Why dogs stick out their tongue: interesting facts about dogs

All dog owners note in the habits of their animal features that distinguish it from others. But here, without exception, dogs stick out their tongues. Why are they doing this? This issue may not be of interest to the owner, who believes that this is the norm for the animal. This article will explain why it is so important to know why a dog breathes by sticking out its tongue. This may indicate a lot.

Key reasons

the dog breathes often

There are several points at which tetrapods begin to stick out their tongues:

  1. Extreme heat, heat, the dog’s body overheats. Why the dog sticks out his tongue in the heat - we will tell further.
  2. Brought stress, overexcitation, emotional upsurge - both joy and sadness.
  3. Sometimes the cause of the constantly sticking out tongue is various diseases.

To know the exact reason why the dog often breathes, sticking out his tongue, you need to watch it for some time, learn to distinguish the causes. Most often, the dog sticks out its mouth tongue in hot weather. Why he does this, remains incomprehensible to many owners. Let's talk about this reason in more detail.

Why does a dog stick its tongue out in the heat

why dogs stick out their tongues

A person, when the ambient temperature is too high, and the body overheats, begins to sweat. In dogs, thermoregulation occurs differently, because they have very few sweat glands. Why does a dog stick its tongue out in the heat? It is for thermoregulation. While the mouth is open, and the tongue liberally moistened with saliva falls out of it, increased evaporation occurs through the surface of the tongue, and not through the sweat glands.

Thus, the dog regulates the temperature of its body, getting rid of excess heat.

How in the heat to alleviate the condition of the animal?

dog tongue sticking out in heat

First, you need to give a lot of water. Many are interested in why a dog sticks out its tongue even when it always has cool water in a bowl. Just compare yourself and your pet. After all, people do not stop sweating in the heat at a time when they consume a lot of fluids? So it is with dogs!

Secondly, for walking, pick up a convenient muzzle that will not interfere with a convenient protruding tongue. If the dog cannot regulate the temperature of his body in this way, then he can get a heat stroke, his pressure will increase, the animal can simply faint.

Be sure to take a dog bottle of water with you for a walk so that at any moment she can drink and freshen up.

In the house, find a corner protected from the sun, where the pet can relax and cool.

Change the walking time

If you are very worried about why the dog breathes often, sticking out his tongue, then change the time for walking for the summer period. Go out in the morning until ten in the afternoon, at this time it is already warm, but not hot yet. In the evening, you need to go out after ten, when the sun sits completely. The fact is that even at 8 and 9 in the evening heat remains, although the sun is already not so hot. This temperature seems normal to us, but it will be hot for the dog.

Dogs that do not have a coat do not need a change of time for walks, these are: Chinese, Peruvian and Mexican crested. They do not have a coat that interferes with heat transfer, and the body can independently evaporate moisture!

Stress, overexcitation

why the dog sticks out his tongue

Dogs stick out their tongues mechanically, if they are very excited, they have stress. This can be observed when the owners go on vacation, and leave the pet in the care of friends. Even if it’s not hot, the dog will still stick out his tongue. Severe fright or the effects of stress are also common causes of a tongue sticking out. At such times, increased salivation may appear.

If the reason lies precisely in the stress state and moral strain, then you need to calm the pet as soon as possible. Pay attention to the dog, play, stroke the back and scratch the tummy, treat yourself to a treat. With frequent stresses, you can add a weak motherwort broth to the dog once a day, this will help stabilize the condition.

Causes of stress when a dog begins to breathe with its tongue hanging out:

  • sharp noise;
  • a change of scenery;
  • mistreatment (even if you once scolded a pet);
  • another dog barked for a walk;
  • strangers came to visit;
  • a new pet has appeared in the house;
  • change of diet;
  • vaccinations or just visiting a veterinarian.


causes of tongue sticking out in a dog

Surely you noticed that the dog sticks out its tongue and begins to breathe often, while wagging its tail when you come home from work, start talking or playing with the pet, you yourself rejoice and laugh, treat the four-legged treats. At this time, the dog does not have physical activity, it is not hot, but she sticks out her tongue anyway. Why is she doing this? It is not known exactly, so, probably, the dog smiles, rejoices, tries to show the owner that she is happy.

What to do in this case? Nothing, let the pet jump, rejoice, do not need to calm him down, so you can just ruin his mood.


why dogs stick out their tongue

We examined the most common reasons why a dog is breathing heavily by sticking out its tongue. But there are also individual cases when a disease becomes the cause of a constantly removed tongue. If you are concerned about this behavior of the animal, then show it to the veterinarian, he will definitely be able to diagnose if the dog is sick and will help to take measures for the speedy recovery of your friend.

The most common disease in which a dog sticks out its tongue is hypoxia. With this disease, the animal lowers the level of oxygen in the blood, and it is simply forced to breathe often, and through the mouth it becomes easier. Observe the behavior and condition of the dog, if it does not change, then take it to the veterinary clinic. In the event that the diagnosis is confirmed, the owner will be given recommendations on the treatment of the animal.

Also, in the case of frequent breathing with an open mouth, you need to monitor the condition of the animal. Keep a diary where you will note everything that a veterinarian may need to make an accurate diagnosis:

  1. Record the period of time during which the dog breathes with its mouth open, note whether this happens during his sleep.
  2. Watch out for mucous membranes. The nose should be stably moist, eyes shiny. If something is wrong with the health of the pet, then the look becomes dull, cloudy, the nose dries out very much, even scabs may appear. If in this case the dog also often breathes with his tongue sticking out, then you need to urgently show it to the doctor.
  3. Track your breath quality. Listen for wheezing, whistling, grunting, coughing and other breathing sounds that are out of the ordinary.
  4. Pay attention to the reaction of the pupils. If they do not respond when changing lights, then this is a bad signal. Also, the pupils should not be constantly dilated or narrowed.
  5. When. when the mucous membranes acquire a pale color with a grayish or bluish tint, this is one hundred percent evidence of hypoxia.

Being overweight is also the reason why the dog often sticks out its tongue. If so, then put your pet on a diet!

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