Infectious hepatitis in dogs: treatment regimen and diagnosis

Viral or infectious hepatitis is a contagious dangerous disease in animals. It can strike almost all species of both wild and domestic individuals. Viral hepatitis in dogs is most commonly found in young animals. Often leads to death. So what causes the disease, is it possible to cure, and how to protect yourself from this scourge? Let's consider in more detail.

Causative agent of infection

hepatitis in dogs

For the first time, the virus researcher Rubort described the signs of this disease. For a long time, the name of the disease sounded the same as its name, today this infection is called "viral hepatitis of dogs."

In the middle of the last century, the pathogen virus was diagnosed already in all European countries and in the USA. In Russia, attention was paid to this disease only in 1953.

The hepatitis virus belongs to the adenovirus family, which causes a range of diseases in both animals and humans. The family is so named for the virus, which was first seen in human adenoids.

Infectious hepatitis in dogs is caused by an adenovirus of the first type. A close relative is the second type of virus, which causes infectious laryngotracheitis. They are similar both in appearance and in the principles of pathogenicity.

The causative agent of infectious hepatitis is able to exist for a long time in the environment outside the host body. At 37 degrees, its survival is three weeks, and at a temperature of 4 degrees (preserving) - up to ten months. The virus is stored for a long time in the feces of the animal, in the summer it can be infectious throughout the entire warm season. Despite such high survival rates, the virus instantly dies when exposed to agents containing chlorine, phenol, formalin, as well as boiling.

Early Stage - Tonsillitis

dog viral hepatitis

Viral hepatitis in dogs is often referred to as puppy disease. Usually young growth is affected up to one year. If an adult animal's immunity is significantly weakened, then it can also quickly become infected. This is observed more often with helminthic invasions. This type of virus does not spread by airborne droplets, it enters the body only if it enters the mucous membrane, for example, through contact with the feces of sick animals. The virus begins to develop in the tissues of the tonsils in the dog, so their inflammation, tonsillitis, is among the very first signs of the disease.

Hepatitis in dogs has tremendous power of pathological effects. Vital activity of the virus leads to the death of healthy cells. Where its concentration is especially high, a focus of inflammation develops. This occurs in all tissues where the virus settles. The effect is called cytopathic.

Penetration into the body

After reaching a certain concentration in the tonsils, the adenovirus penetrates into the immune cells, and then into the lymphatic system. The inflammatory process begins to develop. Of the submandibular and pharyngeal lymph nodes with a blood and lymph flow, the pathogen spreads throughout the body. The main target that infectious dog hepatitis is targeting is the liver, kidneys, lymph nodes, intestines, thymus, and blood vessels. The main symptom is multiple internal hemorrhages. So adenovirus infects small blood vessels, blood begins to pour out. In severe forms of damage in such places, foci of necrosis develop, and these are additional sources of toxins.

Liver suffers more than other organs in viral hepatitis in dogs. The causative agent promotes the degeneration of organ cells into adipose tissue, naturally, it becomes unable to perform its functions. In addition to fat in the liver, necrotic foci are formed, which causes a severe toxic effect. That is why the disease began to be called hepatitis. Symptoms are yellow-green diarrhea, yellow vomiting. The reason is that decay products, including ammonia, are not neutralized by the liver.

The dog’s immune system begins to actively respond to the activity of the virus, and strong antibodies appear on days 5–7. The work of cellular immunity is increasing. And if the animal’s body copes with the disease, then the animal forms a lifelong immunity to viral hepatitis.

dog infectious hepatitis

Two stages of the disease

Dog viral infectious hepatitis usually has two stages in its course. A high mortality rate is observed in young puppies (up to 1 year old). If the animal goes through both of these stages, then most likely the outcome will be successful. The first signs of recovery already indicate that the dog will recover.

- Stage 1. The acute form of the disease. Lightning-fast development of signs of the disease a day after infection. After this, the virus activity decreases.

- 2 stage. Acute form. The second peak of adenovirus activity develops on the 3-5th day of infection. The stage is very difficult, few animals survive. Treatment outside the veterinary clinic makes it possible to survive only 10%, in 90% of cases death occurs.

Today, the acute form of the virus is much less common than in the last century. This is explained by the universal instillation of young animals. Perhaps the adenovirus managed to weaken. On the other hand, veterinarians predict the emergence of a more formidable virus in nature.


The first signs of hepatitis in a dog begin to appear about a week after infection (minimum 3, maximum 12 days). The following picture is noted:

  • The dog lost her appetite.
  • General lethargy, more lies, does not play.
  • A day after lethargy, diarrhea and vomiting of yellow color are revealed.
  • If you examine the pharynx, you can see the swelling of the tonsils - tonsillitis.
  • In severe diseases, a clear fluid flows from the nasal and oral cavities.

signs of hepatitis in a dog

Hepatitis in dogs. Symptoms and treatment

About four days after the onset of these symptoms, secondary symptoms begin to appear. They are very pronounced during exacerbations:

  • The temperature rises to 41 degrees.
  • Frequent shortness of breath, shallow breathing.
  • Palpitations, weak pulse.
  • Vomiting of bile and yellow diarrhea.
  • The urine is brown, dark in color.
  • Jaundice mucous membranes.
  • Breathing becomes fetid with an ammonia odor.
  • Swelling in the chest area.
  • The animal often sits with its head bowed, legs wide apart.
  • Cramps, paralysis, loss of coordination of movement are possible.
  • Dehydration, severe emaciation.

