Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity during pregnancy: preparation, features and recommendations

Ultrasound examination over time is becoming more and more popular, this is due primarily to the fact that it is absolutely harmless to the patient. In addition, with the help of this kind of research you can detect many diseases and abnormalities. An abdominal ultrasound during pregnancy is not a routine examination, but in some cases the doctor still directs the woman to him. This is due to the state of health of the expectant mother, a predisposition to diseases, and there are other individual indications of the doctor.

The essence of ultrasound of the abdominal cavity


It is one of the most complex and multifaceted studies, because the whole system of organs acts as the object of study. Through the procedure, the doctor will be able to see the following organs:

  • Spleen.
  • Pancreas.
  • The work of the kidneys and bladder. Although the latter is often included in ultrasound of the pelvic organs.
  • Large formations or loops of intestines.
  • Liver. It is considered with all auxiliary structures, this is the gall bladder, ducts and blood vessels.
  • Veins are also visible on an ultrasound scan, namely the splenic, aorta, or hollow.

Using this kind of research, you can detect diseases, abnormalities or disorders in the operation of each of the structures listed above.

Ultrasound Benefits

Healthy child

We note in more detail the positive aspects of ultrasound, they are especially important if an abdominal ultrasound is done during pregnancy.

  • Lack of danger and radiation. Until very recently, everyone treated ultrasound with caution, fearing exposure or other negative effects on the body. Over time and the development of science, we can say 100% that ultrasound is absolutely safe. Is it possible to do abdominal ultrasound during pregnancy? The answer is unequivocal: yes. This study is no different from ultrasound of the fetus, so you can do it at any stage of pregnancy.
  • There are no painful or unpleasant sensations, the procedure will not bring discomfort to the patient. The doctor simply drives a specialized sensor on the outside of the abdomen, at which time one or another organ or veins is reflected on the screen. You need to strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations, sometimes you will need to turn on your side, inhale, exhale or hold your breath for a while.
  • Ease of research. To carry out abdominal ultrasound during pregnancy, you do not need to involve several employees, use a large number of devices, and also use special tools. But at the same time, the qualifications and knowledge of the doctor are very important so that the results are as accurate and complete as possible, especially if the patient is pregnant.

Are there any disadvantages?

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity

Like any other procedure, ultrasound has its drawbacks, but even despite them, the study is carried out very often and helps a lot of people. The disadvantages include:

  • The dependence of the results on the degree of preparation and gestational age. The worse the preparation of a woman, the fewer organs can be diagnosed and, accordingly, the less pathologies to identify. Also, the longer the gestation period, the worse the visibility.
  • Subjectivity. You can view the organs of the abdominal cavity without special knowledge, but it is quite difficult to diagnose any diseases or malfunctions. Research requires vast experience, knowledge and imagination. Therefore, for a qualitative assessment of ultrasound, it is worth listening to the opinion of several doctors.
  • The need for dynamics. The body of each person is individual, it is especially clearly demonstrated during ultrasound of the abdominal cavity during pregnancy. During this period, a woman has a number of changes, so one study is difficult to see pathology. It is necessary to do a number of ultrasounds in order to track changes in the dynamics.

Recommendations during pregnancy

Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity during pregnancy has a number of specific features. A woman in position is not the best patient for ultrasound. As we said earlier, the longer the gestation period, the less valuable this type of ultrasound is. From the 16th week of pregnancy, the uterus extends beyond the pelvis, which means it begins to displace other organs and fill up the entire space. As early as 20 weeks, the bottom of the uterus is approximately at the navel level, and at the 37th week at the level of the chest.

Starting from the 36th week, it makes no sense to already do an ultrasound, although from a medical point of view it can be done. Effectiveness will be minimized, because the uterus will squeeze out all the organs of the abdominal cavity. In the case of polyhydramnios, the large size of the child or in the presence of several fruits, visibility will be worse and worse.

Therefore, abdominal ultrasound during pregnancy should be done before the 16th week so that visibility is still sufficient, and the results are complete.

Who needs to do an ultrasound?

Bladder ultrasound in dynamics

We list those cases when ultrasound of the abdominal cavity during pregnancy is indicated:

  • The presence of acute abdominal pain, fever, which may be signs of appendicitis, ulcers, pancreatitis and others.
  • A disease of the kidneys and bladder, which are expressed in inflammation of the kidneys or obstruction of the pathways for moving urine from the kidneys.
  • When an injury occurs in the abdomen, regardless of location.
  • The presence of frequent bouts of vomiting in the second half of pregnancy.
  • The appearance and development of symptoms of anemia and a woman in position.
  • The appearance of signs of inflammation, which the doctor found by the results of a blood or urine test. This is the level of white blood cells, red blood cells and other blood components.

In case of any malaise and the appearance of uncomfortable sensations, you must consult a gynecologist, who will send you first for tests, and then for an ultrasound. This will accurately diagnose the disease and begin to treat it.

Preparing a pregnant woman for an ultrasound

Ultrasound Preparation

In order for the examination to be as complete and effective as possible, it is necessary to prepare for it. Three days before the ultrasound, it is necessary to exclude products that cause gases from the diet. These are beans, cabbage, milk, carbonated drinks and flour.

If the kidneys also enter the study of the abdominal organs, an hour before the procedure you need to drink a liter of water (clean, not tea, coffee!). In this case, you can not go to the toilet, you need to be examined with a full bladder.

You can not eat 8 hours before the examination, but it is best to spend it in the morning and on an empty stomach. These recommendations apply to pregnant women during the first trimester.

If an ultrasound is performed during the second and third trimester, then you should refuse to eat 8 hours before the study. During preparation for ultrasound of the abdominal cavity during pregnancy, you do not need to clean the intestines with an enema.


After the patient has come to the specialist, you need to lie on the couch with your stomach upside down to the doctor, so there are inconveniences during long periods of pregnancy. If the second trimester of pregnancy has come, then the specialist gives the examined roller, which should be placed under the right side. In this case, the vein is pinched.

As with any other type of ultrasound, the first thing to do is apply a special gel, it fills the space that occurs between the sensor and the skin. During the procedure, the patient takes turns lying on the right, then on the left side, and also takes a big breath and exhale. At the command of the doctor, he also holds his breath. If a woman in a position has any unpleasant sensation, you must definitely tell the doctor who does the ultrasound.

Can I see a pregnancy on an abdominal ultrasound?

Long term pregnancy visibility

This question is of interest to many women who are planning a pregnancy. Of course, first of all you should understand that the abdominal cavity and pelvic organs are two completely different systems. Each is distinguished by its features and specifics. But does an abdominal ultrasound show a pregnancy? If the period from the moment of conception has not yet reached 6 weeks, then it is impossible to see an embryo on this type of ultrasound. This requires a specialized vaginal method. Starting from the 5-6th week, you can see the presence of pregnancy through the abdominal cavity only with an empty bladder.

With the passage of pregnancy and an increase in the term, the embryo or fetus in the womb becomes more visible.

Ultrasound Results

Pregnancy detection

Decoding of the ultrasound results and consultation should be given by a specialist, no need to try to do it yourself. Depending on the specifics of the deviations, it is necessary to consult a surgeon, gastroenterologist or therapist.

To determine the deviations, it is necessary to compare the size and location of the organs in the abdominal cavity of the patient with normal values. It is also necessary to check the properties of each individual organ to conduct sound and compare these indicators with standards to determine the degree of deviation, if any.

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