How to teach a dog teams at home? Dog Training Basics

There is an opinion that a dog that does not take part in exhibitions and competitions does not make sense to train. This opinion is erroneous. A naughty dog ​​of both small and large breed causes a lot of inconvenience to both its owner and others. In order for the dog to understand its owner and, therefore, instantly obey it, it is necessary to train it. In addition, during training lessons, a person and a dog learn to understand each other and become real friends.

how to teach a dog commands

When to start

Teams need to start training from the very first days of the appearance of the pet in the house. Puppies are more susceptible to new information and extremely curious. They remember commands easier and faster than adult dogs. But not all teams can teach a baby. With the implementation of some, it is worthwhile to wait until 6, or even 10 months.

If it is decided to take an adult dog into the house, then it can also be trained in teams. It will be somewhat problematic, but quite real. The owner will just need more zeal.

Dog training: where to start

You must immediately tune in to what will be very difficult. A beginner trainer will need considerable patience and, of course, perseverance.

If the owner decided to train his pet, but for some reason does not want to train him with a professional dog handler, then a problem arises: how to teach a dog teams at home? The first lessons, of course, will be the most difficult, because the dog will not yet understand what is required of it.

The first lessons should not last longer than ten minutes, but they should be done several times a day. You should begin each new lesson with a repetition of the past.

how to teach a dog teams at home

Fundamental rules

Before the lesson, the dog can play with the dog, let it run and frolic. But the dog should not be tired! There is no point in training after the dog has eaten. Also, do not teach your dog late in the evening before going to bed. At such a time, she will be sleepy, lazy and not prone to any manifestations of activity.

You need to deal with your pet every day, consolidating what you have learned and learning new things.

You cannot scold and punish a pet for misunderstanding and disobedience! You can only say something reproachful to him in a stern voice. After all, how to teach a dog teams differently than in a fun way? The dog needs to be carried away and interested, but not forced.

If the dog has not responded to the command, then do not repeat it more than 1-2 times: he will become accustomed to the fact that the command can be executed not the first time.

After each successful execution of a dog’s command, one must vigorously express his joy and praise a quick-witted pet.

Student Encouragement

If the owner enjoys the training, then the pet, feeling his mood, will try to please him. Praise the dog must have a delicious meal, game or walk.

The owner’s joy, delicacy and stroking of the head will give the dog an understanding that it is behaving correctly. You can not praise a dog with a delay during which she has already managed to perform an action that is not related to the team.

You can use the clicker - a small trinket that makes a quiet clicking sound. First you need to train the dog to click (give a treat with each click). Over time, a click should replace a treat, and the dog, having already connected the clicking with pleasant emotions, will perceive it as an encouragement.

how to teach a dog a command to lie


Teach your dog commands, as a rule, using tips. For example, before starting a workout, you can cling to your belt a bag with your favorite dog treat. You can pick up a dog toy that will be associated with a specific team or with training in general. When the dog remembers and learns the commands, the need for tips will disappear.


The first and most important command for the dog is its own nickname. The nickname must be pronounced clearly and not distort! As soon as the puppy appears in the house, you must constantly repeat his name, referring to him.

However, you should not start any other commands with the dog’s nickname, because after that she will not perceive them without mentioning her name in front of them.

"To me!"

This team is very important for the safety of the dog. Perhaps she will save her life more than once. When she hears "Come to me!" She must immediately run to the owner. If the dog is not taught this command, then it is strictly forbidden to let go of the leash during a walk!

To teach a pet the command “Come to me!”, You need to put on a long leash on it, and then, loudly and distinctly commanding, pull it to yourself and give a treat. Repeat several times. When the pet understands what to do, the distance needs to be increased.

Since there are various methods of dog training, you can build training for this team in a slightly different way. First say the command when the dog is already rushing to the owner. Later, you need to use a treat for his attraction. Each time, the distance between the owner and the dog must be increased.

