Lemon is a sunny, bright fruit native to India (or China - they still argue about this). Everyone knows about its beneficial properties. Enriched with vitamin C, it helps the body with colds, dysbiosis. This is an excellent remedy for nausea.
In Spain, they are considered a symbol of unrequited love. In India, it is pickled, also cooks add its zest to baking, and you can hardly imagine a plate of hodgepodge without a yellow slice of this fruit. But can children eat lemons?
At what age do doctors allow lemons for a child?
If the child is allergic, you will have to wait up to five years with lemons. Children who do not suffer from rashes can taste the fruit at the age of eight months, but not earlier. In any case, do not immediately give a whole slice, it would be wise to add a few drops of juice in a bottle of water and wait a few days with the introduction of new products.
If you have not noticed any reactions, you can offer the baby a slice for the sample. Do not be surprised if the child eats lemon without frowning - at this age children have not yet very well developed taste buds in their tongue, and they cannot feel the whole gamut of taste in full. Lemon should be washed, peeled, cut a small slice and sprinkled with sugar slightly - this will neutralize its acid a little.
Watch the video - the girl clearly likes to eat this sour fruit!
The beneficial properties of lemon
- Of course, vitamin C! If you take 100 grams of lemon, then this useful substance in it will be 40 grams. Scientists have dispelled the myth of its effect on viruses, proving that the use of citrus does not give any result. But during the illness, our body spends vitamin C faster, so drinking lemon with a cold is not useless. This replenishes the body's reserves.
- Lemon essential oils have a beneficial effect on mood and improve sleep.
- Lemons help with constipation, dysbiosis, vitamin deficiency. They have an antipyretic effect.
- Improve lipid metabolism, reducing the risk of obesity, strengthen blood vessels.
Of course, not every child eats lemon in its pure form with pleasure, such children are more likely an exception to the rule. Add fruit juice to water, you get a sort of vitamin drink. Lemons are peeled, sprinkled with sugar, eaten as a dessert or added to tea. They also make delicious jam from them. It turns out very delicate, beautiful and fragrant.
In what cases can children be given lemons?
- Children with severe allergies.
- With diseases of the digestive tract: ulcers, gastritis, high acidity, etc.
It is worth remembering that before introducing a lemon into a child’s menu, you should definitely consult your pediatrician.