Water for children: how to choose water for a child, how much and when to give water to a child, pediatrician advice and parental reviews

We are all well aware that the human body needs a certain amount of fluid daily for normal functioning. The baby's body has its own characteristics, which we will consider in the framework of this article. Let's try to figure out whether to give the child water.

Water for baby

The child's body consists of 80% water. Naturally, to maintain a constant composition of tissues and cells, it is necessary to replenish the body with new portions of fluid daily. It is the aquatic environment that assumes the main function of transporting nutrients through the blood and the release of decay products.

Blood is one of the most important tissues in the human body. It is due to blood circulation that all organs and tissues can function. Useful substances, minerals and vitamins are taken by the blood from the digestive system and spread throughout the cells. Blood takes the waste products of decay, which are formed in the process of cellular metabolism. Blood 90-92% consists of water, so maintaining a constant water balance in the body is a vital necessity.

Bottled water

The child's body needs water, it must be clean and healthy. The composition of the water should include the necessary trace elements and salts. The child should receive water not only from soups and drinks. Of great importance is the consumption of clean water.


Some manufacturers offer specialized water for babies. Many people think that this is just a marketing move, because water for children costs an order of magnitude more expensive, but this is not entirely true. According to SanPin standards, children's water should be enriched with calcium, potassium, magnesium, iodide ion, fluoride ion. There is also a certain framework for the concentration of substances in the water content: not more than 0.6 and not less than 0.2 mg / l. Baby water is much milder than usual. Such water is produced in artesian wells, which are located in ecologically clean areas.

There are two types of baby water: water for drinking and for preparing mixtures. Such water is most often used during feeding, when the child is 6-7 months old. In the case of artificial feeding, water for the preparation of mixtures is used from a two-month-old baby.

Please note: the manufacturer does not have the right to write on the bottle "Children's Water" if he does not have a certificate of registration of Rospotrebnadzor, as well as a declaration of conformity.


It is very important what kind of water is boiling. If you use ordinary tap water and try to clean it by boiling, then this is unlikely to be beneficial for the child, and possibly damage the child’s body. Tap water contains chlorine harmful to the human body, which is used to destroy microorganisms in the liquid. And the digestive system of a small child is still in the stage of formation and development, its microflora is very sensitive to such aggressive substances. In addition, some old houses run old pipes. Water flowing through the pipeline system with rust is saturated with small particles of iron oxide, and then all this settles in the child's body.

Tap water

If you still decide to use tap water for cooking and drinking, take care of multi-stage liquid cleaning. The filter should completely eliminate harmful impurities and sediment. Water should be visually clear. After installing the filter, make sure that it works productively - submit a water sample for analysis to the chemical and biological laboratory.

If you boil clean bottled water and use it for drinking, then it will also not be a source of useful minerals and other substances. The quality of water is violated by boiling, it becomes useless and ceases to carry the required elements into the body.

The benefits of mineral water

Mineral water has in its composition a large number of nutrients, salts and elements that must be supplied in the required amount to the body. But is it possible for a child to have water with such a composition? Let's try to figure it out.

It is contraindicated to give mineral water to children under three years of age. Salts can overload the kidneys. Older children can be given such water, but in strictly limited volumes: no more than 4 ml per kilogram of weight. Drink mineral water for medicinal purposes should be within 20-30 days.

Mineral water

Sometimes children are prescribed to drink mineral water to normalize the digestive system in case of gastritis, stomach ulcer, heartburn. In medical sanatoriums mineral water baths are offered. This procedure is useful for children who suffer from chronic diseases of internal organs and skin diseases. Choose quality mineral water. It is better to give preference to a well-known brand, such manufacturers carefully monitor the quality of their products. Water must be non-carbonated.

What kind of water should a baby drink?

An ideal option for a child would be artesian purified water. It is rich in minerals and has beneficial properties. It is this kind of water that needs to be drunk to quench your thirst.

It is not necessary to buy specialized bottled water for babies, ordinary bottled water will also work perfectly. Give mineral water to children with caution. After all, it may be useful, or it may harm the body in case of dosage violation. Salts and elements contained in liquids tend to accumulate in the body and be deposited in tissues.

Water for children

If you have your own water source, then make sure that the liquid undergoes a thorough cleaning of harmful impurities. Periodically, you need to take it to the laboratory for chemical-biological analysis.

If you can afford to buy specialized water for children, this would be an ideal option for a child of any age. Such water not only has a useful composition, but also the desired concentration of trace elements and minerals.

Should the baby be given water?

