How to put a "dog" on the computer: an overview of possible ways

How to put a "dog" on the computer? A similar question arises among many modern PC users. Usually it bothers mainly novice users. There are many ways to solve this problem. The main thing is to know how to behave. Below we will talk about all the ways to insert a "dog" on computers. Proposed examples will be reviewed in Word. In this application, users most often work with text and its editing.

How to put a "dog"

Ways to solve the problem

How to put a "dog" on the computer? At the moment, there are many diverse options for the development of events. And each user is able to independently choose an action algorithm.

Here are the well-known methods for solving the problem:

  • help of a special button on the keyboard;
  • use of a specialized character number on the keyboard panel;
  • Insert a special character
  • copying a character from text on the Internet and then pasting it to the right place.

Each user independently decides how to cope with the task. Usually the last trick is not found in practice. It takes place as an exception.


How to put a "dog" on the computer? Let's start with the least popular trick. It is about finding a text with the aforementioned symbol and then copying it.

Typing a dog on the keyboard

Instructions for translating ideas into reality are as follows:

  1. Use the browser to find text that contains the “dog” symbol.
  2. Select the corresponding character with the mouse cursor.
  3. Click RMB (right mouse button).
  4. Select the "Copy" command in the function menu.
  5. Open a text editor and place the cursor in the place where you want to put the "dog".
  6. Press RMB and select the "Insert" option.

Important: you can copy text using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + C, and paste - Ctrl + V.

It is done. This is just one of several possible ways. He, as we have said, is not in special demand. Therefore, we consider other methods in more detail.

Using keyboard

How to put a “dog” on a computer keyboard? This task has several solutions. Let's start with the most common case. It is about using a dedicated button with the corresponding symbol. On the keyboard panel, the user can detect a "dog" without any problems. This is the button with the number "2", located above the main alphabet.

Insert a dog symbol

The step-by-step process of using this technique has the following form:

  1. Go to one or another text editor.
  2. Set the cursor to the right place for the user.
  3. Switch the keyboard layout to English.
  4. Click on the "Shift" button.
  5. Click on the "2" button while holding down Shift. The "@" sign is drawn on this key. We need him.
  6. Release the buttons and look at the result.

A similar method of solving the problem is in great demand. It can be considered classic.

Codes and keyboard

How to put a “dog” sign on a computer keyboard? The second way is to use a special character code. Not every PC user knows about it.

What needs to be done to translate ideas into reality? Here is an algorithm of actions to help put the "@" symbol while writing text:

  1. Set the cursor in the text where you want to insert the "dog".
  2. Hold down the Alt button.
  3. Dial 64 on the right-hand side of the keypad.
  4. Release the buttons.

No more manipulations are needed. The symbol will be installed in one place or another in the text.

Special insert

How to put a “dog” sign on a computer? This is far from the most difficult task of all. The last trick is the use of the so-called special insert. It is in all versions of Word.

Using the keyboard to print

The algorithm of actions in this situation will be as follows:

  1. Go into MS Word.
  2. Click on the "Paste" button. It is located at the top of the window.
  3. Select the option "Symbol ...".
  4. Find the symbol "@" in the menu that appears, and then double-click on it.

After the done manipulations, the user will be able to cope with the task without much hassle. We figured out how to put a "dog" on the computer.

All proposed methods are 100% valid. From now on, everyone will be able to decide for himself which algorithm of actions to use for him.

Important: using a special insert, you can "draw" in the "Word" different characters that are not on the keyboard. For example, hearts or suits of playing cards. The main thing is to find the corresponding element in the opened symbol menu.

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