In the fourth month of pregnancy, the future baby is still very tiny, but actively growing and developing, mastering facial expressions and movements. A pregnant woman also needs regular physical activity. Otherwise, a general malaise or discomfort in the abdomen may occur. At the 15th week of pregnancy, proper nutrition, exercise in all kinds of sports, taking vitamin and mineral complexes, lack of stress and good rest are important.
At 15 weeks of pregnancy, fetal development and sensations are interconnected: the unborn baby continues to grow, the uterus and the amount of amniotic fluid increase. Therefore, the stomach of the future mother noticeably grows in volumes. Waters swimming in which the child feels comfortable during this period are updated at least ten times in one day. The fluid is completely sterile; the body maintains its stable composition, necessary for the normal development of the fetus. Water protects the child from accidental blows, helps the digestive and excretory systems, lungs to develop in a timely manner.
What happens in the 15th week of pregnancy? The feelings of a woman who understands that she has a long-awaited baby is hard to describe. The second trimester is a relatively favorable period when toxicosis, drowsiness, constant fatigue and fears of the first screening are already receding, but other problems are possible. Increased production of melanin provokes the appearance of pigmentation on the skin, so that a woman can notice the appearance of a dark strip that goes from the navel down. Pigment spots may appear on the face, hands and neck, darkens the space around the nipples.
The so-called pregnancy mask becomes an aesthetic problem for many women. Future mothers with dark hair and fair skin are more prone to this symptom. The inner thighs may darken, dark circles appear under the eyes, around the nose and on the cheeks. Pigmentation usually disappears a couple of months after the birth of the crumbs, but for now you just need to try to avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight, use sunscreen and not go out without a hat with wide edges.
Due to the increased volume of the abdomen, many expectant mothers can find it difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position, especially if before the woman preferred to sleep on her stomach. For a while you will have to forget about this pose. It is almost impossible to seriously harm a baby, but it will be simply uncomfortable for a woman to rest so. The best solution for pregnancy is to sleep on your left side, although in this position it can be difficult to fall asleep at first. Sensations at 14-15 weeks of pregnancy suggest that it is time to purchase a special comfortable pillow (crescent, U- or L-shaped).
What is going on in the body?
In the absence of health problems and any complications of pregnancy, the expectant mother can lead her usual lifestyle, but do not forget to listen to her body. Sensations at the 15th week of pregnancy will tell you if something goes wrong. The reaction of the body to fatigue or an improper diet will follow almost immediately. In general, the second trimester is the most comfortable time. The woman already clearly realizes that she will become a mother, to some extent got used to her new condition, and the fear of childbirth and the problems of the third trimester is still far away.
In connection with the long-awaited improvement in well-being, the expectant mother may be energetic and active at work, but do not strain. It is important to have a good rest (including during the day, if you feel tired) and a sufficient amount of sleep. Do not give up regular physical exertion and intimacy (if the doctor does not see contraindications), but in everything you need to observe the measure. A woman can become distracted and forgetful, which is normal for a period of pregnancy.
Sensations in the abdomen at 14-15 weeks of pregnancy may not be the most pleasant, because due to the pressure of the uterus and displacement of the internal organs (the uterus needs a place for growth), defecation delays may occur. To avoid this, you need to consume more fiber, observe the drinking regimen, and exclude sweets and flour from the diet. For pregnant women, glycerin suppositories can be used to eliminate a delicate problem, but usually it is enough to normalize the diet.
Feelings of a future mother
At the 15th week of pregnancy, feelings (photos of happy expectant mothers do not even suggest that something might be wrong) may not be very pleasant. Many women complain of dizziness and weakness. This can be either a variant of the norm, or indicate a lack of hemoglobin. To avoid fainting, you can kneel or tilt your head forward a little, or better just lie down to rest. The state of distraction, which often occurs in the second trimester, greatly interferes with everyday life. It will pass over time, but for now it’s better to create a notebook for important notes and enlist the support of loved ones.
In connection with the intensive growth of the uterus, back pain can occur, which is especially susceptible to women who are experiencing excessive loads or even abandoning sports. To alleviate your condition, you should pay attention to quiet exercises in gymnastics, water aerobics, yoga for pregnant women and other relaxing practices. You can take warm baths with essential oils and herbs (but only after the doctor’s approval). Need more rest, sleep on a comfortable mattress.
Eating large amounts of food at one time can lead to indigestion or heartburn. It is better to eat often, but little by little, so as not to overload the digestive system, which already experiences increased stress. Attention should be paid to the quality of nutrition, the intake of special vitamin and mineral complexes recommended for pregnant women. In no case can you ignore the recommendations of the observing physician.
