Antibiotic for cats. Antibiotics after cat sterilization. What antibiotics can cats give

antibiotic treatment for cats

Let's consider today one of the most important means in treatment - an antibiotic. For cats, it is prescribed for inflammation and diseases, which local drugs can no longer cope with. As a rule, these are bacterial infections and various relapses. But even the veterinarians themselves admit: before introducing any medicine, it is necessary to examine the pet and make sure that the drug is really necessary. Why? Because, trying to treat one, we literally begin to cripple the other. Everyone knows that most drugs are excreted by the kidneys. There is a load on the liver. The treatment of cats with antibiotics is an extensive topic, we will consider the most important issues. So...

Antibiotics are ...

These are drugs that kill bacteria, some parasitic and fungal infections. They are divided into bacteriostatic (stopping the growth of bacteria) and bactericidal (killing microbes and removing them from the body).

Produced in the form of tablets, injectable solutions, powders and ointments.


When is an antibiotic prescribed for cats? An agent of this kind can be used in the treatment of the following pathologies:

  • abscess after bites (with purulent cavities in the tissues);
  • skin infections (bacterial, developing as a result of scratches applied on their own or during a fight);
  • eye infections
  • respiratory infections (e.g., pertussis bacillus);
  • pyometra (a serious infection of the uterus);
  • Giardia (protozoal inflammation of the digestive tract);
  • chlamydia
  • operations.

What antibiotics can cats give?

antibiotics for cats with infection

The only correct answer can only sound like this: those that are appointed by the veterinarian! As already mentioned, first of all, the pet must be examined. Any medicine should be given to the animal, adhering to the scheme drawn up by the doctor, observing the correct dosage. Below are examples of some diseases and a number of antibiotics that are most often used by veterinarians in the treatment of their four-legged patients. Please note that our article is for guidance only. This means that you cannot make a diagnosis on your own, as well as prescribe one or another drug to the animal, since many diseases have a number of similar symptoms. In addition, each course should be completed in full (with subsequent additional examination). You can’t prescribe an antibiotic for cats on your own for the reason that bacteria, like viruses, constantly mutate. The medicine used next time may not have the desired effect or even be useless. For the same reason, the course is not interrupted: the infection must be destroyed, otherwise, having undergone transformations, it will again “raise its head” and it will be much more difficult to fight it.


Diagnosed with a thorough examination and by symptoms. Treatment is prescribed according to the results of the examination and depends on the stage of development of the pathology. The most commonly used antibiotic. For cats, human preparations may also be prescribed, so to speak, but in different dosages. As an example, "Benzylpenicillin", "Amoxicillin" can be considered. A single injection (intramuscular, 25 mg / kg) is often sufficient. Penicillin derivatives are effective against most types of abscess-forming bacteria. Cephalosporins and Clindamycin (orally) can be used, but they are already less effective against anaerobes. It is important to understand: in this case, the antibiotic for cats only promotes healing after surgery, which is performed after the “capsule” has fully matured with pus. Excised abscesses are washed with peroxide and filled with an antiseptic. It is recommended that the wound be left open for subsequent drainage.


antibiotic after cat sterilization

To clarify: this operation does not imply removal of the uterus, but, nevertheless, is considered serious, like all abdominal ones. The procedure is the same everywhere, but there are differences in the use of antibiotics. And big ones.

After sterilization of a cat , the antibiotic is not used by all veterinarians. Sometimes injections are done before surgery. Why do some veterinarians not prescribe an antibiotic after the procedure? It turns out that cats have an innate resistance to peritonitis. Maybe. However, not all. That is why treatment of cats with antibiotics (or rather, prevention) is very desirable. Broad-spectrum antibiotics are needed here . As a rule, these are fluoroquinolones and cephalosporins. Multiplicity and dosage are calculated by weight, according to the instructions.


antibiotic for cats

Unfortunately, a very common disease. It is diagnosed only by veterinarians. An experienced doctor needs a thorough examination with an x-ray (or ultrasound). The test results indicate the form of the disease and help to more accurately determine what antibiotics are needed in each case.

If your cat was diagnosed with a pyometer, be aware that surgery is not always the only way out. Sometimes conservative methods can also have an effect: droppers, hormones, antibiotics (most often, Enrofloxacin and Amoxicillin are used). Check if such a solution is suitable in your case. But the verdict must still be made by a veterinarian. Please note: self-medication is unacceptable here, and slowness in decision-making can cost the life of your cat.

Viral infections

In the fight against them, globulins, serums and antiviral drugs are usually used. Let's consider in more detail. In viruses (both with the threat of infection and with direct disease), immunoglobulins are often recommended. These are antibodies. Their job is to attach an active virus to the antigen and destroy it. For a speedy conclusion, their own antibodies in the serum are also destroyed. Viral infections are treated with "Giksan", "Vitafel", "Vitakan" drugs. By the way, the maximum effect is observed in kittens, because they still do not have antibodies (or there are too few of them).

treatment of viral infection in cats

Interferons do not allow the virus to multiply. This explains their current popularity. The effectiveness of the drug "Interferon omega" has been tested in the last decade. When administered orally, an immunomodulatory effect is achieved, and when administered intravenously, an excellent antiviral effect.

Another medicine is Anandin (a low molecular weight inducer) with a wide range of effects (against genomic viruses, fungal infections, staphylococcal infections). It is primarily recommended for the treatment of dermatropic, neurotropic, pneumotropic and pantropic viral infections, as well as for immunodeficiency. The drug stimulates the immune system, accelerates regeneration, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Effective even with plague.

What antibiotics for cats are most often used for infections?

1. "Gentamicin" 8% (for pneumonia, infections of the skin, respiratory tract, eyes, ears, lacerations);

2. Enrofloxacin (an analogue of Baytril) - for problems with the urinary system, skin, and lungs.

3. "Amoxicillin" - with infection of blood, bones and all of the above.

4. “Terramycin” (analogue “Oxytetracycline”) - for inflammation of the oral cavity, eyes.

5. "Azithromycin" - with chlamydia, streptococcus, bartonellosis, Lyme disease, otitis media.

what antibiotics can cats give

6. "Amuril" - in case of bacterial infections of soft tissues and integuments, salmonellosis, bronchopneumonia, colibacteriosis, genitourinary infections.

7. “Amoxiclav” - for respiratory diseases and problems listed in paragraph 6.

8. “Betamox” - for bacterial infections of the gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary system, skin and soft tissues.

9. “Vetrimoxin” - for wound and postoperative inflammations, cystitis, metritis, respiratory tract and digestive tract infections. It can be used for prevention.

10. "Recife" - for respiratory diseases.

11. Ointment "Tetracycline" - with infected wounds, burns, the presence of pustules, eczema, boils and folliculitis.

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