Babies who are breast-fed do not need additional introduction into the diet of water. Infants receive water from their mother’s milk, the composition of which is fully adapted to the baby’s unformed digestive system. The right amount of fluid, nutrients, hormones and vitamins in the body of the child enters precisely with breast milk. So, should I give the child water? No, it’s better not to do this before six months.

If the child is on artificial feeding, then you can additionally milk the baby with water. It is not recommended to give water to a monthly child. From the second month you can give water through a syringe without a needle or through a bottle. The daily amount of water should be approximately 30-40 ml. Do not try to force the child to drink, if he refuses water - do not insist.

If the child does not drink water

Sometimes it happens that parents observe the child's complete indifference to fluid. They begin to worry, because replenishment of the body with moisture is necessary, especially in situations when it is exhausted from the heat or during moments of increased physical activity. This is a very dangerous phenomenon, as the body may suffer from dehydration.

Children who have tasted sugary drinks are unlikely to want to drink ordinary tasteless water. They will like lemonade, juice, milk with sweeteners that quench their thirst for a while. By themselves, these products do not benefit the body, unless you have prepared them at home. But the child is very difficult to explain. To reduce the concentration of such drinks, you can dilute them with bottled water.

Dairy baby

It is especially important to give the baby fluid if he has an intestinal infection and there are signs such as fever, diarrhea, pallor, chills, nausea and vomiting. With excessive vomiting or diarrhea, the drinking regimen should be monitored especially carefully. Significant fluid loss will lead to dehydration very quickly. Force the child to drink water, compote, juice, or other fluids through force.

Daily rate

To determine whether a baby consumes enough fluid, you need to know the average daily intake for a certain age. So how much water does a child need? Let's take a look. The average daily dose of water for a child under the age of three months is 100-200 ml, while a single serving should not exceed 40 ml. This applies to babies who are on artificial and mixed feeding.

The daily dose of drinking water will vary depending on the age and weight of the child. For a baby of eight months who weighs 9 kg, the daily norm of water is 900 ml. For every kilogram of baby’s weight, 100 mg of water should be taken. The liquid in this case includes soups and all drinks. Always bring a bottle of water or diluted juice for a walk. Let the child’s liquid container be always at hand during outdoor games. It is at this moment that the child may be thirsty.

How to determine if a child has enough fluid?

First of all, you need to start observing the baby's behavior, his drinking regimen, physical activity, and frequency of urination. Pay attention to the color of the urine of the child. It should be light and transparent with a yellowish tint. If the urine has a saturated yellow color - there is reason to beware. The kidneys hold fluid to maintain body functions. This means that the child is not getting enough water. Remind your baby about water when he is passionate about the game and may simply not pay attention to thirst. Offer him to drink more often, especially in cases where the baby is physically very active and loses a lot of energy and fluid with sweat.

Signs of a lack of water in the baby’s body

With a lack of fluid in the body, mild dizziness, malaise, and weakness may occur. The skin turns pale, the child does not have the strength to move, and he looks very tired. The skin can be dry, it is especially noticeable on the skin around the mouth and mucous membranes.

Signs of dehydration in a child

If these signs occur, you need to immediately drink the child, even if he refuses to drink. This sometimes happens when the child is sick and does not feel well. He may not be thirsty, but the body feels a lack of fluid. You can give your child a juice diluted with water, or a weakly concentrated compote. A slightly sweetened green tea is perfect.

Severe dehydration is very dangerous even for an adult, not to mention a child. This condition can be fatal if measures are not taken, but it rarely comes to this.

Reasons for high consumption

The first and most common reason for heavy drinking is exercise and hot weather. The body releases water with sweat to maintain normal body temperature, therefore, an unconditioned reflex is triggered, which causes the small person to replenish the fluid in the body. Usually a child drinks a lot of water during outdoor games. If so, don’t worry, this is normal.

Perhaps the child ate fatty or salty foods. This explains the thirst. Analyze the baby's diet and understand the reason for the abundant water intake. Perhaps at lunch the child did not eat soup, but only the second, then he will drink more water or drinks than usual. After all, the basis of the broth is water, the reserves of which in the body need to be replenished in the absence of liquid food.

Child drinks water

There are psychological reasons for the occurrence of excessive water consumption, for example:

  • A child may ask for water if you put him to bed, but he does not want to.
  • It also happens: the child drinks a lot of water due to stress and emotions.
  • Some children just like to drink from a bottle with a pacifier, so they calm down and relax.
  • If a child asks you to bring him water, this may also indicate a lack of attention. Perhaps this is how he seeks contact with you.


Water is a vital component of a child’s diet. Make sure that the baby receives it in the right amount. The child’s health directly depends on both the quality of the food consumed and the quality of the water drunk.

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