Is it possible to give a dog cheese: diet features

Trainers believe that cheese is the best treat for dogs. Veterinarians claim that its excessive use is dangerous to the health of dogs. What to do to the owner? How can he understand whether it is possible to give a dog cheese or is it better to refrain from it?

Our article will help to deal with this issue.

Can a dog be given cheese

What is cheese made of?

The product is made from fermented milk. It contains a lot of calcium, saturated fats and salt. Of course, there are slightly salted and not very fatty varieties. But cheese is actually a rather spicy product.

What is the bad composition?

Can a dog be given cheese? First you need to find out what is included in its composition. At first glance, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it. In addition to salt, which is forbidden to dogs in large quantities.

  1. Let's start with the milk in the cheese. This product contains lactose. Adult dogs digest it very poorly. Some dogs do not cope with this task at all. Lactose is only useful for puppies up to three months old. It is clear that the milk is fermented, and there is not much lactose there. However, words cannot be erased from a song, as they say.
  2. The second point is calcium. It is useful for animal bones.
  3. Saturated Fat Everything is bad with them. Excess fat leads to obesity. The pet will quickly gain excess weight.
  4. About salt has already been mentioned above. It is necessary for pets, but in very small quantities. Excess salt leads to an increase in blood pressure in the dog. There are quite a lot of it in cheese. In addition, in many varieties there are spices, flavors that do not benefit people. What can we say about dogs.
  5. Transgenic fats are often added to cheese. This is done for the sake of economy. Only dogs from this is not easier. Such an additive will not give anything good for health.

We studied the composition, now consider whether it is possible to give the dog cheese? Many people think that it is impossible. In fact - it is possible, but in small quantities.

The benefits of cheese

Dogs love cheese. Owners and trainers will confirm this. The latter recommend using cheese slices in class with your pet. There are still benefits from this product:

  1. Source of calcium. This macronutrient has a beneficial effect on the dog’s teeth and bones.
  2. Fat is needed for energy.

In addition, such a product contains a sufficient amount of vitamins.

For the smallest

Is it possible to give a dog cheese, found out. In small quantities, this is permitted. Do they give a puppy such a treat?

To begin with, babies have very sensitive digestion. Very small pets are not recommended to give cheese. The product is introduced into the puppy's diet only from 3-4 months, when the baby is a little older. Give a little bit, closely watching the reaction of his body.

Cheese and small breeds

Owners of small breeds want to pamper their pets with something tasty. Therefore, they have a question: is it possible to give cheese to dogs of small breeds?

If you treat a doggie with a piece of cheese, nothing bad will happen. Only it should be small, for “one tooth”. For small breeds, curd cheese that does not contain spices and additives is suitable.

Cheese for a small dog

Dainty for training

Can a dog be given cheese as a treat? Need! This is the perfect reward for your dog during training.

Cut the cheese into very small cubes. Dry a little in the fresh air. We put it in our pocket and go with the dog for training. Giving out a treat should be done a little. The dog must understand that the treat must be earned. And to get a treat, you have to fulfill the requirements of the owner.

Dog happy

Optimal Cheese Varieties

Which grade to choose so as not to harm the pet? Look for hard, low-salt cheeses.

  1. "Cheddar".
  2. "Dutch".
  3. "Russian".
  4. Curd cheese is good. It has a minimum content of lactose and sodium.
  5. Swiss cheese. It is tasty, there is a nutty shade. In addition, this delicacy contains a minimum of lactose.

"Russian" cheese: composition

He is on the list of approved products for the dog, but in small quantities. Having familiarized yourself with the composition, you will understand why you should not give your pet a lot of this goodies.

Firstly, it is very high-calorie. 100 grams of the product contains 364 calories and a huge amount of fat.

Secondly, again about fats, but this time about saturated fats. There are many more than useful ones. The percentage ratio looks like this: 72% against 44%.

The protein content in cheese is only 39%. Carbohydrates are absent. Enough vitamins and minerals.

"Dutch cheese

It is less calorie than the "Russian". In 100 grams of the product - 352 calories.

Proteins and fats in it are approximately equally divided. The first substances are 26 g, and the second 26.8 g per 100 grams of cheese.

If there is a choice, it is advisable to give preference to this type of cheese.

What cheese is banned

Is it possible for a dog to give cheese, dismantled. Allowed, but only in very small quantities, and not every variety is suitable. The following types of cheese are categorically prohibited:

  1. Smoked.
  2. Brine. From the name it’s clear that they have a lot of salt.
  3. Delicious. They are very fatty. They have at least 60% fat content.
  4. Melted. It contains too many spices and salt.
  5. Noble varieties. Can a dog eat blue cheese? No you can not. Mold contains a high amount of toxins that adversely affect the body of the animal.
Begging for cheese

Reaction to cheese

Many pets do not tolerate lactose. This is why dogs cannot be cheese; it can cause an allergic reaction.

Does the dog's ears turn red? Is the animal actively itching? Eyes started to water, is the dog sneezing and nervous? This is a sign of an allergy. Especially dangerous is tearing. If your pet’s ears swell and your eyes stick together, this is a sign of a progressive allergy. Running to the veterinary clinic.

How to give cheese?

The section above describes a possible reaction to a treat. This happens when the dog first gets too big a piece. A new product is introduced into the diet gradually. Start with a small piece. Watch your dog closely for how it reacts to the product. Reddened ears? Don't give cheese anymore.

Basset hound and cheese

If the dog stole a piece of cheese

Sometimes it happens. The owner laid a weighty piece on the table. And the dog, without delay, grabbed him. The owner did not have time to take away. The dog swallowed the treat at the speed of light.

And what to do? Immediately grab the four-legged thief in an armful, rush with him to the clinic, mentally say goodbye to your pet? Panic should be set aside. Nothing criminal has happened.

If the dog stole a large piece of cheese, then restrict its movement around the apartment. Better yet, go out with your pet. The thief has diarrhea.

Pug and cheese

Why can’t you give cheese regularly?

Is it possible to give the dog this product regularly. No, this is not worth it. The fact is that cheese is too fatty. It is difficult to digest with a dog’s stomach, and a high salt content helps increase blood pressure. In addition, excessive consumption of goodies will strike the liver. Yes, and the pancreas can pump up. Problems with it are fraught with an attack of acute pancreatitis.

It is necessary to know

Before treating your pet with cheese, make sure its quality. If this is a cheese product, do not give it to the dog. There are too many harmful substances that adversely affect the body of the animal.

After an active workout, where cheese is used as a treat, do not skimp on the water for the pet. The dog will be thirsty and must have access to a bowl of fresh water.

Is it possible to give a dog cheese after an injury in order to pamper a little and comfort a pet. No, it is advisable to choose a less "heavy" product.


Each owner seeks to create maximum comfort for the pet. Both in content and in nutrition. Everything is thought out to the smallest detail, including treats for the dog.

Is it possible for a dog to give cheese as a treat, the article examined. Yes, it is not forbidden. How to choose a treat, properly give it and dry it, is described in the article.

We kindly ask you not to neglect these recommendations. The health of the dog depends on compliance with the rules.

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