Can activated charcoal for a dog: dosage, indications and contraindications, advice of veterinarians

Proper and regular nutrition, timely vaccinations and, of course, attention. This is the key to good health of any pet. The caring owner understands this perfectly. And in the event that something in the behavior or condition of the pet has changed for the worse, he immediately wonders: how to fix what happened? What medicines to use? Is it possible to give a dog or cat what you are treating yourself?

In this article, we will talk in detail about whether activated charcoal is given to dogs. And if so, in what situations and doses?

About the medicine

Activated carbon tablets

Activated carbon is a drug with a high adsorption potential. It includes:

  • charcoal;
  • coal and petroleum coke;
  • coconut shell elements and many others.

When to take?

Use this tool when one of the following occurs:

  • with flatulence;
  • poisoning;
  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • diarrhea
  • gastritis;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • to cleanse the body and lose weight;
  • dysentery, etc.

Drug action

With the regular use of activated carbon, the following processes occur:

  • the fight against diarrhea;
  • detoxification effect;
  • adsorption of harmful substances in the body;
  • removal of gases, salts of heavy metals;
  • absorption of harmful substances that appear on the skin;
  • removal of poisons and toxins from the stomach.

Now that we have figured out what this medicine is, we can begin to consider the question of the permissibility of a dog using activated charcoal.

Can I give coal to a dog?

Healthy eating for man and dog

This sorbent can be freely taken both by humans and animals. Sometimes veterinarians prescribe it if the pet has any poisoning or diseases of the stomach and intestines. The principle of action will be exactly the same.

The consequences of a dog using activated charcoal will be the same as in humans. That is, staining of stools in black. There is nothing dangerous in this, since the drug is excreted in the same color in which it was when consumed.

ATTENTION! If symptoms of poisoning occur, it is recommended to show the animal to a doctor. Of course, the dog can be given activated charcoal right away. But an incorrectly calculated dose can be harmful. In the event that after the use of coal the symptoms have not disappeared, you should immediately contact your veterinarian. This situation may indicate the presence of a serious illness.


In the event that the pet has one of the following disorders, it is impossible to use the medicine:

  • when opening bleeding in the stomach;
  • the presence of peptic ulcer;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug or its individual component.

Drug shortcomings

There are situations when giving a dog activated charcoal will be useless. Among them are:

  • lack of knowledge about what the pet is sick with;
  • in the event that the animal is severely dehydrated, the effect of coal will be significantly reduced.


To get the maximum effect from the medication, give the dog activated charcoal with strict adherence to all norms. Typically, this is from 5 milligrams to 2 grams of the drug per 1 kilogram of the animal’s weight.

ATTENTION! Only the veterinarian should calculate the dose. Focusing on the symptoms and duration of the disease period, he will indicate the required amount of coal, as well as complement the treatment with other drugs.

Dog at the vet's appointment

Is activated charcoal for a dog waiting for offspring? The answer is yes. The drug is absolutely harmless, and therefore suitable for use not only by pregnant animals, but also by puppies. Its residues are eliminated from the body within 9 hours, along with other harmful and dangerous substances.

The duration of intake of activated carbon is determined only by the veterinarian. And after all treatment recommendations are received, you must immediately begin to implement them.

How to give a dog activated charcoal?

There are several ways to use the medicine in animals. They depend on the size and age of the pet. As an example, such cases can be noted.

Puppy weighing

For puppies. At an early age, it is recommended to introduce a tablet dissolved in water. Then put the end of the syringe into the mouth (without a needle, of course), pour the liquid into the mouth. This must be done slowly so that the calf does not choke.

Adults Activated charcoal can be given in tablets to a grown-up dog. She is quite capable of swallowing them herself. With this administration of the drug, it is recommended to pour a little water from the syringe. To make it easier to swallow.

In the event that the pet vomited, you just need to repeat the procedure. Nevertheless, the best and most painless way is to dilute the tablets in water to a porridge.

Ready activated carbon solution

When is it worth giving medicine?

We have already received the answer to the question: is it possible to give activated charcoal to a dog? Therefore, it is worth considering the causes and symptoms that require the use of this medication.

Actually, the conditions of administration (types of disorders) in dogs are the same as in humans. They were listed earlier. Now the signs of the presence of severe poisoning in the pet will be sorted out.

ATTENTION! If an acute or prolonged intoxication occurs in a dog, the use of activated carbon is useless. This is due to its principle of action. The drug absorbs harmful substances and fluids in the body and is excreted along with them. Without getting into the blood.

Signs of the disease

Dog use of activated charcoal may be necessary in the following situations:

  • Increased salivation.
  • Changing the shade of urine.
  • The appearance of shortness of breath.
  • Heart palpitations.
  • Change the normal temperature level in any direction.
  • The emergence of a sharp reaction to light.
  • The appearance of seizures.
  • Dry nose.
  • Vomiting with bile or a mixture with blood.
  • Loss of consciousness.

How to give medicine at the first sign of poisoning?

Introduction of activated carbon solution

In case of the first symptoms of poisoning, it is necessary to give the dog activated charcoal as soon as possible. But before that, it is important to do the following:

  • Provoke vomiting. To do this, place your finger in the animal’s mouth. Then pressure is put on the root of the tongue (not strong).
  • Organize a gastric lavage. Dilute a liter of potassium permanganate solution and pour into the mouth. This will have to be done by force, as the animal will not want to eat or drink anything. You can use a syringe without a needle or a syringe.

ATTENTION! Before giving activated charcoal to a dog, make sure that more than 40 minutes have elapsed since taking the main drug. Otherwise, the sorbent will simply reduce its level of action.


The use of activated carbon in the treatment of a pet is a standard practice in veterinary medicine. However, the dosage of this drug should be regulated by the doctor himself. Otherwise, there may be problems with the body, which can lead to various diseases.

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