Pilot activities in kindergarten

In kindergarten, kids not only play and have fun, but also learn everything. There are a huge number of different ways to do this. Today, an important component of child development is experimental activity in kindergarten.

experimental activities in kindergarten

What it is

Everyone understands that the baby is learning, using all his reserves - hearing, smell, touch and observation. The simplest and most understandable way to tell the crumb about a particular action is to directly show how this all happens. That is why experimental activity in kindergarten is very important for teaching preschoolers the basics of physics, chemistry and biology.

How to choose a theme

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experimental activity in dow

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experimental experimental activity in dow

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Pilot activity in a preschool educational institution should not be strictly limited by any framework. It’s good if the teachers just ask the children what they are interested in learning about and share plans with the kids for the next lesson. Only in this way can children be easily interested in and easily involved in the educational process.

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