Some toys were able to gain popularity in many countries and became cult. No wonder they have replicas. This is especially true when the price of the original is quite high. For example, the analogue of “Sylvania Family” is much cheaper and has a lot of similarities.
Manufacturer Village Story
The most popular characters from Sylvanian Families are cute hedgehogs. Village Story is a completely different manufacturer, but their toys are very similar to the famous family of hedgehogs. Their main advantage is a lower price, and the quality is practically not inferior to the original models.
Although the toys from "Village Storey" are somewhat different, some children like them even more. Firstly, they are slightly larger in size, and secondly, they have charming faces.
The hedgehog family consists of four members - two adults and two children. All accessories for toys fit from the original set of "Sylvanas Femeli".
According to reviews, Village Story may well compete with the Sylvians. Toys, by the way, are also covered with high-quality flock. Therefore, to replenish the family with new characters and save money, you can purchase an analogue of "Sylvania Family".
Brand Lil Woodzeez
The manufacturer has released charming beavers that are very similar to the famous figures from Sylvanian. The clothes are of the same quality as the original toys, the arms and legs of the figures are movable.
Many reviews indicate that this series is even difficult to call an analogue. The toys are made with such high quality that they deserve the right to be an independent series.
By the way, all clothes can be removed. The outfits are decorated with many detailed, embroidered details. Papa beaver has a gorgeous white hat. Ponytails of cute animals spin.
Buyers note that children like to change beaver diapers. Mom's apron is great for role-playing games in mother-daughter. Papa's costume is less detailed, consists of one part, but imitates the complete set: shirt, vest and trousers.
House-analogue "Sylvania Family" from Happy Family
Of course, in the modern market you can buy not only replicas of toy animals. The most famous analogue of the Sylvania Family toys is the Happy Family (although its current name is Junnew). This brand is positioned as a replica of houses for the Sylvanians.
Judging by the reviews, Junnew produces quite high-quality furniture sets that are quite comparable to the original. Many consumers who are not too familiar with Sylvanian Families toys did not even realize that it was a fake. Here, unless another textile is used.
Parents say that the pink color of the nose and ears of animals is striking. But judging by the reviews, the kids like pretty cute, bright faces, and they enjoy playing with smiling heroes.
The manufacturer also produces analog houses "Sylvania Family". The replica is completely identical and repeats all the features of the original. The reviews confirm that the quality is not lame: the house and furniture are made of durable plastic, decorated with dense and colorful textiles.
Customer Reviews for Teacup Families
This brand is famous for the release of a variety of figures and analog toys, which are divided into thematic series. However, judging by the reviews, the quality does not suit buyers at all. Among the shortcomings are:
- smaller than the original size;
- completely weightless figures;
- toys are hollow inside;
- flock low-quality;
- textile is not stitched;
- parts of the body practically do not move.
Despite the rather low price, fans of “Sylvania Family” do not recommend figurines for purchase, even as a budget replenishment of the collection.
But it is worth paying tribute to the manufacturer. The brand offers very high-quality accessories. Families of toy animals may not be worth buying, but furniture and decoration for houses are worth paying attention to. This analogue of “Sylvanas Family” left a double impression. The figures were not appreciated even by children, but the accessories for them are in demand.
An analogue of the families of animals
What to look for when choosing analogues of "Sylvania Family"? Customer reviews help you navigate the variety of toys presented. If necessary, get a family of figures, many are advised to pay attention to the brand Li'l Woodzeez.
The most popular figures are owls, rabbits and turtles. They are presented in the traditional family composition - there is a mom, dad and two kids.
The analogue of "Sylvanas Family" is distinguished by the dark color of the flock. The figures are quite heavy, and the lining material is pleasant to the touch, which children like. Like the original, all clothing is removable, and body parts are movable.
Textiles fully meet the expectations of customers. It does not crumble, even the smallest details are sewn, including buttons on the shirt. In the kit there is a diaper with which the baby is supplied, and a cute dress for the girl, sewn from bright fabrics.
Obviously, any analogue of "Sylvanas Family" may have some difference from the original. Some replicas are made with the smallest detail, while others may be completely different. But even taking into account the great love of children for "Sylvanas Femeli", the price of toys is too high. For example, a small game set with one figure and accessories can cost 3000-5000 rubles. Therefore, not all buyers can afford the original. But similar sets of toys from Village Story can be purchased for less than 1000-1500 rubles. The cost of a dollhouse from Happy Family ranges from 1,500 to 2,000 rubles.