How to quickly remove water in Minecraft?

Water is the most valuable resource not only in real life, but also in the Minecraft computer game. This resource is used in many recipes, in the construction, development of agriculture and the banal nutrition of the character himself. You can both remove water in Minecraft and turn it into an endless source of moisture. Consider both options.

quickly remove water at Minecraft

Small ponds

There is a life hack that allows you to quickly get rid of small ponds - this is a special sponge. If you put it in the center of the pond, then the nearest blocks of water will begin to be absorbed into it. This works for a small radius - 4 blocks on each side and diagonally. In sum, this allows you to get rid of a relatively small section of the reservoir.

The second option is to pour lava. But first, it will have to be collected in deep caves, which is also not suitable for everyone. The advantage of this method is that if you ignite, you can quickly put out yourself in the remaining water!


Minecraft can be removed with the help of long-term building with earthen or stone blocks. This is slow and tiring, but for lack of other options or materials it may come in handy. It is best to build up the surface of the water when you are planning any construction on this site in the future. Large areas can also be drained with lava. But remember that you will need a lot of resources, and also after draining there will be a huge pit.

Now let’s highlight the main way in which you can quickly remove water in Minecraft.

How to remove water in Minecraft

Most effective method

If you analyze each option, you can focus on one of the fastest. It is a sponge fashion. It has several undeniable advantages:

  1. Just to make.
  2. Easy to spread out.
  3. Draws in many blocks at once.
  4. Impossible to catch fire.
  5. Can be reused after drying.
  6. You can not lose (only in battle or in death in the lava).

How to get endless water?

Now consider the opposite option, when you need to get an infinite supply of any liquid, including water. To do this, you must first select a small pit of 4 cells (2 by 2 blocks). Now we take a bucket of water and pour it into one of the corners, and then just pour it into the corner located diagonally from the first one. After all the cells are completely filled, you can regularly take water from the reservoir, but it will never end. If the beveled corners remain when filling, then repeat the procedure and add more liquid. There is one limitation - this method works with all liquids except lava.

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