Recommendations of felinologists, or how to wean a cat to write anywhere

how to wean a cat to write anywhere

Everyone who brought a kitten to their home experiences emotion and joy. But only until that little animal makes a big dirty trick on your carpet.

It is this nuance that keeps many from having a pet. There are a huge number of theories and practices on how to wean a cat to write anywhere, but not all of them work. What is the reason?

Experts say that a cat is the cleanest animal that can be allowed into its home. It should be understood that they, like everyone else, need to be educated.

So, mother cats are the first to adopt a kitten. It depends on them how the kittens will behave in the future house. If a cat-mother is neat, then her offspring will most likely not disappoint, and the question of how to wean a cat to write anywhere, will not torment you. All the intricacies of life will be invested in the kitten by the mother for several months of joint stay.

all for cats

Coming to a new house, a small animal can’t navigate immediately, and the bitterness of parting with a cat-mother is still strong. Therefore, it is at this moment that you should not make mistakes, so as not to suffer in the future the question of how to wean a cat to write anywhere.

The first rule: the kitten’s toilet should be constantly accessible (not in a closed toilet room or on the balcony). The animal should easily climb into the tray and get out of it. A little kitten, like a child, is not yet fully able to calculate its strength and time to get to the toilet on time.

The second rule: if it so happened that the kitten accidentally made a puddle in the wrong place, you should not shout at it, let alone beat it, because the animal will not understand you. Moreover, the mechanism of revenge may start, which is quite difficult to deal with. Just stay calm and tolerant, after all, the kitten is still small and may be wrong. We do not scold our children for such actions, we should not do so with animals.

to train a cat to the toilet

Certain difficulties may arise during the mating season. At the moment, it is not the brain and upbringing that directs the animals; nature speaks in it, requiring reproduction. As a result, many cats mark the territory and attract females with a specific smell. If the animal is domesticated, castration may be the solution, if it is not planned to breed kittens, otherwise the situation will be repeated annually for a rather long time. By the way, such problems rarely bother those whose pets have free access to the street.

You do not have to think about how to wean a cat to write, anywhere, if you follow the elementary rules of felinologists, remain calm and tolerant, even when you want to switch to a scream. Remember - we are responsible for them.

It is also worth mentioning that the shops at this stage have almost everything for cats. You will be offered specialized drugs and toys. There is a lot of literature from which you will draw additional information if the above recommendations are not enough. Ultimately, you can turn to specialists. By the way, special complexes appeared on sale that can accustom a cat to the toilet, which will undoubtedly make it easier for you to care for your animals and save money.

Good luck in raising a cat, it is hard, but at the same time pleasant work, which gives a lot of pleasure in the end.

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