Nothing brings a woman so much happiness and joyful emotions as motherhood. Seeing the first smile of your baby, rejoicing at his most insignificant successes, always being there - that’s it, true happiness for the keeper of the hearth. However, motherhood brings many new concerns. Often, at the first stage of a child’s life, these problems are associated with malfunctions in his health and nutrition. Sometimes breastfeeding is not so simple. Even if the baby eats well, often a woman has a different kind of problem: there is too much milk. As a result, there is a need to express it. Also, this need arises when mom for a short time leaves the little one and she needs to make small stocks of milk.
Choosing the right device to make this process comfortable and less tiring is not easy. In a variety of devices for suctioning milk, you must be able to properly navigate. Nowadays, the Pigeon breast pump is popular. Reviews about it should be considered separately. How comfortable is it to use? Should I spend my money on this device? What do consumers say about this breast pump? We will discuss all these issues in more detail later in the article.
Types of breast pumps
In order to choose the right breast pump for yourself, you need to learn to understand the variety of such a product. After all, these devices differ not only in the brand of the manufacturer, but also in key characteristics. The first type of equipment that we describe is pump-action. They are designed to express milk extremely rarely. The device is not suitable for daily use. It can be traumatic for the female breast, as it does not mimic the sucking reflex in any way. Its only advantage is considered low cost.
The most affordable reviews are called piston breast pumps. Their advantage is that these devices are easily disassembled. Every detail can be sterilized. This will ensure safety for the child. This unit is lightweight, mobile, does not create any noise during operation. However, in the process of decantation, both hands will have to be used. In addition, the wear resistance of the parts of the apparatus is rather weak.
The most convenient for young mothers consider electric breast pumps. Thanks to them, it is possible to pump out both breasts at the same time. Moreover, a woman will not have to make any effort to do this. So, this procedure will give her the opportunity to relax a bit. Similar devices can work both from the built-in accumulator, and from an electric network. However, their use nevertheless causes some inconvenience. For example, such a breast pump makes a fairly loud noise. Also, not all models can be used without a network connection, so their mobility is severely limited. Not all components of the device can be removed and thoroughly disinfected. Moreover, the cost of electric breast pumps is prohibitive.
The last type of breast pumps is electronic. However, for home use, they are not the best option. Most often, such devices are used in medical institutions (clinics and maternity hospitals).
Advantages of the Pigeon
The breast pump of this brand has undeniable advantages. According to reviews, the device has the following advantages:
- Ease of use (hand does not get tired).
- Excellent, comfortable suction to the chest.
- Reasonable value for money.
- Clear and useful instructions for use that contain general pumping tips.
What is included in the Pigeon kit? A breast pump, a pacifier for babies (its size is SS), a bottle, the volume of which is one hundred and sixty milliliters, are the main components of the product. The device is made of high quality silicone and plastic, which does not emit any toxic substances in breast milk. That is why you can use it without fear. In general, the mass of the device is about five hundred grams. Pigeon (breast pump) is made in Japan, which in itself is a kind of quality guarantee.
According to reviews, the Pigeon device is a breast pump, which is one of the most preferred for use. Its characteristics make this unit an incredibly high-quality device. Its noiselessness and ease of use are very popular with customers. In order to learn how to freely use Pigeon, a manual or electric breast pump, it does not take much time. Every mommy can do it intuitively the first time. The functions that the Pigeon manual breast pump has will allow you to adjust the frequency and intensity of pumping. This can be done by controlling the force with which a special handle is pressed.
The funnel, which directly contacts the female breast, is made of incredibly soft silicone of a unique shape. It serves as a defense, avoids any discomfort and pain. This helps to increase the speed of decantation of milk, as well as increase its quantity. The Pigeon breast pump (manual) reviews are recommended to be used both as a permanent device for pumping, and for the periodic implementation of this procedure. It is also convenient to use it if the mother has to leave the child for some time.
With the help of the apparatus in question, a woman can, at any necessary time, express milk during separation with a baby or make small supplies. This will help the bottle, which, among other things, is included with the breast pump. It is equipped with a comfortable nipple, safe to use. The material from which it is made is silicone without taste or smell. In general, all materials used in the manufacture of the kit are safe for the child. They do not contain harmful chemical components and do not emit toxic substances. A useful feature that, according to reviews, Pigeon (a manual breast pump) has, is the ability to control the load that is on the chest. So already tired woman will not get tired even more.
Pigeon (breast pump) can be microwave sterilized. It is also possible to clean the appliance in the dishwasher.
Some customers complained that the skin of their breasts was somewhat injured by Pigeon - a breast pump. They reported cracks. Others have reported pain during pumping. It was simply uncomfortable for someone to hold the device in their hands during the procedure.
How to get?
Reviews recommend buying Pigeon breast pump (electric) on the websites of individual online stores that do not overstate the cost of their goods. Their assortment allows you to choose the right model for any mom.
The cost of the milk pumps of the manufacturer in question ranges from three to ten thousand rubles, depending on the type of device and its individual characteristics. The price, for example, is affected by the fact that you purchase a manual or electric device.
When choosing a suitable device for sucking milk, you should pay attention to the reviews of those women who have been using it for some time. They, unlike handouts, contain true information about devices of this type. They reflect both the real positive aspects of using the device, as well as its shortcomings, because of which its use can become a problem and cause serious discomfort.
It is known that the biggest inconvenience during this process to mothers is pain. That is why it is important to responsibly select a device such as a breast pump. Pigeon (electric) reviews are called, on the contrary, incredibly comfortable to use. This is facilitated by the extremely soft silicone of which the funnel is made. It fits tightly and gently to the chest, without squeezing it too much. However, some still had cracks on the skin. This may be due to the general poor condition of the epidermis, individual inability to express milk, or too much intensity of the procedure. Since the last parameter in the breast pumps of the manufacturer in question is easy to control, then avoiding this problem will also be quite simple.
An important feature that customers appreciate is the ability to completely disassemble the device and disinfect every part of it, preventing pathogenic or conditionally pathogenic organisms from getting into milk, therefore, into the baby’s body. Such care for the breast pump is an important element in caring for the baby's health. The first year of life is the most responsible in the formation of the immunity of the child. Therefore, it is imperative that he receive breast milk for a sufficient time. It is necessary that any devices that come into contact with it outside the mother’s body are of the highest quality and most sterile. Take care of your children!