How to raise a personal rating in World of Tanks yourself

Players are interested in how to raise a personal rating in World Of Tanks - an indicator of the effectiveness of each gamer, consisting of the damage done, activity in general battles and thoughtful actions on the map. This will be discussed in the article.

increase personal rating of the world of tank


A positive outcome of the battle is a sure way to increase your personal rating in World Of Tanks. More wins - higher rate.

If the team has shown itself poorly, do not despair: survival, achievements and exploits in battle change their meaning.

It is possible to quickly raise the rating in World Of Tanks only if you have the skills, knowledge of the characteristics of each individual combat unit and a skillful game from battle to battle. Failures will lead to a decrease in the rate. A couple of read guides increase skill.

personal rating in world of tanks


Shots on enemy tanks are not inconclusive: when hit, crew shell concussion or critical penetration, the personal rating of World Of Tanks players increases.

The role is played by the ability to control a specific tank: light equipment manifests itself in "glare" and battles against artillery. The latter make their way and are destroyed due to thin armor.

When playing with light equipment, the experience increases from the amount of detected enemy artillery and damage caused by the team "glare".

You can increase your personal rating in the World of Tank using gold shells: they are purchased for real money and have high penetration ability. If you bet on increasing statistics on damage to the enemy, it is better not to find a “gold” way.

personal rating of players world of tanks

Team play

A way to increase the World of Tank personal rating is a close-knit platoon of friends and interaction through RaidCall or another communication program.

A thorough study of the features of game cards reveals points of firing, enemy interception routes, artillery shelters and workarounds for returning to the base after the "light".

A well-organized team takes the line and holds the defense, and communication will help determine the targets.

Exploded enemy tank - coin in the victory piggy bank. The disadvantage of the method is the difficulty of gathering a team in order to go online at the same time and “roll” a platoon.

A close-knit team is an almost impossible dream. There are cases when for almost a year gamers boasted of a more or less tolerable game, and when summer holidays began, the skating rinks began to merge due to the abundance of schoolchildren.

Not all students are like that, but when a third of the team drowns in the lake when a favorite card is drawn, it’s hard to react positively to what is happening.

world of tanks quickly raise rating

Max leveling

Players make a common mistake: having pumped a tank to the maximum, they are thrown in exchange for high-level equipment. On the new unit, you should again open the modules and upsize the crew.

Pumping during the transition from 6 to 7 level is a lengthy process. And the stock novelty will show itself in a bad light on the battlefield, which will negatively affect its personal rating.

How to raise to the previous level - switch to new combat vehicles gradually, while continuing to play on the maximally pumped vehicles.

In order to maintain efficiency and not lose the ability to drive on high-level combat vehicles, you need to carefully study the tactics and less often lose or periodically leave the “mastodons” in the hangar and transfer to medium tanks to level out victories.

Periodic rotation will keep the indicator at the proper level and increase if necessary.

how to increase rating in world of tanks

The technique of "tashers"

Premium tanks: Equipment purchased for real money even after the "nerf" maintains combat performance at the proper level and makes the enemy sweat. For example, the E-25 tank destroyer improves efficiency and helps to earn game currency. If an old apparatus is lying around in the hangar, it is simply necessary to drive on it to improve the “stats”.

Unpopular technique: In any branch there are tanks that are played little for various reasons: long swing, slow ride, poorly guided or outwardly do not like. On such, it is better to improve the rating due to lack of competition. It is enough to find the statistics of popularity and determine the appropriate units.

The above tanks identify the following tanks.

LevelNamea brief description of
5S35 CAFrench self-propelled gun with a good viewing radius, inconspicuous, with a powerful gun.


M36 jackson


Churchill VII

Easy to learn, perfectly fill experience. Rarely appear in battles because of the desire of a gamer to play on advanced weapons.
7T25ATAmerican tank destroyer with a high penetration rate, which is important due to hits on the card against vehicles of the 9th level. Deals 300 damage per shot.

Indien panzer

M26 pershing



Panther ii

The advantages are obvious: tanks with good penetration rates, capable of "pulling the rink" alone. Undeservedly forgotten heroes who are not afraid of skirmishes with level 10.


Type 61

Centurion Mk. 7/1


M46 patton


In the ranks of the "nines" there are more representatives, but there are many among the most playable ones, because the lack of competition is very doubtful. Bribe with thick armor and damage indicators, the game should take into account the characteristics of each tank.




AMX 50 B


Only pros can farm experience and status at the tenth level, because the equipment has the thickest armor, high damage and is extremely slow.

Base capture

Another surefire way to raise your personal rating in World of Tanks. At low levels, they are pumped by non-standard methods:

  • do not climb forward, let the enthusiasts catch the shell;
  • when playing for artillery, go at the end;
  • to capture to get points to increase the coefficient;
  • if they write to leave, ignore or answer “OK” and stay in place.

Efficiency can’t be quickly raised by seizures alone, but the method works in the opposite direction: opponents take cover and target the base. The first enthusiast rushed in, throws shells, the position changes, and the story repeats.

If an escort moved behind the suicide bomber, a battle ensues. Not a very good way to raise your personal rating in World of Tanks, because they come to capture only if there is an obvious victory.

increase personal rating of the world of tank

To save time

Skirmishes between players in a chat are common. The age of the game audience varies from 10 to infinity, everyone considers himself right and expresses an opinion about others without fear.

Do not be distracted by the chat, because this can lead to defeat, which will negatively affect efficiency.

Some players deliberately go trolling to provoke unrest in the chat and reduce the effectiveness of opponents.


There are many ways to increase the personal rating of World of Tanks, both simple and complex. The essence remains one: it is not worth scattering time and energy on pumping all branches.

It is recommended that you focus on one or two lines: for example, French artillery and German heavy tanks. A pair of representatives is acquired, guides are studied to understand the positive and negative sides and into battle.

It is important to understand in practice the management of equipment and pump to the maximum. Only a tank will be beneficial and applied to the farm. If you come across a "fat" opponent, it’s okay: it’s better to "shit" as much as possible, but die as a hero.

How to increase the rating in World of Tanks: drag a team - shoot enemies, shoot down a base, highlight artillery, shoot down tracks to enemies and secure comrades.

It is not worth blaming the team for all mortal sins: defeat is everyone's fault. You should work on the mistakes, read a couple of useful tips from the guru of the World of Tanks and apply knowledge in a duel. Not a single pro who hears the cries of “Cheater!” In his address received skills without failures: everything is comprehended by trial and error.

world of tank personal rating

Efficiency - an indicator of interest in the successful outcome of the battle. Strong platoon candidates are selected on it to compete with other formations. If a gamer enters the game to relax the brain after work and does not set a goal to have a qualitative indicator, you should not pay attention to the rating.

You need to be able to play: learn the tactics, features of the tank and the game card, interact with a (preferably pre-selected) team and learn from mistakes. Nothing complicated and extraordinary. If you want to donate to gold shells to show the enemy who is the boss in the house: there is such a tanker in any platoon.

Have a nice game and successful battles! Aim more precisely!

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