Games for children in the camp

How to organize a summer vacation for children in the camp in such a way that it is interesting, fun, so that the games not only entertain, but also develop the imagination and logic of the children, strengthen physically and develop communication skills in the team? What games for children in the camp are the most optimal for solving all these problems?

games for children in the camp

Of course, the first place during the summer holidays is occupied by sports games with the ball: football, volleyball, basketball, pioneer ball, “cauldron”, “knockouts”. They can be played by girls, and boys, and toddlers, and adolescents.

Great success are popular, simple games for children. These are well-known bast shoes, towns, hide and seek, napkins.

Teachers often organize a general camp game for their pupils “The counselor is gone!”. Here, children will need not only speed, but also ingenuity, resourcefulness, attentiveness. Indeed, such games for children in the camp are based on the fact that they need to look for notes that adults hide in advance in the most unexpected places. Each note found allegorically indicates the place where the next one is hidden. For example, an encrypted text may be: "2 note you will find where the energy is concentrated." In fact, the note will be hidden near the dining room. Or such a phrase: “Cleanliness is the key to health”, it will mean that you should search near the washstand.

The last note indicates the location of the counselor who hid. Which squad is the first to find it - he won. This contest is more interesting if the original path for notes is thought out for each detachment.

games for children 11 years old

There are also such games for children in the camp, even children with disabilities can take part in them. After all, their main condition is not physical activity, but imagination. For example, the game "Sea is worried."

Children of any age and in any quantity can play it. One driver turns away and says the words: "The sea is worried - once, the sea is worried - two, the sea is worried - three, the figure (such and such) freezes in place!" Of course, he should not pronounce the word "such-and-such", but should name an adjective that will determine the type of figure. It can be a “animal” figure or a sports one, a dance figure or a fairy-tale character.

Then the driver turns and “winds the key” of children frozen in various poses. They, in turn, begin to move, revealing the content of their posture: growling and jumping, if the task was to show the animal, dance if the figure was made up for the dance.

simple games for kids

You can hold intellectual games for children in the camp. This is especially true in case of bad weather, when you have to be indoors and you can not play in the air. These games are verbal.

Children sit in a circle, the first names the subject of words, for example: “furniture”, “clothes”, “names of boys”, “cities”. Then he speaks the first word and claps his hand on the next player’s hand. He should quickly name another, thematically appropriate word and clap to pass the move to the next player.

The delay in selecting the right word should not exceed three seconds. In case of non-compliance with this condition or the pronunciation of the wrong word, the player is eliminated, and the game continues. The one who remains in the circle alone wins.


But the most exciting and entertaining games for children of 11 years old are KVNy. The children themselves come up with a performance - presentation of the team, prepare a "homework". Adults should carefully consider the conditions of all competitions in children's KVN.

Of course, it is considered ideal when all the guys take part in games and competitions. But there is nothing to worry about if someone prefers reading to the game of football and composing his own tales to participating in KVN. Carers and counselors should understand that the child is an independent person. And adults do not need to suppress the individuality of each person, but carefully and unobtrusively direct it in the right direction.

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