The team must be pronounced calmly and firmly. In no case should you use it if, having suspected the dog, they are going to scold him or do with him what he does not like (for example, to cut or bathe).


This team is also considered one of the main. It is used to stop the dog. Without the knowledge of this team, it is also quite risky to let it go off the leash.

For the first time this command should be pronounced when the dog starts to sit down. After several repetitions, proceed to the next step. This team is for dogs with hand gestures. It is necessary to hold the dog’s delicacy with your fingers and, stretching out your hand forward, show it to the dog, saying “Sit!”. Of course, the dog will jump and spin, wanting to take possession of the treat. At the same time, the owner should stand without moving. When the dog is tired of jumping, he will sit near the owner, looking at the owner. The command is complete! The owner praises the student.


How to teach a dog a team? When playing with a dog, you must tease it with a toy or a bone. Then you should run your hand over the obstacle (chair, pillow, etc.), urging her to jump over it. When the dog jumps, you must say: "Barrier!".

dog training methods

Dog on a leash

Leash training is an important skill for the dog. You need to teach your puppy a leash before going out, walking around the apartment 2-3 times a day for several minutes. You must not let him pull yourself! If he rushes in the wrong direction, you should pull the leash a couple of times briefly and not very much. This should serve as a signal to him for obedience, and not for coercion.


This command should be pronounced for the first time when the dog barks. The first time the dog needs to be provoked, annoying with something. After - try to make him bark at the command.

You can go the other way. The owner should hold some very delicious treat on his outstretched arm. The pet, of course, will begin to bark, demanding a treat. The owner joyfully praises him.

“Lie down!”

When the pet has mastered the “Sit!” Command, one may ask the following question: how to teach a dog the “Lie!” Command?

Having said the command in a strict voice, you need to gently press the dog with the left hand on the withers, and with the right hand gradually pull the front legs of the dog forward, laying him in the “reclining” position. The dog is forced to lie down. Now we need to keep her in this position for at least a few moments. If she tries to jump in, still hold and repeat the command. To teach a dog the command to “Lie!”, As a rule, the owner needs to show considerable patience.


It’s best to train your dog in puppyhood. Hearing the word "Give!", The puppy must give any, even very important thing for him (a toy, a bowl). Teaching this team is not so difficult. When the puppy picks up a toy, the owner needs to carefully, but persistently pick it up, repeating the command. When the pet gives the toy, it must be praised and given the toy back.

After a while, the puppy will calmly give the owner back the thing. Then you should give the toy back later.


This team is already more complex. How to teach a dog to execute a command? Say a command and put a toy in the jaws of the pet. Then say: "Give!", Picking up the toy. When the team is mastered by the dog, you can put the toy farther and farther, and then drop it.

There is a high probability that, having found himself outside the home or the usual site for dog training, the dog will make mistakes in well-studied teams. This is normal, because he is surrounded by unfamiliar sounds and smells, which confuse him. The owner must be patient!

dog training ground


Hearing this word, the dog must immediately abandon any action initiated by it. You can train this team with a leash. Putting a leash on the dog, you need to find an object that will interest her (bone, toy, sausage). Now take the dog a short distance from this item. The pet will struggle to reach him, but the owner, clearly saying the command “Fu!”, Must persistently pull the dog by the leash to him.

Do not pull the leash too sharply, as the dog will be hurt. Also do not shout loudly. Do not forget that the basis of dog training is mutual pleasure from classes, trust and a good mood.

Do not abuse this command, because in this case the dog’s life will turn into a series of prohibitions. This may result in him ceasing to obey and take this command seriously. When the dog has mastered this command, the owner should apply it reasonably and essentially.


The owner must remember that, when teaching this team, the dog should be near his left leg.

And again, you can not do without a leash. Having made it very short, you need to move forward, repeating the command. The dog, of course, will try to step aside, but nothing will come of it. Feeling inconvenient, he will be forced to walk alongside.

But you do not need to drive the dog all the time on a short leash. She must voluntarily walk alongside. Therefore, with each training, the leash must be loosened. Otherwise, she will develop the habit of pulling the owner during the walk.

