Eliot's Cichlazoma: Description, Content, Compatibility and Breeding

Eliot's cichlazoma is an original fish in color. Her scales sparkles and shimmers, attracting others with her beauty. In nature, lives in flocks along the banks of the slowly flowing rivers of Guatemala and Mexico, in places where there are shelters. It was opened in 1864. Conquered many fans of aquarium fish. It is characterized by unpretentiousness and established habits. She is the most beautiful representative of her kind.


Eliot's cichlazoma comes from the cichlid family. Suitable for both beginners and experienced aquarists. An adult can grow up to fifteen centimeters. It usually reaches puberty by the age of twelve months, but maybe by eight to ten. Eliot's cichlazoma quietly exists with other peaceful, proportionate fish. You can buy an individual about three centimeters.

Cichlazoma eliot

This fish is very attractive in appearance. The body is quite high, flattened laterally. The head is oblong, the lips are fleshy, and the eyes are large. Dorsal fin with long rays. The pectoral and ventral fins are transparent. Mostly from green with blue sparkles to brown. The males have a more contrasting color, and in size they are slightly larger than the females. The muzzle has a two-tone color.

Eliot's Cichlazoma is a school of fish. Despite the fact that she is a predator, she has a calm disposition. So that the fish could form pairs, they should be bought for 8-10 pieces. They will choose each other. Existing pairs cannot be broken. Those who did not find a mate should be put into another aquarium.


Problems with this usually do not arise. Fish food is recommended to be selected so that they fit the size of their mouths. Large representatives can safely give bloodworms, shrimp cut with scissors, ground beef heart. Eliot's cichlomas are not very picky in their diet and basically eat what they are given. Live worms and insects, pieces of meat and squid, small fish, dry food are suitable. They are able to get used to any diet. But in order for their scales to sparkle, be bright and fascinate with different colors, it is necessary to give more live food.

eliot cichlazoma content

Eliot’s cichlazomes feed on algae that form on walls and stones, daphnia, bloodworms and brine shrimp. A dietary supplement must be present in the diet. Feeding is recommended twice a day. To strengthen the immune system, it is advisable to arrange an unloading day once a week, that is, do not give them food at all.

These creatures are very voracious, therefore they eat all the food that has fallen to the bottom of the aquarium, passing through the gills. That is why the soil must be clean.


Soft water is an environment in which Eliot's cichloma feels great. Maintenance should take place in a spacious aquarium, as the individual grows to fifteen centimeters. Even in the aquarium must be small and large stones and shelters (grottoes). For the soil it is better to use dark or light gravel of medium size, and even better - soft and clean sand, as the fish like to wallow in the soil. Aquarium plants are suitable with hard leaves and a powerful root system. Roots are best reinforced with stones. Plants do not have to be many. You can put a little snags, dry scalded oak and almond leaves to put on the sand. Additional elements should be in moderation, because fish love space for swimming.

eliot cichlazoma breeding

They do not touch plants, do not pay attention to other inhabitants. Eliot's cichlazoma compatibility is good. The behavior of aggression was not noticed, however, it can come into conflict with large fish, and small inhabitants can be damaged or eaten.

Owners of these amazing fish are remembered and, when they appear closely, try to attract attention. In the aquarium, there should be a high-quality filter, since the fish need clean water. There should be enhanced aeration and daily replacement of 1/3 of the aquarium water with fresh. One pair should account for one hundred liters. It cannot be kept together with species that have veil fins. The fish feels comfortable in soft and medium hard water (dH 4-12 °) at a temperature of 25-30 degrees and an acidity of pH 7.0-8.0.


For Eliot's cichlazoma fish, the lighting should be moderate (about 0.3 W / L in intensity). Or you can plant bushes of floating plants on the surface of the water. They will be like a natural filter.


With good feeding, by the year of their life, the fish are looking for a mate. Spawning usually takes place in a common aquarium. They choose a suitable stone, clean it, lay eggs on it or dig a small hole next to it. The female lays eggs, later the male fertilizes the eggs, and then together they guard the site. They drive everyone away from him at a distance. About 100-500 pieces can hatch. Until the larvae hatch, the fish eat little. Caviar can be taken or left from the fish in Eliot's cichlazoma.

eliot cichlazoma compatibility

Breeding these fish is a fascinating process. When there are many fry, they swim in a cloud. They should be fed artemia. As you grow, you can start giving other feeds. It is necessary to control the content of nitrites and ammonia in the water, as its inhabitants are hard to tolerate. Young individuals may die due to this, even if the concentration of these substances is low.

After the pairs have formed, the remaining individuals must be deposited, otherwise strong aggression will be manifested to them.

Offspring Care

Both parents guard the fry. Usually this lasts until they reach a size of one or two centimeters. When there is someone else in the aquarium, cichlids will be unfriendly, taking care of the offspring.

eliot cichlazoma content and breeding

Fabulous beauty is the fish of cichlazoma Eliot. Keeping and breeding it is simple, as it is unpretentious. The only thing that matters to her is clean water. In a short time, this fish became popular among aquarium enthusiasts due to its calm nature, unusually beautiful appearance and interesting behavior. This underwater resident is not cocky, calmly exists with other similar inhabitants of the aquarium. But do not forget that by nature she is a predator.

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