It has been proven that breast milk is an ideal food for a child from birth to 1 year (and possibly two years). It has a balanced composition, contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the baby, helps protect his body from allergic reactions and viral diseases, as well as the formation of his own immunity. But for several reasons, mother’s milk is sometimes not enough to satisfy the baby’s food needs. In this case, many mothers prematurely switch to artificial nutrition, without even trying to establish lactation. With a lack of own milk, you can increase its quantity using a special mixture. We will tell in detail about what it is and how to apply it in our article.
What is the Milky Way mixture for?
Today, the incidence of hypolactation, the inadequate production of milk by the female mammary glands, is increasing worldwide. The causes of this phenomenon are associated with medical, social, environmental and other factors. With timely diagnosis, hypolactation is amenable to effective treatment with the use of medications and non-medications. Among them is the complex mixture "Milky Way", which helps to quickly and without negative consequences establish lactation in a nursing woman.
It is proved that regular and long-term use of the drug helps to restore the function of the mammary glands, increase the amount of milk and increase its quality due to the special vitamin-mineral composition of the mixture. A noticeable improvement in lactation is observed already on the second day of taking the drink. The Milky Way has undergone numerous clinical trials and confirmed its high effectiveness in practical use.
Indications for use
The Milky Way can be recommended for use by all women not only to increase lactation, but also to improve the vitamin-mineral composition of milk. However, in the following cases, taking the Milky Way mixture will give the greatest effectiveness:
- With lactational crises. With a temporary decrease in the amount of milk produced, a woman first encounters 3 weeks after giving birth, and then at 3, 6 and 7 months of her baby's life. This is due to abrupt jumps in the growth of the child.
- In the pathology of the function of the mammary glands, which directly affects the production of milk.
- If milk "did not come" as a result of untimely application of the baby to the breast immediately after birth;
- If your own milk is not nutritious enough.
In these cases, the use of a natural mixture will be most appropriate and effective.
Useful properties of the mixture
What exactly is useful for the "Milky Way" for nursing mothers:
- firstly, the mixture makes it easy to normalize lactation;
- secondly, it helps to increase the amount of milk by 1.5-2 times;
- thirdly, provides prevention of lactational crises;
- fourthly, prolongs the period of breastfeeding;
- fifthly, provides the mother with additional vitamins.
Milky Way Nursing Mix is an effective tool for the prevention and treatment of hypolactation at any time after childbirth. Its efficacy, benefits and safety have been proven in a clinical setting.
Mixture composition
One of the advantages of the drug to increase lactation is its natural composition. The Milky Way formula for mothers is enriched with galega herb extract, which naturally increases the milk production of a woman, establishing lactation.
The composition of the lactation mixture includes: skim milk with a fat content of 1.5%, protein product "Supro Plus 2640" containing vitamins and minerals, isolate of soy protein "Supro 675", chicory, herb galega (extract), sugar, vitamin complex. The composition of the drug "Milky Way" does not contain vegetable fats and products that cause allergic reactions in mother and child.
The caloric content of the mixture is 394 kcal in 100 g of dry product or 49 kcal in 100 ml of drink. The finished protein content is 3.8 g, fats - 10.4, carbohydrates - 44.8 kcal.
Instructions for use
To prepare 100 ml of a drink to increase lactation, it is necessary to dilute 2 teaspoons of the dry mixture in the indicated amount of liquid. You can use water, juice, milk or kefir, that is, any liquid to taste. The prepared drink must be drunk within an hour. If for some reason you did not drink the mixture, you will have to dilute it again. It is not recommended to increase a single dose (100 ml), there will be no benefit from this.
To increase lactation per day, you need to drink from 200 to 400 ml of the drink in 2-4 doses. The duration of the use of the mixture for nursing mothers "Milky Way" is 14 days. The period of admission can be increased until the lactation is completely restored.
The Milky Way mixture : reviews about the application
Most reviews about the use of the drug are positive. In them, women note that the Milky Way mixture:
- increases lactation within 2-3 days after the start of administration;
- has a natural composition;
- increases the nutritional value of breast milk;
- the dry mixture is completely soluble in water;
- cooking takes a minimum of time.
However, among the buyers there are women for whom the use of the mixture turned out to be a futile exercise. In their reviews, they note that:
- the mixture has an unpleasant taste and smell, so you can drink it only in one gulp;
- leaves a bad finish;
- sold at a high price;
- has a short shelf life after opening the package, which is why it is spent uneconomically;
- does not help increase milk production.
In general, more than 80% of nursing mothers consider the product useful.