As you know, the brain and central nervous system as a whole control not only all the processes taking place in the human body, but also the human movements. However, there is a group of people who do not have the ability to fully control their movements, as they have Parkinson's disease . This disease is caused by a decrease in the level of one of the chemicals in the human brain that is responsible for motor functions. This substance is not produced in sufficient quantities due to the death of brain nerve cells, which are a source of dopamine. Why do nerve cells die, to date, it is not established with accuracy.
More than two hundred years ago, medicine learned about a phenomenon such as Parkinson's disease, the causes of its occurrence are unknown to this day. Moreover, this disease is prone to development, and can provoke the occurrence of dementia. So, more than 30% of people with this disease suffer from dementia, which is expressed in slowing down thinking processes, impaired memory and inability to focus. The reasons for this may be a low standard of living and lack of patient care. The disease begins to manifest with muscle trembling, increased muscle tone, slowed movements and loss of balance, and impaired articulation. As for the late stages of the development of the disease, it should be noted that patients begin to quickly lose weight, as the process of swallowing is disturbed, respiratory disorders also occur, and with immobility over a long period of time, deaths can be observed.
Today, Parkinson's disease has several varieties:
- primary parkinsonism, called idiopathic parkinsonism;
- Secondary parkinsonism, which includes vascular, post-traumatic and other types of disease;
- Parkinson's syndrome, observed in the presence of hereditary diseases of the nervous system.
According to some medical studies, a low percentage of people with Parkinson's disease have close relatives who suffer from the same disease. However, when considering Parkinson's disease, a description of the symptoms is present in those families in which several of its members are ill at the same time. Thus, it has not yet been possible to establish a connection between the development of the disease and heredity.
Considering cases of the development of Parkinson’s syndrome, it was found by medicine that most often the disease manifests itself at the age of about fifty, after sixty years the disease is observed in 1% of people, at the age of more than eighty years - in 4%, 10% of patients are people under the age of forty years. Parkinson's disease can also progress in childhood, but, unlike adults, it is slow in children and has classic symptoms. It can be noted that this disease does not depend on a person’s gender, his social status and place of residence.
When a diagnosis is made, like Parkinson’s disease, doctors conduct clinical observations of the patient, since to date, medicine has not developed any tests that can establish this disease. Moreover, there are no medications that can cure such a disease, there are only medications that only ease the course of the disease, and such treatment must be adhered to all your life in order to prevent new manifestations of symptoms.
Thus, at present, there are many diseases that cannot be treated and the causes of their occurrence are not known to science. Among these diseases, Parkinson's syndrome is distinguished, characterized by impaired movement due to the death of nerve cells in the brain. Perhaps someday science will be able to explain this phenomenon, but today patients can only use drugs to reduce the manifestation of the symptoms of the disease.