Is it possible for a cat to have kefir: the work of the gastrointestinal tract of cats, the benefits and harms of lactic acid products, features and rules of feeding

All people love their pets. There are cats in almost every house, and the owners try to pamper their purrs, like children, with only the most delicious and healthy.

Surely many do not even think about whether cats drink kefir, other sour-milk products and milk. It just so happened that a person believes that cats simply cannot live without dairy products, and they are vital for them. But at least someone wondered: is it possible to give kefir to a cat? Is it harmful to the animal? We will understand in this article.

Pledge of health

pledge of cat's health

The gastrointestinal tract of animals is more sensitive than that of humans, and they definitely need to choose a balanced diet, because health, mood, and appearance of the pet depend on it. In specialized stores you can find a lot of healthy delicacies, food additives and food for cats, as well as balanced formulations. To choose the right food, starting from the breed, age and state of health, many turn to specialists for help.

As a rule, only dry cat food in the diet is enough. You can spoil your favorite cat canned food, other goodies, but it is undesirable to give your cat natural products.

Is it possible to spoil a cat with dairy products?

how often can a cat be given kefir

Almost every owner wants to pamper his pet, give her something more wholesome than “some dry food”, tasty and natural. And here milk and kefir begin to appear. Can a cat have these products? Almost no one asks for the advice of a professional, and also few people know that untimely and incorrectly offered dairy products can harm the animal. What should be remembered?

  • Is kefir possible for a cat? This product contains at least a small but still percent alcohol - a product of fermentation. You can’t pour fresh, freshly opened kefir to the animal, otherwise you can harm its stomach.
  • Cats should not be too fatty dairy and sour-milk products. If you already decided that your pet needs such food, then buy those whose fat content does not exceed 3%, and it is better to choose low-fat in general.
  • You can not often give any dairy and dairy products.
  • Is it possible to feed a cat with baby kefir, yogurt? In such products, low fat content, and in composition they differ from "adults" only in lower acidity. Such a product is better absorbed and does not harm the stomach of children. But this is not about cats: any milk affects them the same way. But if you give kefir, then it’s better to choose a child.
  • Small kittens are generally not recommended to feed kefir.

Rules for feeding cats

what dairy products can a cat

From childhood, everyone thinks that cats simply adore dairy products and can not do without them for a day. But milk can be given to small kittens, which they only brought home from their mother. And it’s better to wean you immediately from drinking milk, especially not to give kefir. It is contraindicated in babies, as it contains alcohol, and acidity is not suitable for the baby’s stomach.

Is kefir possible for a cat if she is already an adult? A bowl of clean water is enough for the animal. What we read in childhood tales that cats are milk-lovers is partly true. If an animal is accustomed to milk and dairy products, then it will love them. If you do not give such products, then tailed and does not fit the bowl at all.

The cat should have its own food - balanced food and clean water. If you feed your pet with natural food, then basically he will also need water. Milk and dairy products are not recommended.

Why not give your cat dairy and sour-milk products?

cat drinks milk

Proper feeding is the key to your pet’s health. A cat will not become much happier if she always has several bowls with different food and if she is spoiled with milk in a stable manner. Is kefir possible for a cat? It is also a dairy product and is not recommended. Why?

Dairy and fermented milk products contain a lot of lactose. With each passing year, cats begin to absorb this substance worse and worse, and they may have some digestive problems:

  • diarrhea is not the most pleasant condition for an animal;
  • if not diarrhea, then flatulence is also a huge discomfort both for the cat and for the people around her.

Is kefir possible for a cat? We will answer that it is useless for the animal in the daily diet, and for the most part it will cause only digestive problems. If you give the animal fermented milk and dairy products, but there are no digestive problems, then think about whether you are giving such complementary foods correctly and how often.

Veterinarian recommendations

Is it possible to give kefir to a cat?

Most experts believe that once a week the animal can be given dairy products. They will not harm a small amount, but will bring benefits to the body. But here it is worth remembering that cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream, fermented baked milk and other dairy products can not only weaken, causing diarrhea, but also cause constipation. Before the introduction of complementary foods from dairy and dairy products, it is necessary to consult a veterinarian, he will adjust the diet in order to avoid troubles with the digestion of the animal.

Experts recommend giving kefir correctly:

  • Once a week is enough.
  • Do not give kefir from a packet just opened. Open the package, let it stand open for 2-3 days to neutralize alcohol.
  • Do not overfeed your pet with kefir, 50 ml is enough at a time.

Cat-friendly dairy products

useful cat products

We figured out the question of whether it is possible to feed a cat with kefir. Now we offer to consider other dairy products and find out how to make such a complementary foods beneficial for a cat.

Most cats love to eat cheese. Choose Adyghe or Brynza, they have a very high percentage of protein and calcium, which will bring great benefits. But do not overdo it, such products are very difficult to digest. Once a week a piece the size of a fingertip will be enough.

Do not salt or sweeten kefir, even if the cat prefers to use it with such additives. Salt and sugar adversely affect the work of the animal’s liver.

Instead of kefir, you can give any starter culture once a week.

If you spoil your pet with dairy and sour-milk products, then it is better to choose children's.

These simple recommendations will help you to spoil your cat with dairy products and not harm her.

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