Hematemosis can adversely affect the state of many organs and systems in the body. The digestive system, for example, may cease to function normally as a result of injuries, ulcers, at the onset of the inflammatory process, or when foreign objects get in. The hemorrhage process affects the functioning of the heart and the functioning of the cardiovascular system in general, which provokes strong heart murmurs and pressure changes. As a result of hematemasis, the cat vomits with foam and blood, which is quite dangerous for the animal's body.
Disease Description
Hemathemesis - vomiting with blood discharge, which in the absence of timely correct and effective treatment can lead to death. Depending on the color of the vomit, the general etiology of vomiting can be determined. There are a large number of factors leading to profuse bleeding during reflex bowel movements in cats .
The cat vomits blood and foam due to stuck in the gastrointestinal tract of the animal foreign body, infectious diseases of the upper respiratory tract, poisoning with toxins, slag and chemicals. Also, vomiting with blood can occur constantly, manifesting itself several times a month or less.
The importance of treatment
It is forbidden to ignore such symptoms in an animal. Most often, vomiting with blood discharge indicates the presence of a chronic ulcer in a cat, which occurs when malnourished. In this case, wounds open from time to time and secrete blood, which provokes vomiting and scarring. When the bleeding is discovered, the animal begins to feel bad, his appetite is completely or partially lost.
Each disease requires a comprehensive treatment, which can only be prescribed by a veterinarian after diagnostic measures. For this reason, in the presence of vomiting with blood secretions, regardless of its frequency and intensity, it is important to visit the clinic, it is forbidden to treat the pet yourself, as this can lead to dangerous consequences, endanger the life and condition of the animal. Also, the owner of the cat loses precious time.
Causes of bloody vomiting
Why is the cat vomiting blood? A large number of factors can lead to hemathemesis, all of which as a result can provoke a fatal outcome in the animal. The main reason for this condition is arsenic poisoning. Most often this happens in those cats that regularly catch mice and live on the street or in the owner’s country house. Sometimes people poison rodents with rat poison, and cats at the same time catch them and immediately eat them.
As a result, toxins and hazardous chemicals enter the bloodstream of the animal and send it very quickly. In this case, the cat's body begins to protect itself and provokes the onset of vomiting, getting rid of nausea by taking medications is prohibited. A severe form of damage can occur against the background of seizures in the limbs, an increase in rectal temperature.
Group of factors
If the cat vomits blood, the reasons may be different. Among them:
- injury to the walls of the stomach - an ulcer;
- pathological gastritis;
- leptospirosis - cats become ill at a young age (under 12 months);
- pyroplasmosis;
- the presence of heartworms (simple types of parasites);
- ingestion of an animal foreign body;
- renal failure;
- parvovirus enteritis as a consequence of complications;
- getting injured in the abdomen;
- taking the wrong dosage of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- cat vomits blood from grass.
What animals are prone to
Cats with reduced immunity, pregnant women, the elderly, with chronic pathologies, as well as those who have previously undergone surgery, are most often affected by this disease. Some diseases can be stopped by vaccinating the animal, so the pet owner should not forget about the vaccination calendar. It is important to preclude exposure to hazards. But it should be borne in mind that after vaccination the cat should be provided with two weeks of quarantine.
Cat vomits blood: causes and treatment
Improper feeding of a pet, overloading food with bones can provoke reflex nausea with blood. Some owners feed the animal with tubular bones, which provokes not only vomiting, but also the development of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - ulcers or gastritis.
If the owner decided to have a pet, then he must ensure that the animal has normal living conditions: make the right diet, add more vitamins and minerals to it, vaccinate in time with all the required vaccinations, and prevent helminthiasis with antiparasitic drugs, for example, Drontal "
Ulcerative lesion
In some cases, cat vomiting rarely occurs. This condition may suddenly end and begin again. The owner of the cat must always seek help from a veterinarian. Most often, this condition indicates problems with the gastric mucosa (ulcerative lesion). Opened wounds provoke the release of blood, and then begin to scar.
Such a lesion requires a comprehensive and effective treatment that will eliminate the root cause of the lesion and prevent vomiting in the cat. It is also important to adjust the nutrition of the animal so as not to overload its gastrointestinal tract, begin to give the pet a special line of high-quality feed. If the animal eats natural home-made food, it is recommended to cook cereals from rice, oats, meat or offal (lungs, heart, liver), previously passing through a meat grinder.
From the described causes of the appearance of blood vomiting, we can conclude that such a condition is important to treat. Only a professional veterinarian can eliminate the lesion by prescribing effective medicines.
