Rear Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

The rear since ancient times is the main and main power of the armed forces of any state. The state of the army and the ability to repel the onslaught of the enemy in cases of attack completely depend on its capabilities. Understanding the importance of this unit, the military leadership highly appreciates the merits of the rear troops and annually congratulates them on the holiday. The rear day is also close to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. When is this holiday celebrated? What is the history of the rear structure? Consider these issues in more detail.

Rear Day of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

Many years ago, the rear became a separate and independent unit of the state armed forces. Every year, celebrating the anniversary of that same day on August 1, people congratulate the rear. For the normal performance of combat missions, the army must be provided in time with everything necessary, starting with provisions and ending with uniforms, paramilitary reinforcements.

day of the rear

The military personnel belonging to this structure clearly and harmoniously fulfills its task, ensures the efficiency of the troops, and to some extent even is responsible for people's lives. That is why on the day of the rear (August 1), the military of this unit accepts sincere congratulations from the whole people, are awarded the highest government awards.

Backplanes in Tsarist Russia

The history of the holiday has a centuries-old history, which began even during the Great Peter. When the First Regular Russian Army was created, the Tsar issued the "Providence Order" of August 1, 1700. He became the ancestor of the creation of the logistics service. So to this day is celebrated on August 1 Day of the rear. In those days, the support body was responsible for the supply of bread, cereals, grain fodder to the army. On the same day, another Special Order was issued, according to which the Russian army was equipped with uniforms, weapons, salaries, carts and horses.

In 1711, at the direction of Peter I, all supply structures were included in the Russian army. The field office organized a commissariat responsible for all types of supplies. The experience gained during the Northern War was enshrined in the Military Statute of 1716. Medical service was also provided in the army: there was a doctor at the top ranks, a doctor and a staff doctor in the division, a doctor in each regiment, and a barber serving the company.

rear day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The first leaders of the rear divisions in Russia were such prominent personalities as General Stepan Apraksin, General Abakumov, statesman Sergei Yazykov and others.

Creation of the Main Logistics Directorate in the USSR

Throughout history, the rear service has changed many times, reorganized. This continued during the formation of the power of the USSR, right up to the outbreak of World War II. The lack of leadership in this structure led to fragmentation of actions, disunity. To wage war in the Soviet Union there was no coherent structure of the work of the rear; all actions were carried out inconsistently. The moment for the country was very responsible. At the initiative of General Khrulev, a centralized rear management system was created.

rear day greetings

On the same significant day, that is, on August 1 (now the Day of the rear) of 1941, the Commander-in-Chief Stalin signed the Order “On the creation of the Main Directorate of Logistics of the Armed Forces of the Red Army”. The post of chief of rear was introduced, the appointment for which was received by Andrei Khrulev. He was subordinate to the road administration, the military communications department, the management of the supply of combustible materials, sanitation and veterinary medicine. The coordination of the work of all structures under centralized leadership made it possible to establish the necessary support for the army to conduct effective military operations.

Reforms in the structure of the rear

After the victory in the Great Patriotic War in the country, the further development of organizational structures, technical equipment of the armed forces, improvement of military equipment and the entire rear forces took place. During the formation in 1992 of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, changes took place in the structure of the rear. During the 2008 reforms, reforms began. Formed a single system of logistics. It is built on a vertical principle - from the military link to the central apparatus. The final result of the reform is the unification of the rear structures designed to ensure the supply of material resources to the armed forces, the organization of repair, operation of all technical equipment, military equipment, as well as transportation and communications. The MTO sector is also provided with veterinary and sanitary control of food, as well as fire protection.

home front congratulations

In 2009, on July 29, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree "On the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the rear." A memorial date was set on August 1. Congratulations on Logistics Day annually now receive thousands of employees of this structure. The government always notes their merits to the Fatherland, rewards the best employees.

There is no victory without the rear

The modern rear service is proud of its three hundred year history. The logotype’s favorite phrase “Without a rear there is no victory” is often heard both in everyday service and on public holidays at ceremonies. Every military man, whether it be a pilot, infantryman or sailor, is ready to confirm the veracity of this phrase. The entire service in the army completely depends on the quality of the MTA, because this is the main foundation of the armed forces. Fire safety and heating of buildings, ammunition storage and fleet conditions, provision of uniforms and provisions are just some of the tasks that are assigned to this structure. More than one hundred thousand tons of ammunition is spent annually on army training alone; more than seven hundred thousand tons of food are spent on food for the armed forces.

rear day of the armed forces of the Russian Federation

All this is monitored and answered by logistics specialists. It is worth saying that they rise before everyone else and go to bed not according to the regime. They are always on guard to continuously provide the army with everything necessary.

Day of the rear of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

Speaking about the rear areas, one cannot help but recall that the Ministry of Internal Affairs also needs special material and technical support. This coordinated work is organized by a special rear structure. Workers receive their congratulations on the Day of Logistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on October 28. Operational and service activities must constantly be supported from within by a complete material and technical base. Structural specialists are responsible for this. They organize the work of vehicles, are responsible for overhaul and construction of buildings, monitor the constant updating of police uniforms and technical equipment needed in the work. Thanks to the clear work of the Interior Ministry logistics officers, the internal organs are able to provide effective, continuous service aimed at combating crime and protecting citizens of the Russian Federation.

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