One of the most crucial and important events in the family is the birth of a child. Many fears haunt future parents from the time they prepare to conceive until the birth itself. All of them want their baby to be born healthy, happy, strong and smart. But modern environmental conditions, a large number of stresses and hereditary diseases pose a big question for parents - how to give birth and raise a healthy child? This topic is especially acute when the pregnancy is late. What are the risks of mother after 35 years and how to minimize them - more in the article.
The risks of late pregnancy
Of course, today the average age of women giving birth has dropped significantly. It falls on the period from 25 to 32 years. But still, the expectant mother after 35 is considered old-born. What problems does this promise for the child and the woman in labor?
Firstly, our body, unfortunately, tends to wear out. With age, more and more chronic diseases appear, perhaps there are consequences from sexually transmitted diseases. For some, it is also a tattered early pregnancy.
Secondly, the female uterus is no longer as capable of bearing as at the age of 25-30 years.
Thirdly, according to statistics, women with chromosome abnormalities more often appear in old-born women. 70% of children with Down syndrome were born to mothers older than 35 years.
Fourth, these are frequent complications during gestation, difficult pregnancy, toxicosis, premature discharge of amniotic fluid, weak labor, the need for a cesarean course.
In addition, there may be problems with lactation, the development of the child.
In general, there are countless difficulties, but there are many examples when healthy and happy babies were born after 35 years. The conclusion from the above is that the first late pregnancy must be planned, before its onset, the woman must undergo a thorough full consultation with a doctor. So, how to give birth to a healthy baby after 35 years?
Pregnancy planning
Avoid many problems with the health and development of the child will allow an early medical examination of dad and especially mom. How to give birth and raise a healthy baby? Komarovsky advises first to identify hereditary genetic risks that may arise in late pregnancy. To do this, both parents should visit a geneticist who will conduct a blood test for the balance of the chromosome set. If the chromosomes of the mother and father do not match each other, if the woman has a risk of developing inferior offspring, the doctor will report after the examination.
The second step is a woman’s visit to a gynecologist who will do all the necessary tests and smears for sexually transmitted diseases, toxoplasmosis, hepatitis B and C, and some others, conduct a check for breast cancer, and do an ultrasound scan. If any diseases and abnormalities are detected, they must be dealt with before pregnancy occurs. Well, if the father will undergo a full examination by a urologist and venereologist.
And of course, the main thing that is needed to give birth to a healthy child is a healthy lifestyle of both parents, a complete early cessation of smoking and alcohol, physical health, sports, walks in the fresh air and proper nutrition.
There are many scientific and anti-scientific tips on how to successfully conceive a baby.
First, you should adhere to the cycle of menstruation. The most suitable time for conception is ovulation (12-14th day after the start of the cycle). You can determine it either by your own well-being (strong discharge, sometimes bloody, pain in the lower abdomen, strong sex drive), or use more accurate means, such as, for example, ovulation tests.
Secondly, you should remain calm both during sexual intercourse and after, when you will wait for the result. Scientists have proven that not a pose affects a positive result. After the act, you should also not run, jump or lie with your legs up to the ceiling. It is enough just to lie on your back for 20-30 minutes, this position is considered the most favorable for the sperm to reach the walls of the uterus.
Thirdly, continuous intercourse during ovulation does not increase, but rather reduces the chance of becoming pregnant, since sperm after several ejaculations loses its rudimentary properties. It is best to accurately verify ovulation and try during it.
Pregnancy: First Steps
As soon as a woman finds out that she will become a mother, first unrestrained joy arises in her head, and then fears arise: how to give birth and raise a healthy child? Yes, she knows that she is completely healthy and prepared for pregnancy, but will everything go well at such a mature age?
Do not panic. First of all, because it can negatively affect pregnancy.
Having done the test or determining your delay, the first thing you should do is visit a gynecologist. He will make tests and perform an ultrasound, thereby confirming the pregnancy and its duration. Then he will register you for pregnancy, have a medical record, collect a medical history and send many, many doctors, from the dentist to the surgeon, to go through. This will once again check whether everything is in order with your health.
A gynecologist is also required to advise you on nutrition and your behavior during pregnancy. For example, in the first weeks, doctors do not recommend playing sports or even having sex, as the egg has not yet fixed itself on the walls of the uterus and your activity can lead to a miscarriage. Therefore, the first trimester, a woman in position should be as calm, relaxed, should not be worried and nervous.
Pregnancy: nutrition and vitamins
The gynecologist, explaining to you how to give birth and raise a healthy child, will have to prescribe a course of vitamins. In the first stages, it is vitamin D and folic acid. Further to this list will be added magnesium B 6 , iodine, calcium and others. The doctor will prescribe them himself in accordance with the course of pregnancy and necessity. We do not need to buy and take vitamin complexes ourselves without consultation.
As for nutrition, in the first 2 trimesters you can eat almost everything that your body requires, with the exception of alcohol, excess coffee and strong tea, carbonated drinks, raw meat and fish, preservatives and chemicals, stale foods.
Listen to your body, it will definitely tell you what you need to eat.
Pregnancy: rest and sleep
One of the main things that are needed to bear and give birth to a healthy baby is a good rest and sleep. The psychological state of the mother also depends on this. Treat pregnancy as a vacation before a difficult year of sleepless nights, moods and children's tears. This is your chance to relax, so do not load yourself with tedious work, get enough sleep, be more in the fresh air, take your time and enjoy this serene time.
Physical activity, if there is no doctor’s testimony, should not be minimized. For example, a swimming pool and leisurely walking will help prepare the muscles for future births. Do not run, do not jump, do not lift weights and do not hold your hands for a long time in the up position.
Do not forget about positive emotions, because the baby inside feels and understands everything. And if you are upset or upset, he experiences the same emotions.
Deviation Prevention
What to do to give birth to a healthy baby? Rest, sleep, eat tasty and healthy food, do not be nervous. The rest should be entrusted to doctors. You should not worry about possible deviations of the child, since the gynecologist will monthly take you and monitor the progress of pregnancy. For 9 months of waiting, you will have multiple blood and urine tests, 3 ultrasounds, consultations of various kinds of doctors - therapist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, neurologist, dentist and others. If any problems arise, you will be informed about this, so wind yourself less and do not be nervous.
If you think that the issue of gestation is the most important, then you are mistaken. This is important, but even more important is the question of how to give birth and raise a healthy child.
Childbirth is a lot of stress for both the baby and the mother, especially after 35 years. Most likely, you will have a cesarean section, because labor activity during this period is already weak in a woman. But you should not be afraid of such an operation, since many mothers go through this for various reasons.
It will be better if you are both mentally and practically prepared. Attend courses for moms, training in breathing, behavior during contractions, attempts, etc.
Remember that with the right approach, you will significantly increase your chances of having a healthy and happy baby.