Copper sulfate for the pool: reviews, dosage

Putting a pool on the site is an attractive idea. Moreover, today there are a huge number of opportunities. It is not necessary to install a stationary pool, it is enough to collect a temporary structure for the summer period or even buy an inflatable one. However, this does not solve the problem. If the volume exceeds 100 liters, then draining it daily is very problematic. And without this, the water begins to bloom and becomes unacceptable for swimming. Cleaning the pool with copper sulphate is attractive in terms of the fact that this drug is cheap and almost everyone has a home.

sulphate for pool reviews

What is copper sulfate

Almost all gardeners are familiar with this substance. Opening the package, you see a powder or blue crystals. They have no taste, although they contain 24% copper. The powder dissolves very well in water, and gradually disappears in the air. It is produced by dissolving copper in sulfuric acid. The resulting substance is used in industry and construction, in food production as a preservative. But that is not all. Copper sulfate is widely used in animal husbandry as a mineral top dressing. In addition, doctors use it, since the antiseptic, cauterizing and astringent properties of this substance have long been known. A weak solution (0.1%) is recommended for gastric lavage in case of poisoning. This once again proves that in small quantities, any poison is a medicine, the whole thing is in the right dosage. Therefore, cleaning the pool with copper sulfate can be done, but you need to carefully calculate everything.

sulphate pool cleaning

What you need to know

Even before installing the pool, you need to think about how you will maintain normal water. If there are small children, then such an assistant on the site can be very useful, and even necessary, but only if the water in it is of proper quality. Bathing will bring a lot of pleasure and maintain health. However, if children splash in it all day, then in the evening the water will not be very clean, and soon leaves, midges and other garden animals will attack it. But this is not the biggest trouble, garbage can simply be collected with a net. But when the water begins to turn green after a few hours, you need to take action. Very often copper sulfate is used for the pool. Reviews say that this is an effective tool to prevent the flowering of water. Is this really so, remains to be seen.

copper sulfate for pool dosage

Cleaning principle

We need to learn this from nature itself. Why doesn't water bloom in the lake? The answer to this question has long been received. The fact is that the garbage is light and heavy. The second settles down, and the first rises up and forms a film. It is he who becomes the cause of flowering water. Stagnant lakes solved this problem in the easiest way. Feeding the reservoir with spring water allows you to raise the level, which means that the top layer of contaminated liquid flows into streams. Stationary pools also use this method, however, it requires solving two issues:

  • Where to get clean water?
  • Where to go dirty?

There were pumping filtering units that allow you to effectively purify water in the pool. But their cost is rather big, and this is what prompts people to search for an alternative solution. In particular, one of the options is copper sulphate for the pool. Reviews say that if you use it in the right proportion, then there will be no harm from the application.

blue vitriol for pool water treatment

Money issue

Indeed, many people use copper sulfate at home. This is a cheap tool, which, in addition, is on the farm almost constantly. At the same time they add it to the water in various proportions and sincerely believe that it is necessary to use copper sulfate for the pool. Reviews of some summer residents contain recommendations for adding blue powder to water, but do not at all take into account that this is the strongest poison. Of course, relatively recently there was no alternative, so this solution can be understood from the point of view of domestic needs.

Today there are safer products, and therefore it is not recommended to use copper sulfate for the pool. Reviews of experts say that this compound can not be used for water treatment, since it is difficult to calculate the desired proportion, and it is dangerous to pour on the eye. Children often swim in pools, and they are very susceptible to various allergens and harmful substances. After all, you are sure that entertainments in the water will add health to the kids, and at the same time you add vitriol to it, which is mixed with bleach.

how much copper sulfate to add to the pool

Cleaning products or chemicals

In fact, there is a choice today. For this, various household chemicals or finished factory products are used. Experts say that water purification with copper sulfate is unreasonably popular.

  • It is much safer to use factory preparations. They are specially created so that the active ingredients disintegrate after completing their task. There is a choice today, so buy products based on active oxygen. This is the safest option, but it must be used with great care, following the instructions.
  • Chlorine-containing drugs. We are all accustomed to a specific smell in urban pools, so if the question arises of how to clean water in our home areas, chlorine is first of all remembered. This is far from a safe chemistry, despite the fact that it disinfects drinking water. Yes, it is a necessity, but it is better to use other cleaning methods.
  • Bromine-based drugs are less aggressive than chlorine, but they are not completely harmless. However, it does not have a pungent odor and does not irritate the skin.
  • Copper sulfate for water purification in the pool is a folk art, far from the safest. However, it is not a matter of concentration. Even if you carefully measured the required quantity, this does not guarantee your safety. The fact is that copper sulfate actively reacts with many substances that are contained in water. No one can guarantee that the resulting compounds will be loyal to your skin.

you can add copper sulfate to the pool

Our business is to warn

Despite all the warnings, many continue to use copper sulfate to purify pool water. Then it remains to find out which dosage is the safest. Due to its properties, vitriol kills all life in the pool, and the water in it remains clean, but how safe is it for humans? Turning to the scientific literature, we can read that a dosage exceeding 0.6 g causes severe vomiting. But this is if the drug enters the body. Do you guarantee that the child does not swallow water while swimming? That is, we can say that it is permissible to use copper sulfate for the pool. The dosage should be observed as accurately as possible so that there are no consequences. Better yet, consult the manufacturer of your water area and find out how to clean the water.

copper sulfate for pool water


How much copper sulfate to add to the pool? Let's find out. The following proportions are given on the package. It is necessary to prepare a solution of sodium chloride, copper sulfate and water. To do this, take accurate scales and measure the required amount based on the volume of your pool. For every 1000 liters, 0.9 g of copper sulfate and 2.7 g of salt will be required. This is a relatively safe tool. You can add copper sulfate to the pool directly in the mixers, which are located on the pipeline for supplying liquid.

Pool on the site

If you intend to use it exclusively for families, then you can not come up with complex cleaning schemes. Copper sulfate for water in the pool in this case will be just superfluous, it is enough to take a shower before you decide to swim, and slightly shade it from the scorching sun.

If you have a lot of guests and they are not against water procedures, then the problem of cleaning becomes more acute. But do not worry: carefully observing the proportions, you can very well use copper sulfate. It is cheap and safe enough. If mostly adults are swimming in the reservoir, then you can not worry at all about their health.

But if you have children growing up who do not crawl out of the water in the heat, it is recommended to think a few times before using copper sulfate for the pool. The dosage indicated on the package may be safe, but who knows what it will lead to if the child swallows in the pool.

Instead of a conclusion

Can copper sulfate be used to purify water? The question is complex. The problem is that it is poison. In small doses, it is harmless, but excess concentration is fraught with severe poisoning. Are you ready to risk the health of your family? If not, choose factory-made water purifiers based on active oxygen. Such solutions can even water the flowers, there will be no harm from them. If you choose a budget option, then first read how much copper sulfate to add to the pool.

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