What tests does a man give when planning a pregnancy: list, preparation and results

The opinion that when planning a pregnancy should be examined only by a woman is a mistake. After all, a man plays not the last role at conception. He needs to be completely healthy, like his partner, so that the baby is born without pathologies. It is important to know what kind of tests a man gives when planning a pregnancy in order to be ready at the doctor’s appointment for all types of examinations. The better the spouses are prepared, the less problems there will be in bearing.

Man with a woman at the doctor’s appointment

How to start a man when planning a pregnancy

First of all, moral preparation is necessary. If there are no problems with this, then before going to the doctor for several months, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • Stop drinking alcohol and smoking completely.
  • Normalize body weight when overweight or underweight.
  • Exercise moderate physical activity, start getting enough sleep, reduce stress.
  • Limit visits to saunas, baths, beaches, where there is an effect on the body of high temperatures.
  • Refuse clothing made of synthetic fabric (underwear), which restricts movement.
  • Start taking multivitamins.
  • To cure all colds, viral diseases, infections and injuries.
  • Completely exclude contact with microwave sources, toxic substances, ionizing radiation.

Which doctor should I contact

Only the doctor will tell you what kind of tests a man gives when planning a pregnancy, and give you directions. First of all, the future father should contact a urologist, who will prescribe a number of diagnostic examinations.

It will be necessary to undergo an examination for the Rhesus factor and blood group, an analysis of hbsag (for hepatitis B) and for hepatitis C. Thanks to the results, the urologist will understand if an additional examination is necessary. Perhaps, a direction will be given to narrow specialists: a neurologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, psychologist.

General urine and blood tests

Urinalysis in men is collected in a sterile container. It is best to buy a special jar for analysis at the pharmacy. For research, only the first urine, taken immediately after a night's sleep, is suitable. Such an analysis will be the most reliable. With it, you can find out about the state of the urinary system and general health.

A general blood test in men must be taken on an empty stomach in the morning. Blood is taken from the finger. Thanks to such a study, the absence or presence of chronic pathologies, anemia, infections and inflammatory processes is determined.

Analysis for sexually transmitted infections

man gives blood

This is a mandatory test for women and men. Some infections do not manifest themselves in any way, so a person may not be aware of their presence. If any disease is found in one of the partners, compulsory treatment is necessary, since it can be fatal for an unborn child.

Here is a list of infectious diseases that you need to check for:

  • genital herpes;
  • chlamydia
  • cytomegalovirus;
  • human papilloma virus (type 18 and 16);
  • gonorrhea;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • mycoplasma;
  • urogenital candidiasis.

There are several types of laboratory tests for infections:

  • A bacteriological study for which you need to pass urine. It is placed in a nutrient medium and monitored for the growth of bacteria.
  • Linked immunosorbent assay. Blood is taken and examined for the presence of antibodies to infectious agents.
  • DNA examination of microorganisms. A swab from the urethra or blood is taken and examined by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). This is the fastest and most accurate diagnosis when planning a pregnancy for a man.

Before taking a smear, a drug or food “provocation” is necessary. The goal is to exacerbate an infectious disease, if any. For this, a special tablet prescribed by the doctor is taken, a salty or spicy dish is eaten, or alcohol is drunk.

There are infections that can lead to serious problems in the development of the fetus:

  • rubella;
  • herpes;
  • toxoplasmosis.

The examination is carried out by means of an enzyme immunoassay to determine IgM and IgG antibodies. If IgG antibodies were detected, then you can safely conceive a child, since the body has already defeated the infection. If IgM antibodies are determined, then the future dad needs to be cured first, and then plan a pregnancy.

Rhesus factor and blood type analysis

take blood from a vein

Such an examination of a man when planning a pregnancy is simply necessary, since the type of the Rh factor can negatively affect the pregnancy of the spouse. If the future mother has a positive Rh, and her partner has a negative, then there will be several development options. It all depends on which Rhesus child will take. In this case, a woman needs to take special medications throughout her pregnancy and there will be additional monitoring.

Hepatitis, Wasserman and HIV tests

Blood from a vein for HIV and other diseases can be taken at any time, since eating does not affect the test results. It’s still better to take blood before breakfast.

  • Using an HIV test, the presence of the human immunodeficiency virus, as well as antibodies and antigens thereof, is determined.
  • Through hbsag analysis (for hepatitis B) antibodies to these viruses are detected. If the reaction is positive, this does not mean that the man is sick. In this case, additional examinations are carried out.
  • An analysis for RW or a Wasserman reaction will show the presence of syphilis at any stage of the disease.
  • Anti hcv analysis determines hepatitis C.


What is a spermogram for planning pregnancy? This is the main analysis, which is able to identify the possibility of a man to become a father. It is prescribed when the couple is unable to conceive a child for a long time. The sperm count, their shape and motility is determined.