An unpleasant sensation at the 15th week is periodic headaches. Migraine can be caused by hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother, stress or fatigue. To reduce pain, you need to relax in a quiet room with a dim light, put a cold compress on your forehead, take a cool bath or take a walk in the fresh air. Not all painkillers can be taken during pregnancy, so if you have a severe headache, it is better to consult a doctor. A gynecologist will recommend a drug that will not harm the fetus.
Future baby
The fifteenth week of pregnancy is an important stage in the development of the fetus. The hemispheres of the brain of the future baby are covered with convolutions and grooves, the formation of the cerebral cortex begins. This is a lengthy process that will take the whole next month. During this period, the active stage of formation is the nervous system, the respiratory system develops. Gustatory receptors are formed, the endocrine glands of the fetus, for example, sebaceous and genital, work.
In male fetuses, testosterone hormone begins to be produced at the 15th week of development. At this time, the vocal cords are already fully formed, the glottis opens, the cardiovascular system is actively developing. Blood vessels shine through the baby’s thin skin. The skin can normally be reddish, which is explained by the intense work of a small heart, which pumps more than twenty liters of blood per day.
In the fetal body, the production of pigments that determine the color of hair begins. Intestinal activity is activated, because the liver already secretes bile entering the colon. The kidneys are functioning, the baby's bladder is often empty. The kid is already starting to hear voices, so it's time to talk to him. In addition, the child can react to light: frown and hide behind with palms, if a source of bright light is directed to the stomach.
What does the baby look like?
At the 15th week of development, the size of the future baby is comparable to a small orange. Height is 11 cm, and weight - about 60-80 grams. The baby's legs are already a little longer than the handles. Movements become smoother due to the formation of joints. The future baby is still spacious in the uterus, and amniotic fluid provides warmth and comfort. By the way, the temperature of amniotic waters is always slightly higher than body temperature.
First stir
The most long-awaited feeling in the abdomen at the 15th week of pregnancy is the movement of the unborn baby. When can expectant mother feel this magic? During the first pregnancy, the woman feels her movements for about 18-20 weeks, but if this is already familiar, that is, during the second and subsequent pregnancies, one can feel the “flutter of a butterfly” already at 15-18 weeks. At 15 weeks of pregnancy, movement (sensations are still very weak) can already be felt, but after these first movements they will gradually become stronger and more regular. As the baby grows, future mothers learn to guess when he moves his arms and legs, turns over.
How is mom’s life changing?
The feelings of a woman at 15-16 weeks of gestation can be completely diverse: someone is happy with their new status and does not feel tired at all, while others are faced with difficulties, for example, irresistible fatigue and forgetfulness. The baby is growing rapidly, so he needs trace elements and vitamins in the required amount. If the substances entering the mother’s body are not enough for full development, then leg cramps may begin.
Common causes of this condition are a lack of magnesium, calcium, and potassium. Unpleasant sensations at the 15th week of pregnancy may be associated with a decrease in blood sugar. In order to determine such conditions in time, you need to regularly take tests and monitor your condition. It is important to consume vitamin complexes and eat well.
Most often, dizziness, drowsiness and morning sickness by the 15th week of pregnancy already recede, the frequency of urination normalizes. However, other problems may arise: respiratory failure, nasal congestion, changes in blood pressure, headache, constipation or discomfort in the intestines.
Nasal congestion, coughing and headache, nasal itching are not necessarily signs of a cold. During pregnancy, the body actively produces estrogen, which increases the amount of mucus and provokes tissue swelling in the nose. This condition is not dangerous for the baby, but for the pregnant woman herself is associated with discomfort. The woman is disturbed in sleep, irritability increases, at the 14-15th week the feeling of tiredness seems to haunt the expectant mother.
With reduced pressure, fatigue and weakness are also felt, and insufficient contraction of the uterine fibers can cause insufficient blood supply to the fetal tissues. Prevention of hypotension is daily walks, a healthy diet, a contrast shower, moderate physical activity and water aerobics in the pool (preferably under the guidance of an experienced trainer).
With increased pressure, the risk of developing gestosis increases, a complication may be changes in the vessels of the placenta. Pressure rises due to overweight and significant weight gain, stress, insufficient compensatory capabilities of the body, lack of physical activity. If there is a hereditary factor, impaired functioning of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, kidney diseases or diabetes mellitus, you need to monitor the pressure daily to take the necessary measures in time to increase the indicators.