Determination of lesion by color
It is wrong to think that blood discharge in vomiting should only be red. With this form of discharge, the host can detect dark brown clots or fluid in the vomit. This indicates that the blood in the stomach at the exit was partially digested, gastric juice and hydrochloric acid acted on it. In the most dangerous case, bright red blood will be found in the vomit of the animal. Most often, it indicates damage to the walls of the larynx, stomach or esophagus. Medical measures in this case do not bring the desired effect.
Blood of black or dark brown color during nausea appears due to renal dysfunction. Such vomit can report actively developing parvovirus enteritis. It is important to remember that with enteritis in a cat the following symptoms occur: lack of appetite, frequent emptying with liquid feces. From such a virus, veterinarians have developed a special multivalent vaccine that helps prevent the development of parvovirus enteritis. He is most often affected by young cats, who have not yet turned 2 years old.
It is important to remember the frequency of vomiting in a cat and the color of blood secreted, which is very important for the veterinarian. This will help him quickly and correctly diagnose the animal and prescribe an effective treatment.
Vomiting Aid
What to do: cat tears blood with foam? It is important to remember that treating the animal yourself is prohibited, as this does not bring the desired effect. You can try to cope with vomiting yourself only at night, if the veterinary clinics are already closed at this point.
When a cat vomits blood, the first aid is as follows: for a start, it is important to stop the bleeding. For this, there are a large number of human resources, for example, Gordoks and Vikasol. Further, it is important to stop the gag reflex in the animal. For this, an intramuscular injection of "Tserkul" or "Serena" is carried out. It is preliminary important to calculate the correct dosage for the animal, based on the total body weight.
When a cat vomits blood, the treatment methods are as follows:
- "Dicinon", "Tranexam", "Vikasol" - funds that help stop the bleeding process.
- "Domidon", "Mirrors" - a means of stopping nausea in an animal.
- "Regidron" - effective to restore acid-base balance in a cat after vomiting. The tool is recommended to give in a small amount, pouring a spoon into the mouth of the animal. In this case, it is important to ensure that you do not accidentally provoke repeated vomiting.
- No-spa is important for eliminating cramping after vomiting.
- Droppers with glucose help prevent the depletion of the animal’s body, as the release of vomiting leads to the removal of a large number of useful trace elements and vitamins from the pet’s body.
All of these medicines can be purchased at any pharmacy. If the cat has stopped nausea, then this is not a reason to resume feeding her. It is best to give food on the second day. For this, it is recommended to give lean broth with oats and finely grated meat and meat offal.
Body recovery process
The main factor in the process of restoration of the animal’s body after prolonged vomiting of blood is proper nutrition, it should be light, not include fatty and solid foods, it is best to use puree feed. It is allowed to cook cereal soups on rice and oats at home, which help to envelop the diseased sections of the gastric mucosa. If previously a cat was fed with dry food, then they are excluded from the diet for a while (at least for two weeks). Experts recommend the use of only special feed lines from manufacturers "Hills", "ProPlan" and "Royal Canin".
Vitamins and Minerals
Since, due to vomiting, a large number of useful components and microelements came out of the animal’s body, it should be enriched with vitamin-mineral supplements. In pet stores, a large number of useful complex preparations are sold. But it is possible to use human means, they are cheaper.
Together with vomiting, the animal can lose a large amount of blood. To replenish it, it is important to introduce more iron into the diet, at least for two weeks the cat should be given iron-containing medications, for example, "Totem" or "Tardiferon". For ease of use, it is recommended to use drugs in the form of drops or suspensions. Not all cats will agree to use such funds, so it is best to use drugs in a liquid consistency.
Vomiting with blood can adversely affect the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract of the animal, so it will have to give additional lactobacilli, which are created specifically for animals, taking into account all their physiological characteristics. The tool "Lactis Zoo" is convenient because it can be used not only by cats, but also by dogs, small rodents and chinchillas. You can buy the drug in the form of a suspension. It has the following positive properties:
- helps restore intestinal microflora, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
- activates the defense of immunity, which ensures a good transfer of diseases, operations;
- negatively affects harmful bacteria located in the oral cavity of the animal;
- improves the assimilation of mineral components and vitamins.
Lactobacilli should be given to animals as a preventive measure. You can buy funds with them in the composition at any pet store or on the Internet.
Vomiting with foam and herbs
Vomiting in a cat with white foam suggests that his stomach is completely empty (in other words, hungry vomiting).
Green vomiting in a pet indicates that the intestine throws incoming food back into the stomach or too much bile is formed in the body. This often happens due to problems with bile, gall bladder, due to gastric obstruction. This condition is very dangerous for the animal's body, as it can lead to death. In this case, it is important to seek the help of a veterinarian as soon as possible, who will diagnose and prescribe treatment.