For research, you need a little seminal fluid. She usually gathers in a specially designated room for this through masturbation.

It is not recommended to collect ejaculates in advance, since the most accurate result can only be obtained with fresh material, that is, only within 60 minutes after collection. Those men who, for religious or other reasons, are against masturbation, are offered to have sexual intercourse right at the medical center using a special condom.

To get the most informative analysis, you need to carefully prepare for it:

  • A couple of months before delivery, you should completely abandon any alcohol and smoking.
  • It is forbidden to take any medicine without the consent of a doctor.
  • A few weeks before the spermogram, minimize physical activity and refuse to go to saunas, baths.
  • Three days before the study, sexual intercourse and masturbation should be abandoned. Ideally, abstain is better than 5-7 days.

Blood chemistry

Helps determine the presence of diseases of the heart, liver, kidneys, blood vessels, pathologies of the endocrine system. If any abnormalities are found in the blood, the man will have to undergo a more thorough examination. Also, the couple will have to wait a little while planning pregnancy. For such a study, preliminary preparation is required:

take blood for analysis in a man

  • It is forbidden to take any alcoholic beverages within 2 weeks before analysis.
  • 3 days before taking blood, you can not eat foods that you have not tried before.
  • 24 hours before the analysis, you must completely abandon the sweet (sugar, cakes, chocolate).
  • Do not eat or drink for 12 hours before the examination.
  • Immediately before taking blood in the morning, even brushing your teeth is forbidden.

If there is any body that works with malfunctions, analyzes will definitely show this. The cause of deviations can be chronic pathologies, infections, and more. In addition, biochemistry will accurately determine the deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

What tests you need to pass on hormones to a man

Here is the list:

  1. Testosterone, responsible for libido and potency. It stimulates the production of quality seminal fluid. Exceeded in oncology, and lowered due to chronic inflammation of the prostate.
  2. FGS or follicle-stimulating hormone, which normalizes the amount of testosterone and is responsible for the production of sperm. Increased in alcoholism, brain tumors, and deficiency is manifested in obesity or starvation.
  3. Prolactin, which is responsible for the water-salt metabolism in men and sperm quality.
  4. LH or luteinizing hormone that activates the production of testosterone. It also increases for him the permeability of the seminal canals. Deficiency of this hormone is observed in obesity, smoking, chronic fatigue.
  5. Estradiol is a hormone that is formed in the testes of a man. Its level depends on the degree of obesity of a man. If the hormone is exceeded, the man will often be irritable and nervous.
  6. HCG. This is a female hormone, the level of which increases during pregnancy. If it is exceeded in men, this may indicate the presence of a tumor in the testicles.

If you study the hormonal background of a man in detail, you can identify hidden problems that interfere with conception.

Determining Prostate Health

For this analysis, fluid from the prostate is taken, which is obtained in the process of gland massage. The liquid will flow out of the channel itself, after which it is taken for examination. Thanks to this analysis, prostatitis, prostate adenoma and even cancer can be determined.

When is genetic testing necessary?

genetic analysis

Some couples may be referred for genetic tests during pregnancy planning. They are appointed if:

  • Some of the partners have hereditary pathologies in the family.
  • Their relatives have delays in physical and mental development.
  • The partners are already young, because aging chromosome cells increase the likelihood of developing problems when bearing a child.
  • The family already has a child with diseases of heredity or developmental pathologies.
  • A woman several times could not bear and give birth to a child.
  • When male reproductive material is necessary for IVF.
  • Spermatogenesis problems were discovered.

Additional examination

What tests does a man give when planning a pregnancy yet? In addition to anti hcv and other types of examination, an additional may be prescribed:

  • An electrocardiogram, with which the functional ability of the heart and the presence of pathologies of the cardiovascular system are checked.
  • Fluorography to exclude tuberculosis.

Often men are referred for examination to an endocrinologist who diagnoses abnormalities in the functioning of the thyroid gland. Often, such pathologies lead to inhibition of male sexual function.

In addition to analyzes, the future father will be advised to undergo a consultation with a psychologist who will help to tune in to pregnancy, childbirth and further education of the child.

Does the age of a man affect conception

pressure check in a man

Yes, with age, test results are getting worse. Most of the seminal fluid will have damaged genetic material. This is due to the presence of bad habits, the harmful effects of ecology, medicines, malnutrition, a sedentary lifestyle.

If the future father is over 45 years old, pregnancy from him can proceed with complications, up to a miscarriage and premature birth. He especially needs to plan a pregnancy and follow all the recommendations of doctors.

It is necessary to consciously and responsibly approach the conception of a child. It is important to know what kind of tests a man gives when planning pregnancy, to participate in all activities that are aimed at healthy bearing and giving birth together with his partner. Only in this case the baby will be born healthy!

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