How to sleep on a pillow for pregnant women: tips

With the onset of pregnancy, many women begin to experience discomfort during sleep, which is why they cannot sleep well. In the first trimester, a future mother is accompanied by a persistent desire to sleep throughout the day. This condition is due to hormonal changes in the body, preparing to bear a baby. With the onset of the second and third phases of pregnancy, rest is required even more, and the level of his comfort directly affects both the physical and psychological state of the expectant mother and her baby.

how to sleep on a pillow for pregnant women

Being in a state of pregnancy, a woman does not always manage to find a comfortable body position, which often causes poor sleep and even complete insomnia. But today there is an excellent solution that will help pregnant women overcome discomfort during sleep and rest and get maximum relaxation. This happy decision was the use of special pillows for pregnant women. These soft and comfortable pillows can be used not only for sleeping or relaxing, but also put them under the back, legs, neck in order to reduce the load on them, as well as use while feeding the baby or playing with him. But the main purpose of such a pillow is to provide a comfortable and healthy sleep for a future mother. However, to achieve maximum relaxation, you must know how to sleep on a pillow for pregnant women correctly.

Why do I need a special pillow for girls in position

A pillow for pregnant women is used at a time when the stomach begins to grow, and its size begins to seriously prevent a woman from taking a comfortable position during sleep. The pillow for pregnant women, with all its softness and delicacy, keeps its shape perfectly and allows the woman to comfortably rest. Dense long ridges do not allow the stomach to hang to the side, gently supporting it from below, which protects the fetus from injury. Such a pillow is able to take various forms, which are most suitable for relieving stress from the legs or back.

With this unloading, the muscles can relax and give the future mom a healthy quality sleep and good rest. But to achieve this, you need to learn how to sleep on a pillow for pregnant women (her photo is presented below). After all, the correct fixation of the lower back, neck and legs allows you to avoid numbness of the limbs, and also promotes free circulation of blood in the body. With a pillow for pregnant women do not have to limit yourself in postures that are comfortable for sleeping.

How to sleep on a pillow for pregnant women? Photo

pillows for pregnant

Every woman who is preparing to become a mother needs to purchase a special pillow for pregnant women, as well as study the recommendations of doctors on how to sleep on a pillow for pregnant women correctly. There are rules for the use of pillows, so that they most effectively help protect the stomach from deformation and remove the load from the legs and back as much as possible.

Most models have one sleeping position - on their side. In this position, the neck is maximally supported and securely fixed. You should put your head on a pillow - in its rounded part so that the cervical region of the spine falls on the pillow roll. The width of the pillow is quite enough for a comfortable head arrangement, and the rounded shape of the pillow perfectly relaxes the shoulders and pectoral muscles, as well as the spinal column in the chest area.

One of the important functions that a pillow for pregnant women performs is to reduce the load on the spine in the lumbar region, which occurs under the weight of the fetus. Having arranged the tummy on the side roller, you can reduce muscle tension and snuggle up comfortably on a soft pillow. It is convenient to arrange swelling legs by placing one of them under the cushion roller, and the second on top of it. This position will not allow the legs to touch and will provide an opportunity to rest autonomously from each other. By saving your legs from close contact, you will simultaneously reduce physical pressure on the vessels and muscles of the lower extremities.

boomerang maternity pillow

Popular forms

Pillows for pregnant women are released round or horseshoe-shaped, which have the greatest ability to support the muscles of the back and maximize their relaxation. This gives an excellent result while reducing the total load on the musculoskeletal system of the expectant mother. Having an idea of ​​how to sleep on a pillow for pregnant women, it is necessary to pay maximum attention to the shape and size of such products.

Which form is better and more convenient?

In such an important matter as accessories for pregnant women, the shape and size of pillows are not a simple element of the design decision, but they carry an important functional load, helping women to choose the optimal postures that allow them to better relax and get a good rest. Which form is better and more convenient? This cannot be said unequivocally, because only in specific situations it is possible to choose an acceptable version of the pillow and this is done by trial. Many women purchase several product options and use them, trying to find a comfortable sleeping position on each of the pillow models.

Bagel, or Banana

Consider the different forms of these products, and also tell you how to sleep on a pillow for pregnant women. A bagel, or banana, is the most common form that takes a woman’s body very comfortably, providing comfortable support under her stomach. It is convenient for use not only in a prone position when sleeping or resting, but it can also be successfully used for comfortable sitting. It has a rather compact size, which allows you to take this accessory with you on the go.

After exploring the benefits of this model, we learned how to sleep on a pillow for pregnant women. However, the bagel has one, but a significant drawback - turning over to the other side, it is necessary to change the position of the pillow, otherwise the supporting roller will be behind, and the stomach will remain completely without support. For each turning, you will have to wake up and shift the pillow to a different position.

maternity pillow

To ensure the greatest comfort when using this type of pillow, you need to figure out how to sleep with a pillow for pregnant women. A banana having a C-shape perfectly covers the figure on one side only. Moving from side to side during sleep can be a burden for a pregnant woman. This is especially inconvenient if it occurs closer to the end of the term, when the stomach is already large and heavy. It’s not easy to turn him over, but also a bulky pillow. Therefore, for those who are used to spinning in a dream, there are other types of pillows.

