Pregnancy pills must be used correctly

According to existing statistics, about 7% of all women who are of childbearing age are currently taking anti-pregnancy pills. But more and more often questions arise about their safety for the whole organism as a whole.

Unfortunately, all anti-pregnancy pills are based on the action of hormonal drugs, and therefore many women are often afraid to take these drugs. At the heart of such funds are artificially synthesized hormones - estrogen and progesterone. Although there is an opinion that these hormones are harmful to health, there is no scientific confirmation of this yet, and the destructive effect of such drugs on the reproductive system has not been proved. Despite this, more and more women are taking anti-pregnancy pills. The most popular are pencrofton and mifepristone.

Contraceptive action

This category of contraceptives has an effect on the internal genital organs of women. Hormones, once in the body, begin to stop the maturation of follicles, stop the process of ovulation and create a barrier to the sperm at its destination. Performing such functions, anti-pregnancy pills reduce the probability of the sperm reaching the egg cell practically to zero.

Side effects

Like all medications, pregnancy pills also have their side effects. Medicines, which include estrogen, are aimed at deceiving the woman's body, creating a sense of an existing pregnancy in him, and therefore new fertilization becomes impossible. Such drugs can cause nausea, vomiting, increased mucus from the vagina, irritability and depression, bloating, as well as pulling pains in the lower abdomen, dizziness and headaches, and increased sensitivity of the mammary glands.

Medicines, which include gestagen, on the contrary suppress all the reproductive functions of women. When they are taken, egg cells are blocked, and therefore there is no ovulation. With prolonged use, these drugs can cause weight gain, acne and acne may appear, women’s sexual desire can decrease significantly, the formation of vaginal lubrication can be reduced to the point that it disappears completely, and manifestations of depression, increased irritability, and psychological disorders are also possible.

But do not be afraid of a strong weight gain if you are taking pregnancy pills, which include gestagen. In modern preparations, it contains a minimal amount, and if the weight does increase, then by several kilograms, and this will be almost imperceptible. If there is estrogen in the composition of the tablets, then there will be no problems with the appearance of excess weight.

Although all of these drugs are available without a prescription, you must consult a specialist before using them. For each woman, the dosage of such drugs should be individual, and in the presence of chronic diseases (any tumors of the genitals and mammary glands, venous thromboembolism, disorders of the cardiovascular system, chronic hypertension, migraine, with irregular menstrual cycles, when severe bleeding is present) their reception is generally prohibited.

As already mentioned, any contraceptive should be taken only after examination and consultation with a doctor. Even if you decide to take Chinese abortion pills.

It is the use of pills to terminate pregnancy that can lead to the death of a woman. This is due to the fact that not everyone knows how to conduct a medical abortion, so they may miss the onset of severe bleeding. The use of such drugs should be carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.

If unprotected intercourse occurred, this could happen due to the fact that you did not take a birth control pill or did not use a condom, pregnancy pills after the act will come to the rescue. They must be taken within 3 days after the end of the act. It can be 2 tablets of sterilyl or tetraginone or 1 tablet to the left, the procedure is repeated after 12 hours.

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