School contests for schoolchildren

How to have fun at home school? What contests for a holiday for children can be included in the script? And how to spend time in the walls of the classroom with benefit and sense? There are many options worth talking about.

Organization of the holiday

holiday contests for children

Preparation should begin in advance. Whatever topic you touch on, decorating a class will be a must. Competitions for the holiday are best selected according to the style and theme of the event, alternating between outdoor and calm games. Each competition is a task with determining the winner. Children must be divided into teams. Their number depends on the number of participants. It is impractical to put more than 10 people in a team, and you must give it a name. If not all children want to take an active part in the games - no big deal. Abandoned can be put together in a team of fans. They are unobtrusively offered less active, but very interesting tasks. Contests must be entered in the holiday scenario with reference to the theme of the evening. For security purposes, attention should be paid to the size of the premises, compliance with safety rules and discipline. Children need to explain and show each task in detail. It will be better if they try the difficult contests first. So, play!

Blind, read, hit

This fun task will help to check what our girls have learned and how smart the boys are. From a pre-cooked dough, housewives should make 5 dumplings each. Instead of filling, paper with wishes is invested. Who will cope faster - won. Then the boys join the fight. They must open the dumpling and read the wish. And again, who is faster - won. Competition is rated in points. Winners are awarded 2 points, losers - 0. In case friendship won, both teams receive 1 point.

holiday contests

The second competition is dart throwing. The team that scores the most points in total has won.

When choosing contests for a holiday at school, make sure that all the necessary attributes are prepared in advance. It is advisable to allocate several children for the organization of each competition. Then the preparation will take a minimum of time. No holiday is complete without sound design. Therefore, during competitions it is worth including a musical phonogram with fun, rhythmic music.

Sun, peace, friendship

Today, describing competitions for the holiday, we have not forgotten about outdoor games. In order to determine who is more quick-witted and dexterous, we will need equipment: gymnastic sticks, hoops, chips and pre-prepared letter sheets.

Team players stand in the back of the head one after another. At the starting mark are gymnastic sticks. Their number corresponds to the number of children in teams. At a distance of 5-7 meters from the column on the floor lies a hoop. At a signal, the players run out with a gymnastic stick to the hoop and apply a stick to it, forming a ray of sunshine. The team that will cope with the task faster wins.

holiday script contests

The second competition is to quickly collect the phrase "peace and friendship." In front of each column at a distance of 10 meters are pre-prepared letters that make up this word. They are located randomly. In turn, all the players run out to the letters, find the necessary one and put it on the floor. The game continues until all the teams have laid the floor. The one who coped faster wins.

Exposure and observation

Our children are very fond of their teachers. Choosing competitions for the holiday, we did not forget about it. Today they will tell about their teachers everything they learned during their studies.

From each team choose one player who will draw. He needs to portray three teachers, but without the attributes of the subject they teach (globe, whistle, screwdriver). The rest of the team at this time is a questionnaire about the teacher. What he loves, what he is wearing today, they talk about his talents. Then a presentation is held. Portraits and profiles are displayed in front of the opposing team. The enemy’s task is to determine which of the teachers in question. Each correctly named option is rated 1 point.

Everyone knows that a company of the guard of honor serves in the Kremlin Palace . These are handsome, fit and very seasoned officers. The next contest is called "guard of honor." Teams are built one opposite the other. At a signal, they are pulled out to the attention position. Looking into each other's eyes, the participants execute the command and try not to laugh. Fans are trying to make the opposing team laugh. Those who win in due time will have more fighters win.

The end of the holiday

The holiday script is ending. The contests that remain will be held among the fans. At this time, the jury summarizes. It should be noted right away that this is not a competition, but a holiday. Therefore, we will not have losers and winners. You can come up with several nominations: “the most fun”, “the fastest”, “the most resourceful”.

school holiday contests

Fan Contest. Teams in turn are offered thematic puzzles. There are 10 puzzles per team. The fans of that team who correctly solve the greater number of them win. Then, a quiz is held among the fans with questions from different areas of the school curriculum. And again, those who give more correct answers win. Competitions are ending. On a holiday it is customary to invite friends and have a sweet treat. After the announcement of all the results and the presentation of diplomas and medals, it's time to sit down at a large and generous sweet table.

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