Thus, viral hepatitis appears in dogs. Symptoms and treatment should be known to all dog breeders, this will help save your pet. We note right away that help should be provided by specialists in veterinary clinics. Treatment requires complex patterns of drug use, since almost all internal organs are affected by the virus.

hepatitis in dogs symptoms and treatment

Specificity and treatment regimen

Dog viral hepatitis has a specific treatment. It is relevant only for this disease. Hyperimmune serum against hepatitis Adenovirus is used. The medicine is obtained from the blood of dogs with viral hepatitis. Only in this way can antibodies to this virus be obtained. If you have hepatitis in dogs in the early stages, treatment should be started immediately. Turning to the veterinarian gives you a chance to save your pet.

After the appointment of therapy in a complex according to the scheme you will be recommended:

  • Immunostimulants.
  • Hepatoprotectors to protect the liver.
  • Many vitamins, especially water-soluble group B.
  • Means for restoring the water-salt balance. Glucose, glutamic acid.
  • With edema - diuretics.
  • To prevent bacterial infections - antibiotics.
  • Antidiarrheal and antiemetic drugs.
  • In the diet of the dog should be included more vitamins, carbohydrates, trace elements. Excluded proteins.


Viral hepatitis in dogs, whose symptoms are very severe, is a dangerous disease that threatens the lives of pets. That is why all dog breeders should remember the timely vaccination of animals. In veterinary clinics and pharmacies, vaccines are available to everyone; it will not be difficult to purchase them. One bottle can protect a dog from several viruses at once. There are many varieties of the drug, consult with a veterinarian which is best to get.

The age of vaccination is mainly from two months, it is then that the puppies lose their immunity, which they receive with their mother’s milk.

If viral hepatitis is detected in dogs in your area of ​​residence, an injection of treatment serum can be given for prevention. Even if the animal gets sick, the disease will pass in a milder form.

When walking, avoid contact with the feces of other dogs. The virus is not transmitted through the air.

If a dog died of viral hepatitis in your home, thoroughly disinfect all surfaces.

hepatitis in dogs symptoms

Chronic hepatitis in dogs

In addition to the viral, other forms of hepatitis can develop in the animal. They are not so life-threatening, but also dramatically undermine the health of the pet. So if you have a dog in your house, then it is better to know about these diseases.

What are the features of chronic hepatitis in dogs? Long-term liver diseases lead to the accumulation of inflamed cells, and then to fibrosis. This syndrome has many causes and is often found in dogs. Often, chronic hepatitis is called a disease of Dobermans, cocker spaniels. This disease is not independent, but can develop due to various damaging factors. This can be a viral hepatitis, leptospirosis, severe poisoning, immune-mediated causes, allergic reactions, medication, that is, any active negative effect on the liver. If you find signs of hepatitis in the dog, immediately go to the veterinary clinic for an examination. The correct diagnosis made by the veterinarian and timely treatment will not give the disease a severe form.

Predisposition to chronic hepatitis

Natural and genetic predisposition to chronic hepatitis is observed in the following animal breeds:

  • West Highland White Terrier;
  • bedlington terrier;
  • Doberman
  • Labrador retriever;
  • Cocker Spaniel;
  • standard poodle;
  • Doberman Pinscher;
  • bedlington terrier;
  • sky terrier.

The average age of sick dogs is 6 years (range - from 2 to 10 years). In bitches, the incidence is higher.

If chronic hepatitis in dogs is suspected, the symptoms are usually as follows:

  • Loss of appetite, anorexia.
  • Weight loss.
  • Drowsiness, lethargy.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Vomiting
  • Polydipsia and polyuria. The dog drinks a lot of fluid and urinates.
  • Jaundice.
  • Dropsy of the abdomen.
  • Hepatic encephalopathy.

chronic hepatitis in dogs

Acute parenchymal hepatitis

Parenchymal acute hepatitis in a dog is an inflammatory process in the stroma of the liver, which is accompanied by fatty, granular degenerations, often a necrobiotic change in the parenchyma. Rarely is a primary disease, often secondarily with gastritis, enteritis poisoning, infections. Liver functions are violated, carbohydrate, protein, fat metabolism changes, barrier function is disrupted, intoxication of the body occurs.

The liver increases in volume, its edges are rounded, the vessels are full of blood. The organ is colored unevenly red-yellow.

Signs of an animal disease include:

  • lack of appetite;
  • depressed state;
  • temperature rise;
  • alternately constipation and diarrhea;
  • icteric mucous membranes;
  • an increase in urine of bilirubin;
  • soreness in the liver during palpation.

A frequent complication of hepatitis is liver cirrhosis. Timely taken medical measures will save your pet.

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