Many people face a problem when there are several printers in the room, and you need to print a document on a specific one. To do this, you must find out the IP address of the printer. How to find out and not get lost in the computer?
Through the "Control Panel"
How to find out the IP address of the printer through the operating system if the printer is already connected and recognized by Windows? To cope with this task, you need:
- Open the "Control Panel" tab.
- Go to the "Devices and Printers" cell.
- In the screen that appears, in the line "Printers and Faxes", a list of all available devices appears. Find the printer you need.
- Right-click to select "Printer Properties".
- Of the many tabs such as: "Ports", "Advanced", "Color Management", etc. go to the "General" tab
- The desired IP address is located in the "Location" line and looks like four digits separated by dots.
Through a text editor
The easiest way to find out the IP address of a connected printer is in the tab where the search itself came from. Almost all modern text editors show the IP addresses of printers in the document print window. In order to see it, you just need to click the "Print" button and rewrite the address in the tab that appears.
Through the installation of additional software
Additional software can go both with the printer and can be installed additionally by the user. Among the possible functions of such programs stand out: monitoring the status of the cartridge, notification of errors, as well as providing detailed information about the device. Including how to find out the IP address of the printer.
If, for some reason, the printer software could not be installed, then you can use third-party software to recognize the IP address of the device. For example, the program "10-Strike". It scans the network and determines which address a particular device connected to the computer received.
Test page
Any modern printer can print a test page. In most cases, there is even a separate button or item in the settings on the printer itself for this. The printed test sheet will contain information about what IP address the device received when connected.
Through the settings of the router
Most computer users have long had their own home Wi-Fi network provided by an Internet router in their home. It controls all connected devices, and through it you can also find out the IP address of a network printer. It is very easy to do.
First, go to the settings of the router itself. In the address bar, type and go to the specified address. On the page that opens, authorization is required. By default, the login will be admin, and in the password field you need to enter the key to the current home network. If the data has changed, but the login is not performed, you must reload the router settings.
The home page of the router opens, depending on the model, and the necessary information is located on it. For example, for ASUS, the search looks like this:
Thus, having done a number of actions in one of the considered ways, you can learn how to find out the IP address of a printer.