In order for the baby to develop correctly during pregnancy, all body functions have to work with a double load. Due to the fact that the stomach becomes larger over time, it pulls the back forward, which causes pain.
There are several reasons why the lower back aches during pregnancy. To make the baby easier to pass during childbirth, the sacral joints begin to relax under the action of the hormone relaxin. This leads to an increase in the abdomen and imbalance. In order to somehow try to maintain posture and balance, we try to bend the neck and take our shoulders back. As a result, we get tense muscles of the lower back, a strongly arched spine and pain.
I would like to note the most frequent time frame when pulling the lower back during pregnancy. Of course, with every mother, everything can happen individually. In most cases, the pain appears in the fifth month of pregnancy. In principle, it can occur much earlier. It all depends on what lifestyle the expectant mother leads. Closer to the last months of pregnancy, the baby's head can press on the stomach, it gains weight, and because of this pulls the lower back during pregnancy.
In the later stages of pregnancy, you need to seriously take back pain - this may be the first signal that the baby is ready to be born. If the stomach becomes too hard and is in this state for a long time, it is better to call an ambulance and get ready for childbirth. However, this phenomenon can be caused by general conditions of the body - an orgasm, sadness, emotional shock. You don’t need to worry if your stomach becomes soft again.
There are several ways to help your body when pulling your lower back in early pregnancy. First you need to understand what you eat. You must follow at least some kind of diet. The food you eat should be rich in calcium - it's meat, dairy products, herbs, nuts and fish. It is necessary not to overstrain and not to exhaust oneself with physical exertion, which give humidification to the back. If you need to lift something off the floor, you need to do this carefully, without straining your back, but only the muscles of your legs and shoulders. Sit down slowly so that you do not hit your back, so you can damage the intervertebral discs. Sleep on an orthopedic mattress of medium hardness, but elastic. Pay attention to the shoes you wear. The heel should be low and stable. There is no need to completely limit yourself to physical exercises, it is also harmful. It will be enough to go swimming and aqua aerobics to strengthen the muscles of the back and spine.
Also, the reasons for which the lower back is pulled during pregnancy may be various neurological diseases, including a hernia, lumbar sciatica. This can be treated with physiotherapy, bed rest, a soft corset or a bandage. They also distinguish such a concept as the false Braxton-Hicks contractions , in which pain can also appear. This is the first signal to prepare your body for childbirth.
There are even more serious causes of lower back pain during pregnancy. If you have pyelonephritis, pancreatitis, or urolithiasis, you may experience pain. Pass the necessary tests - MRI, ultrasound, urinalysis. To prescribe treatment correctly, you need to know what your diagnosis is. For this, it is necessary to take tests. The most important thing is to constantly be under the supervision of a doctor and take care of yourself and your strength. They will still come in handy. With the problem of lower back pain and eliminating its causes, you can contact a neurologist, obstetrician-gynecologist, urologist, gastroenterologist, vertebrologist. The main thing is do not start your problem and do not think that it should be so. If you have a low back during pregnancy, then this is caused by some negative processes that occur in the body, and you are already responsible not only for yourself, but also for the unborn baby.