary characteristics of your charger, you need an adapter from a power bank to a connector for charging a laptop.

adapters, power supply

It is unlikely that the adapter you need will be included with the charger - it should be purchased separately. If you have a suitable adapter for the Power Bank laptop, then from port 2A you need to connect it via a cable to the power connector on the laptop.

Laptop charging efficiency with Power Bank

Considering the efficiency of charging a laptop from a portable battery, we can say with confidence that this method is very good. It simplifies the use of a laptop without access to electricity.

laptop, adapter, power bank

Just imagine how nice it is to use a laptop at work or while moving to another city without a power supply. The battery of your laptop plus the capacity of a portable battery is very convenient. This approach will provide you in the process of using a laptop PC about 5-8 hours of operation of the device without connecting to a power source.


So, you got the answer to the question of whether it is possible to charge a laptop from Power Bank. In this article, we found out the required characteristics of a portable charger to recharge a laptop, and also fully understood how to connect a universal charger to a portable personal computer.

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