If there are no sensations at the 15th week of pregnancy, this is also a variant of the norm. Some women endure an interesting situation very easily, do not encounter edema and mood swings, do not know what hormonal bursts and toxicosis are. If the doctor does not see deviations, then everything is in order. Very soon, the baby will begin to move, and the woman will definitely feel that a new life is growing and developing inside her.
Gynecologist's recommendations
At the 15th week, the development of the fetus and the sensations of the expectant mother should be closely monitored by the doctor observing the pregnancy. The gynecologist will prescribe the necessary tests, and if necessary give specific recommendations. General tips usually relate to nutrition, control of weight gain, the need for regular walks in the fresh air. In sports, jumps and strength exercises should be excluded, and visits to the pool will be a great alternative to fitness.
What sensations at the 15th week of pregnancy can bother the expectant mother? Almost any sudden changes in well-being can alert you. Despite the fact that the second trimester is a favorable period, you need to urgently call an ambulance if a woman faints, she has a high temperature, sharp pains, or, for example, atypical (especially bright red) discharge from the genital tract. It is advisable to visit the dentist and generally begin to closely monitor the condition of the oral cavity, because this is one of the critical terms for tooth decay.
Possible problems
By the end of the day, the expectant mother may feel heaviness in her legs. This often indicates the development of varicose veins. Varicose veins occur due to impaired blood outflow and uterine pressure on the pelvic organs. Difficulties can arise for the reason that the volume of circulating blood begins to increase, by the 15th week of pregnancy - by 20%. Because of this, nosebleeds and some problems with the work of the heart (increased blood pressure, drops, chest pain) can be observed. Any changes in the heart rhythm should be the reason in order to see a doctor as soon as possible.
In order to prevent varicose veins, you need to wear special compression underwear, do water aerobics, walk more outdoors, refuse to wear high heels, preferring comfortable shoes. With a tendency to varicose veins, you need to monitor weight and try not to go beyond the norms of weight gain. In the first 13 weeks, weight gain is usually very small (1-3 kg), and some women even lose a few pounds during toxicosis. But already by the 20th week of gestation, the pregnant woman is gaining 4-5 kg.
Necessary analyzes
If the sensations at the 15th week of pregnancy do not raise concerns about the health status of the expectant mother, no special tests need to be done. If desired, a woman can do an additional ultrasound. Especially impatient are those future parents who, during the first screening (10-12 weeks), were not able to find out the gender of the child. You can do another ultrasound scan or wait for the second mandatory screening (18-22 weeks). The purpose of this diagnostic procedure is to identify possible pregnancy complications and deviations in the development of the unborn child.
In the second trimester, a test is performed that includes a biochemical blood test for the level of AFP and hCG, free estriol. According to some doctors, a triple test is more reliable than a double test, which is performed in the first trimester. If for some reason the pregnant woman missed the first screening, then it is necessary to do an ultrasound and donate blood to the genetic center in the second trimester.
In addition, before each visit to the doctor (at that time, the pregnant woman visits the antenatal clinic once every three weeks, if there is no need to monitor the condition of the future mother and child more often), it is recommended to take a general urine test. Quite often, a blood test is prescribed: general, biochemical, for the presence of antibodies, AIDS, HIV and other serious diseases.
Useful Tips
Even if it seems that all the difficulties are behind, you need to monitor your health. Women are usually very interested to read about the development of the fetus at 15 weeks of pregnancy, sensations at different times. This information can really be useful, but you need to limit the flow of negativity. Stress during pregnancy is completely useless.
Be sure the expectant mother should pay attention to her menu. Unpleasant sensations in the abdomen at the 15th week of pregnancy are not uncommon, so doctors advise to carefully monitor the diet. By the second trimester, the breast is already sufficiently enlarged, so this is the time to choose comfortable and soft underwear. The waist is smoothed and the tummy is rounded, so that it is better to choose clothes that are spacious and free. It would be nice to find special pants or jeans for pregnant women and abandon high heels.
Do not be upset over trifles or nervous. It is better to start buying the first things for the future baby. You can already talk with the baby, sing songs, turn on music, talk about how his parents love and wait for him. You can talk with the crumbs to yourself, but he will definitely be pleased to hear the voice of mom or dad. A pregnant woman needs more rest. If you have absolutely no strength, you can take a vacation or sick leave at work. It is necessary to consult a doctor, because malaise can be associated with health problems. But in most cases, forgetfulness, fatigue and drowsiness during pregnancy are completely normal.