Many beginners are looking for programming programs that are convenient to write code or compile. Universal programs for compiling all programming languages do not exist, since their development would take many years of continuous work of many people. Therefore, we will analyze what programs programmers need, using several popular languages as examples.
It is also worth noting that the code does not always need to be compiled. So, for example, if you are a web programmer, then you rarely need it.
Programs for programmers
If you want to become a web programmer, then you do not have to download compilers. It is enough to have only some programs from the following list.
A great program that can run a local server on your computer. It has many flexible settings and the latest versions of server languages.
It is also worth noting that this program is absolutely free and has no advertising. The author receives money only through voluntary donations.
Sublime text
It is a very convenient text and code editor that supports many languages.
It is conditionally paid, because the downloaded program almost does not require its purchase.
If you would like to put your site on a hosting, then you will need an FTP client to send files to the server.
The program is completely free, and also many people use it.
It is advisable to have all the browsers in which you will test your site.
Programs for Java programmers also exist, there are quite a lot of them, so we’ll only talk about a few.
A development environment written in Java and released in 2004. It is one of the most popular programs for creating modular cross-platform applications. There is a Russian language interface. It is worth noting that this environment also supports a number of other programming languages, such as C ++, Cobol, Fortrun and others.
A free, multi-language, and large audience development environment. Supported by Oracle. It was released in 1994 and remains relevant to this day.
JDK (Java Development Kit)
A set of tools for development in the java language. It is a completely free program for programmers distributed by Oracle Corporation. In it you will find almost everything in order to successfully program in Java and write large and useful programs.
C / C ++ / C #
Probably, these are one of the most complex and progressive programming languages in which many programs are written, as well as operating systems. They have compilation programs.
Visual studio
A popular development environment that supports many programming languages. Fortunately for Russian-speaking users, it has a Russian interface. It is paid, but there is also a free version in which you will find everything you need for development. Distributed by Microsoft.
MultiLanguage Studio 1.5
The program, which was developed by a Russian programmer, would be a good alternative to Visual Sudio. However, it is not so popular. It is also this program that encrypts the resource file with the RC4 algorithm, and also supports version control of the translated files.
Of course, there are many programs for programmers, and they differ among themselves by purpose and method of application. We could not and would hardly be able to list all the programs in this article, but this is not necessary, because there are a huge number of such programs. At the moment, almost all the programs described in the article support popular programming languages.
Of course, we could not find programs for all programming languages, and even for some quite popular ones, such as JavaScript. However, some of the programs presented still support it.