Urolithiasis is a condition in which stones form in the kidneys. The development of such a disease can cause dangerous complications during pregnancy. But, it should be noted that this is a rather rare disease, the frequency of its spread is 2-3 cases per 1000 pregnant women. At the same time, carrying a baby is not the cause of the development of stones in the kidneys and ureters, but pregnancy can provoke their movement and exacerbation of the disease. What threatens urolithiasis for mother and baby?
Mechanisms and causes of the development of the disease
The main reason for the development of urolithiasis is a violation of water-salt metabolism, but most often the disease is hereditary. Of great importance is the nature of nutrition, lifestyle, environmental conditions, bad habits. They provoke the development of urolithiasis disease (ICD) - gout, lack of vitamins, intestinal and stomach diseases, kidney diseases. All these factors lead to the formation of stones in the organs.
In pregnant women, urolithiasis is very rare, can provoke attacks:
- inactive lifestyle;
- metabolic disorders;
- unstable hormonal background;
- change in the intensity of blood supply to the kidneys;
- violation of the normal outflow of urine.
Factors that can trigger the development of ICD in pregnant women can also include:
- metabolic disorder;
- acquired or congenital pathologies of the excretory system;
- thyroid dysfunction;
- living in a hot climate;
- side effects of antibiotics;
- urinary tract infections.
Another common cause of exacerbation of urolithiasis during pregnancy is severe edema. This is a fairly common condition, water is retained in the body and does not enter the kidneys, while urine becomes more concentrated, and urate stones form in the organs themselves. Pregnant women are advised to limit fluid intake as much as possible.
Doctors refer to risk factors:
- Heredity.
- Age over 35 years.
- Inadequate fluid intake.
- Hot arid climate.
- Eating red meat, foods high in sodium and calcium.
For pregnant women, a sudden exacerbation of the disease is dangerous. The chronic form of the ICD during pregnancy, usually does not manifest itself in any way and poses no threat to either the baby or the future mother.
Urolithiasis symptoms and treatment in women
Attacks of urolithiasis occur in the early stages or before childbirth itself. This is due to the peculiarity of the work of the kidneys, which experience excessive load at precisely these dates. At the same time, there is a decrease in the tone of the renal pelvis, this leads to the advancement of stones in the ureters. Often, urolithiasis during pregnancy makes itself felt during exacerbation of pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys).
Attacks are very difficult not to notice, and at the first symptoms you should consult your doctor. Symptoms
- Shooting, aching pain in the lower back, which most often gives in the groin, abdomen, genitals.
- Vomiting and nausea during the day.
- The intervals between urination increase.
- Sand in the urine.
- Urine is reddish in color.
- Elevated body temperature.
- Painful urination.
- Strong renal colic, the attack of which can last up to several hours.
All these symptoms of urolithiasis during pregnancy should not be ignored. If the condition is not critical, that is, there is no temperature, vomiting, acute lower back pain, blood in the urine, you should make an appointment with a nephrologist, take tests and be treated. But if the disease proceeds in an acute form, you should call an ambulance, you can not take painkillers, as well as anti-inflammatory and diuretic drugs.
Diagnosis of the disease during pregnancy
Survey radiography shows the localization of kidney stones, but this method is not used during pregnancy. Instead, an ultrasound is performed, which allows you to determine the localization of the process. In addition to stones, as a rule, the expansion of the pyelocaliceal system is diagnosed and other structural changes in the kidneys are evaluated.
In addition to ultrasound, a general blood test and urinalysis should be done. Sometimes a more thorough diagnosis is required, which will help distinguish pathology and abnormality of the kidneys from disorders.
Urolithiasis of the kidneys during pregnancy is not the best condition. There will be no harm to the baby, but a woman's health can be severely undermined. Often such a pathology leads to complications:
- The risk of developing an infection in the genitourinary system increases.
- The mucous membranes of the ureters become inflamed and damaged.
- The normal functioning of the kidneys is impaired.
- Renal failure may develop.
But the most terrible complication of urolithiasis during pregnancy is the risk of premature birth or miscarriage. Such processes develop very rarely, but the risk increases significantly with prolonged and painful renal colic. This happens due to the fact that pain stimulates sensitive neurons, which leads to a reduction in smooth muscles, and, as a result, to a reduction in the uterus.
Any disease is easier to prevent and prevent. That is why, during pregnancy planning, a woman needs to be examined. If the disease was diagnosed during the period of bearing the child, then during pregnancy and childbirth with urolithiasis, any changes in the calculus should be observed and monitored all the time. Women should not self-medicate, as this can lead to dangerous consequences. At the first manifestations of the disease, you should consult a doctor.
