Option button on Mac and other pitfalls of the Apple keyboard

Historically, in the technology world there are two main desktop operating systems, which, having much in common, differ in different details. They must be taken into account when choosing one or another system.

Apple computers are less popular, so their features are rightly considered incomprehensible and strange. One of the most difficult aspects is working with the keyboard. Each user who first opened the cover of the new MacBook, after a long and happy life on Windows, is faced with the fact that the standard text input tool does not work like it does in Windows.

, Google , : « macOS?»; « Option Mac?». «» .

Option button on Mac

- («», )

, , , TouchBar, «» .

Windows, Mac : «», «», « ». Control Command, . :


"" PC, Control





Caps Lock

( ), -,

Where is the Option button on Mac

Option Mac:

, Option - , Alt, , Microsoft. , , . , , Option , .

, Option Mac . . Option , :

  • Option , , , .
  • F1-F12 , Option.
  • Windows Option ( «»).
    What the Option Button Looks Like on a Mac

, , Mac ( Option ) – . , Apple , « ». , , , . , , .


  • ;
  • «»;
  • - « »;
  • « ». , Windows, .

. Option, , . , .

Option button on Mac keyboard

, , «», – Shft + Alt Shift + Ctrl . , Apple , . , Punto Switcher «», .

In general, it’s worthwhile to understand that, despite all the charms of the Apple world, certain difficulties cannot be avoided even though they arise due to our own habits. Someone probably will not want or cannot overcome himself, because of which he will again return to the good old PC. And if the enthusiasm does not fade away, it will soon become clear that all these changes are only beneficial: the keyboard shortcuts are more logical, and the Option button on the Mac is much more advanced and functional than its Windows counterpart.

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