Pong Krell performs in the fictional universe of "Star Wars" a kind of personification of military genius. As a general, he is brilliant, reliable, and gifted with tactical thinking; in the role of a fighter, the Jedi is fierce and cruel. Both of these criteria are extremely rare for the follower of the Light side of the Force. All this suggests that Pong Krell could be connected with the Dark Side. The article will talk about whether this is so and whether it is permissible to consider the commander’s stiffness on the battlefield so justified.
Origin history
General Pong Krell comes from the planet Oge, a cold oceanic world that is home to besalisks. The early years, as well as the formation of the Jedi on the path of war, are unknown. In front of viewers of the Clone Wars, Pong Krell appears directly at the very height of the conflict, being a master. The exact reasons for such cruel treatment of “test-tube meat,” as the general called his repaired, were also left overs. Presumably, like his relatives, General Pong Krell had nothing to do with politics, preferring to wage his own wars on personal principles.
Biology and appearance
Belonging to the race of besalisks, this Jedi is a humanoid creature with ancestors of birds and with 3 pairs of functional limbs. Those two that are located in the upper half of the body serve as arms. Pong Krell walks with a straight posture and, apparently, does not have problems with upright posture. He has developed musculature. During the Clone Wars, Pong Krell appears in middle age. His skin is predominantly gray, his hair blue and his eyes yellow. Apparently, he does not have serious problems with breathing in a different atmosphere or staying in a climate that would be different from his native world.
Abilities and talents
Pong Krell is one of the most talented Republic generals during the Clone Wars. Being an excellent tactician, he, however, resorted to the most tough and bloody decisions in a particular clash. Clones under his command more than once refused to comply with the orders of the general, since he did not take into account losses, using the strategy of "throwing corpses." This later led to a direct clash between Pong Krell and his subordinates. He himself stated that he simply hated people from test tubes, and therefore did not consider it necessary to worry about their fate.
At the same time, Pong Krell is an excellent swordsman and, according to him, a master of the Force. Presumably, he was going to go to the Dark side, even ask to be a disciple to Count Dooku, if he had not died earlier. If this happened, it is quite possible that a rather curious clash of the two masters would take place. Pong Krell against General Grievous - such a fight would deserve public attention for the whole season of the series.
Collision and death
The general died on Umbar. He happened to lead the attacks of the clones during the sweeping of the world. During one of the operations, Pong Krell stated that he did not recognize clones as people. He refused to call them by name, suppressed familiarity, sacrificed human resources without any measure. As a result of this and in order to avoid even greater casualties, Captain Rex led several raids and covert operations, for which he was threatened by a tribunal. Pong Krell was about to personally execute the execution, when, allegedly, the detachment was attacked by Umbarans who stole the clone equipment.
As it turned out, the battle took place between two units of the Republican army. Pong Krell personally gave two conflicting orders, thereby trying to push the "rebels" to mutual destruction. Rex managed to uncover the plan when he removed his helmet from one of the "opponents" and saw the clone commander. After that, the general was arrested. He stated that the Republic is rotten from within and must be destroyed. When asked if he is a follower of the Dark Side, Pong Krell replied: "Not yet." However, the Jedi clearly intended to move on to Dooku later.
Captain Rex for a long time could not realize the very fact of the betrayal of one of the Jedi Generals, and after that he did not know whether such a high-ranking person should be shot. In the end, Pong Krell was shot dead by Private Dogma, who was previously the only one who supported the Jedi tactics. Subsequently, the soldier was sent to a tribunal, which convicted him and ordered him to be shot. Thus, during the Clone Wars, the first sprouts of doubt about fundamentalism and the dedication of the Jedi Knights to their beliefs appeared.