It is necessary to develop a baby from birth. For this, it is not necessary to strictly follow the instructions for psychology, to study a bunch of monotonous literature. Enough more time to spend with the child, show him tricks, explain obscure phenomena, craft toys together.
Such joint activities make the child more developed and raise the authority of the adult. Become a magician and a sorcerer for your child, give him joyful minutes of communication, develop interest in the surrounding reality in him and show by the example the importance of the necessary regular procedures, conduct joint experiments and experiments with available products.
Boiled or raw?
Even ordinary cooking in the kitchen can benefit your baby. To do this, it is enough to use those products that are always at hand. For example, experiment with a chicken egg at home. Such events will help to understand the intricacies and complexities of individual things and objects, as well as answer a number of difficult questions.
First, teach your child to distinguish a boiled egg from a raw one. In appearance, they are exactly the same, so at first glance it is impossible to make the right choice.
To do this, unwind the eggs and see how they will behave. Boiled immediately starts to spin, and raw will almost stand still. Such experiments with the egg will explain to the child that everything depends on the internal state.
A boiled egg has a dense mass, while a raw egg has a liquid mass. Liquid will slow down the process, so a raw egg will not spin.
Experiments with Egg and Vinegar
To explain to the child why you need to brush your teeth daily, it is enough to conduct a simple experiment. Take a regular chicken egg and spread one half of the baby toothpaste. Leave the other half untouched.
Pour a solution of vinegar (9%) into the jar and place the prepared egg in it. After half an hour, show the baby what happened. The half that was smeared with toothpaste will remain the same, and the second, unprotected, will become thin and change color.
Such an example will clearly show the importance and usefulness of toothpaste, which will protect the teeth and preserve their color.
Experiments and experiments are more quickly perceived and assimilated by a child than reading literature. It is interesting to observe them, and the results will be remembered.
Pop-up egg
The process of immersing an ordinary chicken egg in a solution of vinegar will bring the child a lot of pleasant experiences. First, it will sink and settle on the bottom, then it will gradually begin to fill with a mass of bubbles. As a result of the reaction of acid with calcium, which is part of the shell, the formation of carbon dioxide occurs.
These bubbles will make the egg rise to the surface. As soon as the bubbles are over, the egg will again sink to the bottom and begin to collect a new portion of gases, which again will push it up.
Bubble experiments with the egg will continue until the shell is exhausted and gives all the calcium for the reaction. The accumulation of bubbles will attract the attention of the baby, and your comments will help him understand what is happening.
If you leave the egg in the solution longer, you can get an excellent rubber ball. An egg drawn out after a while will become soft and supple. You can throw it on a plate and it will jump like a ball.
The child will surely like the experiments with the egg and he will ask them to repeat, or maybe he will learn to show it.
Tricks with an egg
With an ordinary chicken egg, you can show your child a lot of interesting things and thereby explain incomprehensible phenomena. For example, why is it easier to learn to swim in salt water? If this is explained in words, then it will not work, but to show it clearly is another matter.
Take three cans. Put plain water in one of them and salt water in the other. Let the baby drop the egg there and look together at what happens. Salt water will push the egg to the surface, and in ordinary water it will be at the bottom. This is because salt water will be heavier than a raw egg and will be able to lift it.
Now take an empty jar and place the egg there. Pour in salt and plain water alternately. It will be interesting for the child to watch what is happening.
The egg will change its location. With an excess of salt water, it will float, and with its lack - sink to the bottom. When the concentration of water is balanced, the egg will take a middle position. It will be between the bottom and the surface.
If you don’t immediately reveal the secret, then you can conduct such a demonstration in the form of a focus, forcing the egg to change position. The experiments with water and eggs are very simple and do not require special tools and financial costs. And the children are watching them with interest.
Egg in a bottle
The experience with an egg and a bottle will surprise not only the baby, but also the adult. Boil a chicken egg, let it cool and peel it. Take any dishes with a neck, such as a bottle. The neck should not be very narrow, but narrower than the diameter of the egg. For experience, you need matches.
- Stage One. Take the egg and place it on the neck, let the child try to stick it inside the vessel. This is impossible to do.
- Stage Two. Take the matches, light them and throw them inside the bottle. From above, place the egg on the neck with a sharp end, blocking the access of air.
- Stage Three. Gradually, the process of sucking the egg into the vessel begins to occur. This interesting experience will demonstrate the properties of air due to changes in pressure inside and out.
The experiment with the egg and the bottle can be carried out in the reverse order - try to get the egg back.
Turn the vessel upside down and start heating the bottom. Gradually, the egg in the bottle will begin to move in the opposite direction.
This experiment can also be done with a raw egg. To do this, it will be necessary to soften the shell in acetic acid.
A few tips:
you can pre-lubricate the neck of the bottle with oil;
to soften the shell, it is necessary to keep the egg in acid for at least a day;
cover the neck with an egg immediately, as the matches are thrown;
the neck should not be wide and too narrow (no more than ½ of the diameter of the egg itself).
"Vanka-vstanka" from an egg
Their eggs can make a perfect tumbler. A naughty egg is sure to be remembered by the baby, if allowed to take part in the manufacturing process.
The necessary materials are a candle, weights in the form of a nut, metal trifles and the egg itself. The cooking process will consist of several stages.
1. Getting started, you need to get rid of the fluid inside the egg. To do this, make a small hole from the sharp end and pour the contents.
2. Then rinse the egg inside and leave to dry. When it dries, throw the cooked “load” to the bottom and drip it with paraffin from a burning candle.
3. After hardening, test the egg. Check the fastening so that the load does not hang inside. The egg must constantly return to the same position, with the load at the bottom.
4. Now it remains to decorate the egg and close the hole.
You can make a toy in the form of a muzzle and stick a hat on top of the hole, thereby closing it. Give your child the opportunity to decorate the egg yourself. Perhaps he will tell you more interesting ways and options.
Spend more time with your child. His constant questions indicate that he is trying to quickly learn the world and understand all the subtleties. Help him with tips, entertaining games. Craft toys together and explain strange things.