Natural colors are usually uniformly smooth. But even on perfectly even surfaces of the same solid color, natural color transitions form. Always an unintentional fall of sunlight or artificial lighting, as well as a change in the angle of view, gives uneven and unique shades.
Two points of view aimed at the same object perceive its color according to the difference in their viewing angles and the ratio of the angles of incidence of other rays on the surveyed surface.
Psychological effects of color transitions
Color causes not only physical sensations and depends not only on time and position in space. Images of trees, houses, mountains and other objects upside down cause a feeling of reflection in the surface of the water or on another surface.
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linear-gradient() radial-gradient(). , - . CSS gradient background, background-image, border-image, list-style-image. , .
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CSS background gradient
. . (CSS linear gradient) :
, . , . opacity .
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- , , . CSS gradient .
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- (CSS gradient generator), : angrytools, flatonika, generatecass . , .
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CSS gradient.
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Such a transfer of the center of gravity is beneficial to the developer: there is no need to engage in cross-browser implementation, to test the site on various devices in various operating systems.
Moreover, the trend will allow creating a common database on the actual implementation of CSS rules on various devices. This is only the beginning, but its potential is of great importance.