The whole truth about water coolers

For the Russian market of household appliances, a water cooler is a new technique that is gaining popularity from year to year. Coolers make the process of consuming water from large bottles of 12 liters and 19 liters easier. According to their functional features, coolers combine the properties of a cooler and a kettle, which makes it possible to use cold or hot water at any time. For making coffee, tea, chilled drinks, coolers are ideal.

Water cooler By its design, you can fit in any office, in the interior of any apartment or cottage. Among other things, coolers are used in secondary schools and kindergartens. All models of coolers, which are presented in a wide assortment on the market for these products, comply with all international standards and rules, each type has passed all the necessary certification. The cooler works in that it heats or cools the water to a predetermined temperature. A sensor integrated in the system regulates the heating and cooling process, which saves energy.

Types of coolers.

By design, coolers are divided into two types: floor-mounted and desktop-mounted, of various shapes, capacities, and configurations.

The simplest models are household coolers designed to heat water to room temperature. Such devices are the most affordable at the price. The second type of cooler is a device that can both cool water and heat it. Cooling in such devices is either electronic or compressor. The third type of cooler is a device that also contains devices for high-quality filtration of water, for aerating water and drinks. Some models have the function of an ice maker, as well as the function of enriching water with useful trace elements. On installation of bottles distinguish between upper and lower coolers. According to statistics, most Russian consumers prefer coolers, whose bottles are loaded from below.

Principle of operation.

The heating of water in the cooler is due to the heater installed inside the heater. Thanks to the universal sensors that are built into the system, the heater heats the water only to a certain limit of 95C, which prevents the water from boiling and losing its taste. The heating speed depends on the model, but on average the cooler is heated from five to six and a half liters in one hour.


The main manufacturers of coolers are Asian countries, in particular China and Korea. By price characteristics, Korean coolers are more expensive than analog models of Chinese production. Chinese coolers left far behind their competitors in an assortment of different models that differ from each other not only in functional parameters, but also in stylistic solutions.

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