Horseshoe-shaped pillow

sleeping on a pillow for pregnant

What is a horseshoe shaped product? How to sleep on a pillow for pregnant women? About it further. This form is very popular among pregnant women and is very common. It is convenient and functional, quite large in size, it allows you to very comfortably arrange the body of a pregnant woman, because, supporting the neck and supporting the back, she surrounds the expectant mother with long rollers on both sides. It is very convenient for milking the abdomen in any direction.

A horseshoe is a very convenient form of a pillow, however, the length of the arc covering the body must be selected in accordance with the growth of the pregnant woman. This form is preferable to a bagel, because it allows you to calmly change your body position in a dream, and on which side the woman will sleep - it does not matter, and will not cause difficulties with moving the pillow. The only negative is the large size, to establish such a device you will need a very spacious bed.

G-shaped pillow

How to sleep on a pillow for pregnant women in the form of a snail? About it further. A very good option is a G-shaped pillow in the shape of a snail. This is an advanced form of C-type. Her protruding ponytail is an excellent support for the tummy when it is placed on its side. But how to sleep on a snail-shaped pillow for pregnant women? This form provides an excellent opportunity to take absolutely any pose for relaxation - grab the roller with your feet, tuck it, put it under your head or lean your back. It is very effective for relaxing during the day, as it relieves accumulated tension in overloaded muscles. Its dimensions are quite large, and the length of the contour reaches 3.5 meters along the edge of the support strip, which itself is 35 cm. However, this convenient ponytail is just not suitable for many women, as it prevents them from sleeping.

Boomerang-shaped pillow. How to use it?

horseshoe-shaped pillow

Consider the next type in the form of a boomerang, and also tell you how to sleep on a pillow for pregnant women. The boomerang is similar in shape to a banana, but with a more pronounced corner part. This form of pillow is a great choice for a future mother. It can be used both day and night - both during pregnancy and later on to feed the baby or secure it in a sitting position. This pillow can serve as a support for the back and abdomen both while lying down and while sitting. It is convenient to rely on her while feeding the baby. The pillow bends well and holds the heaviness of parts of the body, the V-shape perfectly unloads the neck from the upper back. This is a great multi-functional model - a real help to the expectant mother.

Choosing a pillow for pregnant women to sleep on their stomach

Such a pillow is large - 85x96 cm, and its shape resembles the letter C, but with longer, converging sides. Due to the shape that forms a hole inside the product, the pillow can be used to place the stomach in it and not damage the fetus when it is turned onto the stomach. It is best suited for sleeping in an embrace with a pillow, which is most recommended for pregnant women. The pillow takes over most of the weight of the abdomen and provides a calm pleasant sleep for both the mother and the fetus.

L-shaped pillows

L-shaped pillows are very simple and unpretentious. They are used for two ways of sleeping - the tail is placed under the head or between the legs. In the supine position, this design is a very comfortable support along the entire length of the body and allows you to unload the muscles and spine that are tired for a day. The design is soft and easy to bend and fold depending on the desire of the hostess. It is very compact and can be used for small beds. But the possibilities of this model are limited due to its one-sided orientation.

I-shaped pillow

The I-shaped model is a long roller. This is the simplest form of pillow for pregnant women. Visually, this model resembles a chubby stick. It does not provide bends for the head or legs, but thanks to its extraordinary softness, it can be bent in all necessary directions. This is a very compact type of pillow that can be used in small-sized beds and placed under the head or legs, as well as sleeping with her arms and legs in an embrace, placing her stomach in a lateral position. Such models produce different lengths - 150, 170, 190 cm, so that it is easier to choose the length of the product for different heights.

Transformer Pillows

Today, new modifications of old forms have appeared. The catalog of such modern products can be viewed in various online stores, for example, on the portal "I like to sleep." The maternity pillows on sale are a multi-part transformer. They can be used individually and assembled into a complete design - as it will be convenient for a pregnant woman. The length of the model in assembled form along the outer edge is 3.6 meters and consists of three elements. This is a bagel in the shape of a bagel and two identical rollers that extend the ends of the structure. Using different elements, you can get a pillow in the form of a bagel, as well as a L-shaped. Rollers can be used independently or assemble them into a specific design.

"Mom, sleep!"

Another popular new pillow for pregnant women is "Mom, sleep!". This is an anatomical pillow with an oval bend in the head and neck and long side ridges with comfortable protrusions and concavities along the inner edge. They protect against pressure on the stomach and pulling pains, prevent swelling of the lower extremities, and help relax the back. Folding and tidying the product with additional petals under the shins can be done as you like - the density of the filler allows you to do this without restrictions.

how to sleep on a pillow for pregnant women


Special pillows for pregnant women can make long months of pregnancy as pleasant and comfortable as possible. A variety of shapes and designs of pillows ensures that every expectant mother can choose a beautiful and comfortable model for herself, it will be easy to fall asleep during pregnancy and see beautiful fairy tales.

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