The best pet riddle. Puzzles about pets for children

Any riddle about a pet is very necessary for children for general development. Thanks to her, the child begins to understand the habits and habits of our pets. If you ask children what kind of pet they know, most will tell you about a cat and a dog.

It would never occur to many to say that a cow or a goat also falls into the same category. After all, they can be seen somewhere in the village or village, but not in the apartment. Therefore, so that children know not only the cat and dog, in the article we will consider other children's puzzles about pets. Thanks to them, kids will learn a lot of interesting and remarkable things.

What are puzzles for?

Children daily develop in different directions. Therefore, we need a riddle about a pet. Thanks to her, the child learns to fantasize, imagine, think and guess.

pet riddle

To introduce your little one to the world of pets, you can come up with puzzles yourself or just read them. No matter where the information comes from, the main thing is that it benefits the children.

The riddle about a pet can affect not only a cat or a dog, but also a chicken, a chicken, a cow, a goat, a sheep, etc. With the help of riddles you will reveal many secrets that will be interesting for your kids.

About cat and kittens

This is one of the first animals that children know and love. There are many interesting and informative puzzles about a cat and kittens:

1. Who is this fluffy? Gray, small, playful. Show him a thread, only have time to pull. Jumps after her and jumps ours (kitten), like a ball.

2. The goat has a kid, the cow has a calf, and the cat (kitten).

3. This animal is very fond of man, and mice are afraid of him. (Cat Kitty).

4. At home he lives, loves tenderness, affection. When he is stroked, he falls, as if into a fairy tale. He purrs for days on end. This is our favorite (cat).

5. It walks very quietly; mice will not even hear. In the dark she walks, makes mice hide. (Cat).

6. Sweet, mustachioed, sometimes striped, white, fluffy, and maybe gray. All children are moved when she needs affection. (Cat).

puzzles about pets for children

7. Fluffy, playful, sometimes lazy. She has soft paws, and there are scratches in them. (Cat).

8. All furry and always mustachioed. Rest during the day, and walks at night, convenes mice. (Cat).

9. Fluffy, beautiful, affectionate and sweet. He loves bacon, milk and meows all the time - asks for more. (Cat).

Puzzles about pets for children are fascinating and entertaining. Thanks to them, children learn to recognize our lesser friends by habits and description.

Puzzles about a dog

Kids really love these pets. From ancient times it was believed that a dog is a friend of a person. Therefore, children need to be taught a gentle attitude towards them. For this, riddles about dogs were invented :

1. This gentle and gentle beast loves only good people. He does not perceive evil and barks at them loudly. (Dog).

2. It rushes at strangers, and caresses its own. (Dog).

puzzles about pets in English

3. Fun tail waving when meeting with the owner, growls menacingly if he meets strangers.

4. This is our living castle, strangers will not miss even with a key.

5. Only with the owner is she friends. Lives under the porch in our yard. She has a warm spot in a big doghouse.

6. Not a bird, but sometimes sings. Who goes to the owner, she gives to know about the guests. Barks and growls loudly, yells at everyone.

Puzzles about a cow

This is also a pet, but cannot live in an apartment. Therefore, many children saw the cow only in pictures. Suggest riddles about her, and let the child try to find out her description:

1. Why is she mooing? Probably hungry. When grazing in a meadow, it is silent and does not knock a hoof.

2. Children ask very loudly: "Give us milk." She answered deftly: "How am I enough, then I will give you milk."

3. She is red, black and brown. And day and night she chews everything, and then gives a lot of milk.

riddles about wild and domestic animals

4. Motley and brown, eats something green, offers people very white. (A cow eats grass, offers people milk).

5. When she eats, she is silent, and toward evening she mumbles. After all, there is a lot of milk in it, it's time to milk it.

6. She is with hooves and large horns, seemingly scary and dangerous. If you look at her at least a little bit, you will understand that she is tender, like a cat. When she is not hungry, she is ready to give us milk.

7. An animal with large horns. Her adults and children are afraid, but she is the kindest in the world. In the daytime he goes to pasture, but at night he gives milk.

Riddles about a goat and a sheep

These animals are also domesticated. They have interesting habits that are fascinating to watch. The pet puzzle helps children learn more about the world around them.

1. With a small beard, with a thick coat and small horns. She bleats, does not sing, distributes milk to everyone. (Goat).

2. She butts rarely, tries not to touch the kids. It gives babies milk so that they gain strength and are able to jump very high. (Goat).

3. Not a cow, but a horned one, not a sheep, but a lot of wool, not a grandfather, but a bearded one. (Goat).

4. Twice a year, she takes off her fur coat, who still walks under it? (Sheep).

5. Astrakhan fashionable fur coat on it. Wearing it in winter and summer. (Sheep).

6. She says plaintively: "Be-eee, take off your fur coat from me, knit mittens, oh, I'm poor (sheep)."

7. I live next to a girlfriend, she has white curls on her fur coat. It plucks grass on the porch our cheerful (lamb).

8. Red beard, small legs, beautiful walk. She walks impressively from the pasture and gives useful milk to all people. (Goat).

9. Gives us milk, but not a cow. Shares wool - we are ready to knit mittens. This is a terrible fidget and her name is (goat).

10. She knows how to rest and really likes to butt sometimes. Cabbage crunches all day, eats greens like a shadow. When he eats and drinks, then he will pour milk on us. (Goat).

Puzzles about animals in English

To develop a child even more, teach him a foreign language. For this, puzzles about pets are suitable:

1. I am very smart. When i see a cat, i fly and run for it. (I am very smart. When I see a cat, I bark and run after it). (Dog).

2. The dog has a puppy, in a hen - a chicken, a goat and who? (Kid). (The dog has a puppy, the chicken has a chicken, and who has a goat? (Goat).

3. She is soft and fluffy. She likes to play with a thread and a long purr. (She is soft and fluffy, she loves to play with a thread and purr for a very long time). (Cat).

Such puzzles help not only learn new things about animals, but also learn English, which at first seems incomprehensible. However, if you deal with your baby every day, then there will be an excellent result and you can be proud of your crumbs.


Riddles about wild and domestic animals are very necessary for kids to develop them. Children begin to understand a lot about them, become more attentive, loving and gentle in relation to our lesser brothers.

children's puzzles about pets

In this article, we examined puzzles about basic pets. This is a cat, dog, cow, goat and sheep. However, this is not all that children need to know. There are also poultry: chicken, rooster, goose, chicken. You can also come up with interesting and informative riddles about them yourself. After all, then your baby will appreciate animals, he will want to learn more about them.

You can still children come up with simple puzzles about pets in English. However, they are best perceived by children 3-4 years old. Develop with your kids, fantasize, strive for excellence, and you will surely succeed.

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