"A place!"

The dog must be clearly aware of its place. Usually this command is used in cases where the dog behaves badly or interferes.

You need to choose the place that will be considered a dog. To lure a dog there, you need to show him a treat while in this place. When he comes up, you should give him a treat and say a command.


A very necessary team. It is used quite often. This team needs to be taught a dog no earlier than 7 months, since training it requires attention from the pet.

Having ordered, you need to raise, holding the belly, a sitting dog. Hold for a few seconds in this position. Then let go and praise.

“Take a walk!”

This team is needed to change the activities of the dog. This command to teach a dog, as a rule, is not difficult. You need to pronounce it and show with your hand the direction in which the dog should move. If in breaks between training other teams say: “Take a walk!”, Then the dog himself will figure out what this word means to him. Therefore, to teach him this team separately is not necessary.

“Give me a paw!”

The command is optional but useful. In addition, the performance of her pets looks very cute. This command will help a lot when washing paws and cutting nails. In a training lesson, a dog is quite possible to teach her.

You need to hold a treat in your hand and seat the dog in front of you. She will try to get a treat with her tongue, and then with her paw. At this moment, you need to pronounce the command and hold the paw in your hand for a few moments. Give praise and give a treat.

dog training basics


The team is more needed for large dogs that can really protect their master. Although it is better perceived by dogs of small breeds because of their aggressiveness. This team needs to be taught only the dog that has already learned the other necessary commands well. That is, the animal must be manageable and obedient, because the next skill is quite dangerous. You can’t train an unbalanced and nervous dog to such a team!

It is best to teach a pet this team in 9-10 months. The presence of a professional is desirable.

The owner should be dressed in thick special clothing so that the dog does not inadvertently injure him.

The dog must be tied, the owner - to stand at such a distance at which the dog can reach him. You should tease the dog with a stick, toy or rag. He will throw himself at an annoying object and grab it. To praise.


This trick applies to unusual dog teams. If the owner wants to create a real artist from his favorite pet, then, naturally, he will need to teach the pet many different teams and tricks.

Again, you need a leash. It should be given to the dog to smell the delicacy and put it in front of him. So that the dog does not make a sharp jerk, you need to step on the leash and not let go. Then, having ordered, hold the delicacy with your lips and lean towards the dog.


How to teach a dog a team at home? The owner of a piece of goodies should "draw" a circle in the air above the head of a sitting dog. The width of the circle should be such that the dog can turn in all directions. The dog will wait in vain for the owner to give her a tidbit. Then she will stand on her hind legs. Fine! The owner utters a command and continues to “draw” a circle. The dog will have to spin, not taking his eyes off the goodies. Done!

dog training lessons


What are the teams for dogs that are characteristic mainly for circus animals, but who really want to teach a cute pet? One of these teams is “Bow!”. The dog performing this command should stand on its hind legs and lie on its forepaws.

It is necessary to step on the leash with your left foot, at this time with your right hand to take the treat away from the dog’s nose in a forward-downward direction. The owner must provoke the pet to lie down. When he, lying down, began to stretch his forepaws, you should stick your left hand under the dog’s stomach and so restrain his forward movement. At this time, the owner utters a command.


A trained dog is an undeniable reason for the pride of its owner. Dogs of large breeds that are planned for the role of guards or hunters are especially in need of training. Of course, dangerous teams (for example, “Alien!”) Independently train a dog is unsafe not only for the owner, but for all households. It is better to entrust training to such teams to professional dog handlers. And the owner can teach the future formidable watchman the necessary basic commands.

Dog training does not require too much time, especially at first. The owner should not be lazy, because in his interests to raise a smart and obedient pet, which will never become a burden in any life situation. A well-bred dog can be taken on a visit, on a trip, on a date, on an excursion, on a walk along the central streets of the city, without fear of unpleasant surprises. The owner should remember: there are no stupid dogs, but there are uneducated ones.

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