strpos() PHP - . , . .
PHP strpos() :
mixed strpos (string $string , mixed $substring[, int $offset = 0 ] )
- - $string, .
- - $substring. mixed. , , . , .
- , - $offset. $string, 0. , .
PHP strpos() , $substring $string. , .
, false.
, . , 0 - .
0 , false . (===), .
, strpos() - PHP-, .
1. . , key monkeys.
$string = 'monkeys';
$substring = 'key';
$result = strpos($string, $substring);
2. . KEY, PHP strpos() , . false.
$string = 'monkeys';
$substring = 'KEY';
$result = strpos($string, $substring);
echo($result === false);
3. . , , .
$string = 'lifehack';
$substring = 'life';
$result = strpos($string, $substring);
if (!$result) {
echo ' ';
if ($result == false) {
echo ' ';
if ($result === false) {
echo ' ';
, , life lifehack.
4. $offset.
$string = 'love-and-love';
$substring = 'love';
$result1 = strpos($string, $substring);
$result2 = strpos($string, $substring, 3);
echo $result1;
echo $result2;
, 3, "e".
To determine the position of a substring in PHP, there are other functions that differ from strpos ():
- stripos () - is not case sensitive;
- strrpos () - defines the last occurrence;
- strripos () - Searches for the last occurrence and is not case sensitive.