How to feed amadins? Description and features of bird keeping

Amadins are small songbirds remotely resembling sparrows. But, unlike the latter, they have a bright colorful plumage. These birds are very friendly to humans, so they are often bred as pets. After reading today's publication, you will learn how to feed Amadins and how to care for them.

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It should be noted that these birds are included in the family of finch weavers. In the wild, they can often be found in Australia and Africa. Some species inhabit certain regions of South Asia. Small birds feel equally comfortable both in open areas and in dense forest thickets.

how to feed amadins

Those who want to understand how to feed the Amadins will be interested in the fact that the body length of these cheerful and moving birds is about ten centimeters. These birds have a thick arched, seemingly transparent, beak. By its color, you can establish the approximate age and gender of a particular individual. In young animals, it is painted black, in females - in orange, and in males - in a rich coral shade.

The body of the Amadins is covered with colorful, dense and unusually beautiful plumage. Often it is painted immediately in five or more colors. By the shade of feathers, you can determine the homeland of a particular individual. So, birds, inhabiting temperate latitudes, are painted in brown, white or fawn. Birds that live in the tropics have a brighter color. Among them, yellow, violet, green, blue, black and red specimens are often found.

Existing diversity

Those who want to understand how to feed the amadins at home, need to remember that in nature there are more than thirty species of these birds. These amazing birds easily breed in captivity, so they are very popular among fans of feathered pets.

how to feed amadines at home

The most common are zebra, Japanese, and rice amadines. By the way, the latter are considered the largest of all relatives. Usually the average length of their body is about fifteen centimeters. The homeland of these "giants" are the islands of Bali and Java. From the name itself, it becomes clear that representatives of this species living in the wild prefer to settle closer to rice plantations.

As for the Japanese Amadins, they are distinguished by a fairly calm and balanced disposition. It should be noted that they get along perfectly in the same cage with the rest of their relatives.

Care Tips

Those who do not know how to feed Amadina chicks need to remember that these are very active birds. They are almost constantly in motion, so they must be kept in a fairly spacious cage in which they can move freely. If possible, they should be housed in aviaries.

how to feed amadina chicks

It is important that the cell has everything that is needed for a normal life. Drinking bowls, feeders and perches should be placed in it. By the way, the latter should be made of soft wood.

It is important that the enclosure or cage is kept clean. Every month, the house in which the Amadins live, must be disinfected. Otherwise, ticks and other bird parasites may appear there.

How to feed amadins?

The diet of these birds should be quite diverse. It must have a grain mixture. Experts recommend giving them corn, rice, barley, buckwheat and millet porridge. And all of them should be welded exclusively on water.

Those who are interested in how to feed amadins should remember that in order to avoid the development of vitamin deficiency and other diseases, low-fat cottage cheese and eggs should be included in the diet of birds. It is also desirable to diversify their menu with sprouted grain and sunflower seeds. From vegetables, they willingly eat cucumbers.

what can feed amadins

In addition to everything else, it is important to give feathered mineral fertilizers. It can be eggshell, shell rock, pebbles and sand. The absence of these components often causes the development of diseases.

How to feed the amadins, in which the chicks appeared?

By and large, the diet of such females is not very different from the standard menu. During this period, they enjoy treating themselves with fruits and herbs. Therefore, they need to give dandelions, nettles, plantain, carrots, pears and apples.

The main feature of the diet of lactating females is the increased need for calcium. This problem is easily solved with the help of special additives. During this period, birds can be offered crushed eggshells or crushed chalk. In addition, food of animal origin should be included in their menu. It can be cottage cheese, boiled minced meat, pipe makers, bloodworms and egg yolk. Like other individuals, they are strictly forbidden to give onions and dill.

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