"Phenibut" during pregnancy: indications, instructions for use, reviews

The modern rhythm of life requires endurance, high intellectual activity and good stress resistance from a person. But how to combine all this? If a person does not cope with these tasks on his own, then he will resort to the help of medicines. One of the drugs that help a person in this is Phenibut. But what about the period when a woman is preparing to become a mother? Is it possible to "Phenibut" during pregnancy? In this article you will find answers to these questions.

What is this drug?

Different pills

Pharmacists include Phenibut as a nootropic and anxiolytic drug. The main component of the drug is able to affect brain activity. It simultaneously helps to cope with increased intellectual stress and strengthen the nervous system.

Since this drug has the ability to affect the nervous system and brain, the use of Phenibut during pregnancy is extremely controversial. In addition, the drug is capable of:

  • affect the quality of memory, speed and volume of memorable material;
  • affect emotional stability;
  • make consciousness clearer;
  • affect the activity of mental processes;
  • relieve the condition during depression;
  • level excessive excitability and irritability;
  • affect the quality and quantity of night sleep;
  • affect the vascular system.

These abilities are not indicated in the instructions for use of "Phenibut" and reviews about this drug among doctors and consumers are quite different.

Historical reference

This drug was developed in the USSR in the mid-1970s. Initially, they wanted to use the drug in pediatrics in order to correct the deviant behavior of children and adolescents. However, soon this drug was noticed by doctors from the Soviet space program. They decided to add this drug to the astronaut’s first-aid kit, because, unlike other tranquilizers, it not only calmed the nervous system, but also increased the efficiency of the brain. He also had no side effects in the form of a worsening reaction and a decrease in concentration, which is important in the work of the astronaut.

They also tried to use this drug in the treatment of the elderly, and came to the conclusion that “Phenibut” does not accumulate in the body’s tissues, but is converted by the kidneys and liver. In addition, the effect of the drug on the brain persists for 6 hours after taking the drug.

Indications for use

Pregnant and pills

So, we will consider to whom all the same it is possible and necessary to apply this drug. For taking Phenibut tablets, the indications are as follows:

  • decreased mental performance and decreased concentration of attention;
  • emotional lability;
  • anxiety, stress and fear;
  • asthenia and depression;
  • sedative before surgical procedures;
  • problems with cerebral circulation, the prevention of thrombosis;
  • brain pathology;
  • various kinds of dizziness;
  • lack of sleep, anxiety, nightmares;
  • neurotic conditions;
  • enuresis, encopresis;
  • logoneurosis, mutism, stuttering, systemic neurosis, tics;
  • disorders of the vestibular apparatus;
  • neurasthenia;
  • Meniere's disease;
  • ADHD in children;
  • deviant behavior in children and adolescents;
  • phobias;
  • alcohol syndrome.

As we can see, the spectrum of use of this drug is quite extensive. However, in the instructions for use of "Phenibut" and reviews of specialists, there are no indications for taking the drug during the period of gestation.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Dizziness during pregnancy

During this period, the woman’s body is most vulnerable. After all, she must support the health and proper development of not only herself, but also a small person inside. His body, by the way, is even more vulnerable.

At this time, the woman's memory and concentration noticeably worsen. She is also more susceptible to stress due to changes in the hormonal background and inexorable rhythm of life. It would seem that “Phenibut” would be most welcome here. However, it is not. Phenibut is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

Since this drug can affect the circulatory system and blood vessels, it can have a negative effect on the course of pregnancy and the development of the fetus in the womb.

In addition, to assess the safety of the use of this drug by pregnant and lactating women, the necessary studies have not been conducted. Therefore, there is no objective evidence that Phenibut can be used during pregnancy and lactation.

What is the allowable dosage during pregnancy?

Pregnant and doctor

There are situations when certain drugs cannot be dispensed with, even if they can be harmful. It always compares the benefits for the mother and the harm for the child. And if the expected benefit to the mother is higher than the risk to the fetus, then the drug is prescribed for use.

As for taking Phenibut during pregnancy and lactation, everything here is very individual. If there is an opportunity to refuse to take this drug, then it is better to do so. However, if you can not do without it, then the dosage and duration of the course of treatment should be established exclusively by your attending physician. Only he will select the best option for you personally, taking into account all your individual characteristics and the severity of the situation.

In addition, throughout the course of taking the drug, you will need additional control and examination. Only a doctor can prescribe this for you too. Therefore, self-medication in this case is very dangerous. You can harm not only yourself, but also your child, for whom you are now constantly responsible.

The consequences of taking "Phenibut" during pregnancy

Decreased performance in pregnant women

Since this drug is mainly contraindicated during the period of bearing a child, that is, certain consequences of taking it. If for the mother it has a calming effect on the central nervous system and brain, then in the fetus it just can cause disturbances in their structure and development.

Also, this drug gives a large load on the liver, since it is almost completely processed by it and excreted by the kidneys. Consequently, the fetus may also have pathologies in the development of precisely these organs.

The consequences of Phenibut in early pregnancy can be very sad, even terminating the pregnancy. In the first trimester, it is strictly forbidden to use this drug. At this time, the child is laying all organs and systems, and taking the drug can disrupt this process.

The use of the drug in later pregnancy has fewer restrictions. However, it is still necessary to use Phenibut only as directed by a doctor and under his strict supervision.

Analogues of the drug

Stress at work during pregnancy

The Russian analogues of Phenibut in composition are the following drugs:

  1. "Anvifen" - the active substance is the same.
  2. “Valerian extract” is well known to everyone, harmless, therefore it is allowed during pregnancy.
  3. "Afobazole" - with increased anxiety, sleep disturbances, with PMS.
  4. "Mebicar" - for neurotic disorders and neurosis.
  5. "Phenazepam" is a hypnotic, sedative, anticonvulsant drug.

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