Body temperature in an infant: what to do if it is elevated?

In infants, often after birth, the temperature rises to 37 degrees. Young mothers are sometimes lost and do not know what to do if the temperature of the body of an infant has risen . How to lower it? What medicines to give crumbs? All these questions that have arisen in parents simply do not give them rest. If the baby’s body temperature is above normal, then a disease or a cold may have started.

body temperature in an infant

How to measure the temperature of the baby?

In the medicine cabinet it is always necessary to keep several types of thermometers:

  • Thermometer mercury for measuring the temperature under the arm. It is necessary to take the baby in his arms, put a thermometer under his arm and sit with the child for 5-7 minutes.
  • Electronic thermometer for anal temperature measurement. Within a minute, such a thermometer will show you what the body temperature of a baby is. It beeps to indicate that the temperature has been measured.
  • Recently, a novelty has appeared in pharmacies - temperature strips. Such a strip should be put on the baby's forehead. It is very convenient, especially if you need to find out what the temperature of the child’s body is (parents need to be especially careful about 1 month of their child’s life).
    baby's body temperature 1 month

  • Temperature can be measured using a special nipple thermometer. This is a good option for moving babies tied to a dummy. Such dummies can very accurately show what the temperature of the child’s body is up to a year.
  • Ear infrared thermometers are very popular now. In just a few seconds, you can find out the baby’s temperature by placing the thermometer in the baby’s ear.

The first signs of fever:

  • the child is moody and restless;
  • the baby is thirsty;
  • dry mucous membranes;
  • rapid panting;
  • reddened cheeks and eyes;
  • the baby is sweating.

Elevated body temperature in an infant: what should be done?

Toddlers tolerate heat a little easier than adults. When she rose to 37.5, and the baby is not capricious, then it is not necessary to bring down the temperature . But in any case, you need to call a doctor at home. Before the doctor arrives, you can help the child cope with the disease, add a little vinegar to the water and wipe the baby with this solution, immediately cover it with a diaper, and put a compress on the forehead. So that the baby does not have dehydration, it is necessary to give him more often to drink some water, compote, tea or fruit drink. If the child has sweated, it is necessary to change his clothes into dry clothes.

baby's body temperature up to a year

Also, do not forget to air the room 2 times a day. At very high temperatures, the baby needs to be given antipyretic drugs. Most often, these are drugs "Paracetamol", "Ibuprofen", "Panadol". For infants, there are drugs in the form of syrups and suspensions, as well as candles. After suppositories, the temperature drops much faster due to the instant absorption of the drug into the rectum. But remember that antipyretic drugs are appropriate only at temperatures above 38 and only as directed by the doctor. When the child’s legs and arms warmed, the process of lowering the temperature began.

Causes of fever

There can be many reasons for this. First of all, this is a viral infection (ARVI). It can also be various infectious diseases and teething. If the baby is restless and naughty, you need to take him in his arms and shake, swear around the room so that he falls asleep. Give your baby more attention so that he feels your care and love.

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