Dwarf Pekingese

The royal doggie - the dwarf Pekingese - came to Europe in the 60s of the nineteenth century, when the Summer Palace was captured by the British in Beijing. Five dogs belonging to the Chinese emperor were taken out of the female half of the palace. One can imagine the value of these trophies, if no one, except members of the reigning family, could have had them in the house before, and for the theft of such a dog it was really possible to receive the death penalty.

Looking at this funny creature with a magnificent mane reaching the floor and a monkey face, it is very difficult to believe that this is a representative of a dog fraternity, but this is really a dog - a dwarf Pekingese. The appearance of such a doggie is so amazing and touching that it is very difficult to imagine how nature could have thought of creating such a little animal.

Probably, there was a wizard here. Indeed, it is not for nothing that the legend says that this creature is the fruit of the love of a lion and a beautiful monkey, for which the king of animals in love sacrificed his size. Soon, he was born to this original couple - a dwarf Pekingese, small, but having a big and brave heart, the same as his ancestor. Although in fact, the story goes that his ancestors are dogs from the breed "wide-mouthed toy." During the reign of the dynasty of Chinese emperors, Manchu was introduced a new variety of toy, which began to be called "dog-clutch", very quickly turned into a decoration for the court ladies. However, the fact that the dwarf Pekingese lived in silk and caress does not mean at all that this is a pampered domestic creature with a "plush" disposition. After all, this little one has a lion heart inherited from his ancestor, and therefore his character is independent and strong. And he has many other advantages - he is spectacular, very devoted and loyal to his master.

The pride of the Pekingese, with a height of 22-23 centimeters, and weight up to five kilograms - this is his beautiful fur "coat". You need to regularly comb his hair, and when molting with a sponge, remove dead hair. To facilitate this process, you can use a special talcum powder or aerosol, which will help unravel the tangles. It is also necessary from time to time to cut the hair of the paw pads so that the dog is comfortable when walking.

The Pekingese has a special structure of the muzzle, which is why in the corners of the eyes and along the nose there is accumulation of discharge from the eyes, which must be washed every day with special solution. We must not forget about the ears of the dog: they must be cleaned with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Up to ten months of dwarf Pekingese is fed three to four times a day, and after this age, two feedings are enough. Experienced dog breeders know what it is impossible to feed the Pekingese - these are milk, pasta, bread, sweets and other sugar-containing foods. However, cottage cheese and dairy products can not only be ruled out, on the contrary, they must be given to dogs of this breed almost every day, throughout their lives. The delicacy for the Pekingese can be fruit, honey or dried black bread.

An adult Pekingese per day should eat raw meat and fish, which make up a third of its daily norm. Although if the owner has no time to prepare meals for his four-legged friend, then it is quite possible to get by with prepared dry food or canned canned food.

Pekingese diseases are the most diverse, but the most common of them are: external parasites, eye diseases. dog flea, sarcoptorosis (itchy scabies), demodicosis (iron), as well as internal parasites, the most dangerous for puppies of this breed, sometimes even leading to the death of the dog.

In hot weather, dwarf Pekingese should be protected from excessive overheating in the sun, as well as from overfatigue, because he may begin to choke.

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