The answers are a firm stomach during pregnancy.

A solid stomach during pregnancy may appear due to uterine hypertonicity. And, unfortunately, this is referred to as pathology, but panic ahead of time is not worth it. Firstly, because there are many more women with such a diagnosis than women in labor who have no pathologies at all. And secondly, because uterine hypertonicity is treatable if all the recommendations of doctors are followed. But the most important thing at the same time is to turn to the clinic in time and begin to be treated.

Uterine hypertonicity can most often occur in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. It is very easy to determine this by the feeling of heaviness in the lower abdomen, and often by the occurrence of pain similar to premenstrual. Symptoms such as pain in the lumbar region of the sacrum, an unpleasant sensation in the lower abdomen, similar to bursting before emptying, or severe pain in the center of the abdomen can also occur. But if you felt these sensations for the first time, then for a start just lie down and rest. Since all this can be caused by normal stress or overwork. But if the pains do not subside, but increase more, or disappear, then appear again, then it is urgent to call an ambulance. And already doctors will determine what caused a hard stomach during pregnancy it’s important to know the exact diagnosis.

Diagnostics and reasons.

All symptoms, when the stomach hardens during pregnancy, require a thorough check (diagnosis) because of the possible threat of miscarriage. This is because with hypertonicity the uterus begins to contract as it should be during childbirth, and this is wrong and causes the threat of spontaneous interruption of the bearing of the fetus. With this manifestation of premature contraction of the uterus, blood circulation in the placenta is disturbed, and this leads to oxygen deficiency for the baby. In addition, hypertonicity often provokes a delay in the growth and development of the fetus.

What are the reasons for increasing the uterine tone and firm abdomen? All this can be caused by endocrine and hormonal disorders, as well as infectious and inflammatory processes in the female genital organs, a malfunction in the immune system, uterine underdevelopment, stress, and depression.

Hard stomach during pregnancy develops later due to polyhydramnios or when the fetus is too large inside the womb . Injury to the uterus can also be caused by injuries and physically severe stress experienced by the expectant mother.

Recommendations for women with a symptom - a firm stomach during pregnancy.

If you suddenly felt a pulling pain and heaviness in the lower abdomen, try to relax as much as possible, perhaps turn on quiet music and lie down to rest. When relief comes, do not forget that you still need to visit a doctor and describe everything that happened.

There is nothing good in uterine hypertonicity (a solid stomach during pregnancy), but you still should not be upset. For example, this is exactly what happened to me at 8 months of gestation . But, despite the hypertonicity, I gave birth to a healthy baby. Often, after diagnosis and treatment, the pain disappears and never returns. So it was in my case, similar symptoms occurred only at the time of this birth.

But still, it is better to prevent such diseases, obeying doctors and doing prevention on time. Thus, try to minimize the risk of a hard stomach. Doctors and specialists advise starting prevention before the fetus appears inside the womb, that is, during the planning period. What does that require?

Firstly, examination of both future parents for infectious diseases. Secondly, the exclusion of alcohol and the complete cessation of smoking. If you are an athlete, then during the planning and pregnancy period you will need to reduce all the physical activities that are familiar to you. And remember that watching your health, you protect your future baby.

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