Hazards and Risks
Urolithiasis during pregnancy often provokes the development of pyelonephritis. The expansion of the renal pelvis and the presence of stones create favorable conditions for rapid inflammation of the kidneys. Treatment of the disease takes into account the course of pregnancy.
Urolithic pathology is not a reason for abortion, it usually does not adversely affect the baby and does not lead to the formation of malformations and developmental abnormalities. Even with the formation of renal colic, in most cases, doctors manage to cope with pain without consequences for a pregnant woman. Only in the most severe cases, urolithiasis can cause the onset of premature birth or miscarriage.
The treatment and symptoms of urolithiasis in women during an interesting situation are somewhat different from the standard ones. This is because during pregnancy not all drugs are approved for use. The selection of medicines and folk remedies for urolithiasis for pregnant women is carried out taking into account the severity of the disease and the duration. Of great importance in the treatment of the disease is given to the diet. In addition, it is recommended that you drink plenty of fluids during a kidney attack. An abundant drinking regimen contributes to the gentle removal of stones and improves well-being. But at the same time, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the pregnant woman, since an excess of fluid in her body can lead to the appearance of edema.
If severe pain is present, antispasmodics are usually prescribed. During pregnancy, Papaverine and Drotaverin are allowed to be used, but before taking anything, you should consult your doctor.
With the development of pyelonephritis, antibacterial agents are used.
During gestation, it is allowed to take drugs for pregnant women with urolithiasis, which do not have a negative effect on the baby.
To relieve inflammation and improve the outflow of urine, plant-based diuretics are used, for example, an infusion of cranberries, hawthorn, lingonberries, and currants. But you can use them only as directed by a doctor.
Herbal preparations
For the treatment of urolithiasis, herbal medicines are more often used, they have a milder effect, and they do not include substances toxic to the child. According to medical reviews, with urolithiasis and pregnancy, the most effective are: “Fitolizin”, “Cystenal”, “Cyston” “Kanefron”.
But it should be borne in mind that all herbal preparations have disadvantages: they very often cause allergic reactions and are absolutely powerless during an exacerbation of urolithiasis.
Herbal treatment
Medicinal herbs have a good effect in the treatment of the disease. There are a huge number of recipes. Many decoctions have a good anti-inflammatory effect and are excellent diuretics.
Pain can help eliminate the infusion of hernia, corn stigmas, bearberry leaves.
The removal of stones will help a mixture of honey, beet juice and radish. It is necessary to mix everything in equal proportions, insist and after 4 days take 1 tablespoon diluted in hot water.
Fruits and vegetables
Folk methods of treatment involve the use of fruits and vegetables:
- Watermelon has a good diuretic effect. For effectiveness, you need to consume up to 2 kilograms per day. Pear, barberry, melon, gooseberry have an excellent diuretic effect.
- Stagnation of urine is prevented by ordinary white cabbage or strawberries.
- Cranberries are a natural antibiotic; fruit drinks can also be consumed.
- To remove excess fluid and salts from the body, dill and decoction from it are used successfully.
Surgical intervention
Surgical treatment is resorted to only if conservative therapy is ineffective, and the woman's condition rapidly deteriorates. Such a situation may lead to the risk of miscarriage. Only in this case, the possible harm from surgical intervention is much less than the risk of losing the baby in the absence of timely timely assistance.
Surgeons use the most gentle methods and techniques to remove stones. As a rule, the operation is performed under local anesthesia.
If an attack of urolithiasis occurred at 36 weeks, then a cesarean section is first performed, and only then kidney stones are removed.
The main role in the treatment of urolithiasis is played by diet. It is allowed to eat: cereals, apricots, watermelons, peaches, pears, meat, vegetables. In a limited amount you can eat: potatoes, dairy products, legumes, eggs. Salted, spicy, smoked, fried dishes should be completely excluded from the menu. The diet should have as much plant food as possible.
Mineral waters in the treatment
One of the effective means in therapy is mineral water. It should be clearly taken depending on the acidity of the urine and types of calculi. For example, mineral water helps to remove mineral water from Zheleznovodsk, Truskavets, Kislovodsk.
If there are urate stones in the kidneys, then it is more efficient to take alkaline water of Borjomi, Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki.
Oxalate stones help break water from Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki.
Disease prevention
During pregnancy, attention should be paid to preventing the development of seizures. What needs to be done to prevent the disease?
- Nutrition
- Refusal of spicy, salty, smoked food.
- Drinking mode.
- Complete rejection of cigarettes and alcohol.
- Full sleep, compliance with the regime.
- Regular gymnastics and exercise.
Compliance with elementary recommendations will avoid the development of exacerbation of urolithiasis during gestation. But, if the acute form could not be avoided and the first signs of attacks appeared, you should immediately contact your doctor.