The birth of a child is a joyful event in every family. This is the beginning of a new life in which a great responsibility for the health of the baby rests on the shoulders of young parents. They must understand his needs and provide with everything necessary for comfort. In the first months of a child’s life, there are quite a few questions about caring for him: whether to support breastfeeding, to accustom the baby to the nipple, whether to bottle and other equally important issues.Opinions of parents about the education of babies to dummies vary. Some young mothers, opponents of the nipple, still change their minds if the child can not calm down for quite a long time. However, to decide to give the baby a pacifier is not everything. Some parents are faced with the problem of how to accustom a child to a nipple if they offer him, and he turns out to take it.
Perhaps many (if not all) know that in the first year of life, when the child is aroused, sucking can calm him. Just pull in his mouth, he can as a dummy, and his pen. If so, then it is even more difficult to rid him of this habit, because you can’t hide a finger or a fist like a dummy. There are times when young parents think: how to accustom the child to the nipple in order to distract him from the finger?
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Trying to answer the question of how to accustom a child to a nipple, is it worthwhile to understand why he refuses to take it? The reasons are various. For example, this may not be the appropriate size: since the pacifiers vary in shape and volume, they need to be selected depending on the age of the baby. Recommended use should be read on the label. There are also various forms. Recently, orthodontics have been popular, which contribute to the development of the correct bite.
And, perhaps, the last thing that can cause a failure is the material from which the nipple is made. There are two options - common and well-known to our parents, latex or new - silicone. Everyone has their own preferences., , , : , , , . , ? . , , , . : , , .
Dealing with this dilemma, mothers sometimes encounter another - how to teach a baby to a bottle. In this case, it is also worth paying attention to the quality of the material from which the container and the nipple are made. The smell and taste of plastic can very negatively affect the baby’s desire to use it. Along with plastic bottles there are glass ones, which in some cases are much better.