Pregnancy is a great time that allows a woman to dream and how to prepare for the acquisition of a new status. But often unpleasant things happen during this period. Colds and various infections obsessively pursue the expectant mother. Compounded by the fact that during pregnancy there is a decrease in immunity. What to do in case of illness? How to be treated so as not to harm the unborn baby? Today's article will tell you about whether Viferon suppositories can be used during pregnancy. You will learn about the use of this medication, as well as about its other forms of production.
Description of the drug
Before you begin to use the medicine "Viferon" during pregnancy (2 trimester or any other period - it does not matter), you must familiarize yourself with its description. The instruction is attached to each type of drug. Note that Viferon is available in various forms: ointment, gel and suppositories. All medicines contain interferon recombinant human 2-alpha. The content of this substance may vary. In the candles there are 150, 500 thousand, one or three million IU. The ointment includes 40,000 IU, and the gel is 36,000 IU.
The medicine refers to antiviral agents with immunomodulatory activity. Depending on the type of pathology, a specific form and dosage of the drug is selected. You can buy Viferon in any form in pharmacies without a prescription.
Is it permissible to use Viferon during pregnancy and what are the indications for this
To find out if Viferon can be used (pregnancy 2 trimester), refer to the instructions. Indications and contraindications are always spelled out in the annotation. It is worth noting that for each type of drug they differ. According to the instructions, expectant mothers can use Viferon candles. 2 trimester - this is exactly the period from which the medication is prescribed. The abstract says that from 14 weeks this antiviral composition is actively used for treatment. The ointment and gel do not have a time limit due to the fact that their absorption is very low.
It is indicated to use Viferon suppositories during pregnancy (2 trimester and later) for the treatment and prevention of viral infections: influenza, parainfluenza, acute respiratory viral infections, viral hepatitis. In expectant mothers, the drug in the form of suppositories is used to treat urogenital pathologies: chlamydia, mycoplasmosis, vaginosis, candidiasis, ureaplasmosis and so on. Some diseases require additional medicines, but the specialist tells about them individually. Ointment and gel are more often used to prevent viral diseases. Also, their use is indicated for viral pathologies of the skin and mucous membranes: lichen, herpes, cervicitis. The gel is used in the complex treatment of acute laryngotrachiobranchitis (chronic prevention) in expectant mothers in the second trimester.
You already know that Viferon (candles) are used only after 14 weeks during pregnancy. 2 trimester - this is the period when the formation of the child’s organs ends. Now all the systems formed will only grow and develop. Also in this period, the placenta begins to work. It is she who protects the future baby from harmful external factors, including drugs.
Pay attention to the fact that all types of the Viferon line contain toferol acetate. This is vitamin E. In greater quantities, it is present in ointments and suppositories. If the future mothers additionally take vitamin complexes or separately vitamin E, then this fact must be taken into account. It is unacceptable to use any form of medication in the presence of high sensitivity to its active substances. If earlier the future mother was allergic to the described components (maybe even in other medicines), then during pregnancy she can become even more aggravated.
The way to use suppositories
You already know whether Viferon suppositories can be used during pregnancy. This type of medication is prescribed from 14 weeks and can be used for the entire remaining period. It is also not forbidden to use suppositories in lactation (after childbirth). The important thing is to do it right. Contact your gynecologist and get individual recommendations. Be sure to specify what dosage of suppositories you are prescribed.
Suppositories are administered rectally with exceptionally clean hands. Open one cell, take a comfortable position and push the suppository with your finger. Be sure to wash your hands after this. For treatment, the doctor can prescribe to the expectant mother from 1 to 2 suppositories per day. Therapy, as a rule, lasts no more than 5-10 days. For the purpose of prevention, suppositories are administered one at a time several times a week. Such use can be quite long (up to 12 months). Treatment of urogenital infections in expectant mothers is carried out intermittently.
"Viferon" (ointment) during pregnancy: 2 trimester
Viferon gel and ointment are applied topically and topically. When handling affected surfaces, the hands should also be clean. If necessary, sterile swabs or medical spatulas can be used.
Ointment is applied to the affected areas 3-4 times a day. The gel is applied to a pre-dried surface up to 5 times. The last type of medication can be applied to the tonsils for the purpose of treatment and for prevention. Often, expectant mothers are required for chronic tonsillitis and laryngotracheobronchitis. The gel is also applied to the surface of the vagina, cervix. Manipulation requires special care during pregnancy. Therapy lasts from 5 days to several months. It all depends on the type of pathology and its severity.
additional information
You already know how and when the Viferon medicine is used during pregnancy (2 trimester). The dosage prescribed by the doctor should be strictly observed. Otherwise, adverse reactions are not excluded. They occur when the drug is used incorrectly, the use of large volumes. Among these reactions, allergy can be distinguished. It occurs more often than others. Also, candles can cause a disorder of the stool (which is rarely the case with expectant mothers, due to frequent constipation). Less commonly, side effects are caused by gel. Ointment for nasal use can give a feeling of dryness, burning. But such signs pass quickly. Despite this, be sure to inform your doctor about them.
"Viferon" during pregnancy (2 trimester): reviews
The preparations of the Viferon line are characterized on the good side. Statistics show that some women are unsatisfied with the price. The higher the content of the active substance in the preparation, the higher it is. At the same time, women want to save money and acquire a lower concentration of the component. Such therapy, accordingly, is ineffective. This causes even greater indignation of expectant mothers. If you comply with the assignments, the result is not long in coming. The drug is really effective and safe, it is not addictive and does not inhibit your own immunity.
During pregnancy, women often use the medicine in the form of ointment and gel. Preparations for future mothers are applied to the nasal mucosa. Such actions can protect against infection during epidemics and colds. This is important, since many medicines with a similar antiviral effect are prohibited throughout the pregnancy.
From the article you learned how the Viferon drug is used during pregnancy. Candles, ointment or tablets with another brand name to choose is a personal matter for each consumer. But if you shy away or follow medical recommendations and start taking another medication (in your opinion, more effective or safe), the full responsibility of such therapy lies with your shoulders. Remember that now you are responsible not only for yourself. The health and development of the unborn child is now completely in your hands. All the best, don’t be sick!